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 Coordinates and the Realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Veratyr Posted - 12 Jul 2016 : 23:27:59
Sorry if this has been covered somewhere, my search could find nothing.

I guess my question is twofold centred around an xy coordinates system for the realms.

1) Are there recorded coordinates on a map or written for locations in the realms to be found somewhere?

2) Do the inhabitants of the Realms have the knowledge to find a location based on the numeral coordinates?

For specific example, would it be reasonable for an animal messenger (25 word limit) to convey the location of a hidden village by listing xy coordinates? Would a message recipient be able to track down those coordinates?

Anyways, thank you in advance, and sorry if this is a newb question but I can't seem to find an answer to this on my own. thanks!
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Ayrik Posted - 13 Jul 2016 : 20:41:12
I imagine a lot of people (and monsters) in the Realms also lack literacy and numeracy. A GPS-like coordinate system would be utterly unreadable and incomprehensible to many.

You might find it worth researching historical maps and survey documents at a library: the methods used by land surveyors (and tax collectors) to measure and define lands and borders could often be quite arcane and complex, seemingly just as arcane and complex as a magical teleport, lol.
Veratyr Posted - 13 Jul 2016 : 18:07:51
Haha ok, well that is a logical explanation. I thought I remember people mentioning magical teleportation by coordinates when the spell caster has not been to the particular spot but I guess that can be explained in other ways.

thanks guys
Artemas Entreri Posted - 13 Jul 2016 : 16:03:17
My GPS had a hell of a time finding Halruaa after the Spellplague. *Recalculating...
Bakra Posted - 13 Jul 2016 : 14:46:41
Also the occasional deity changing the landscape for a brief period of time could affect things too.
The Sage Posted - 13 Jul 2016 : 04:28:09
Not only that, but as Ed has noted in the past, given magical effects and other arcane disruptions/disturbances across various parts of the Realms, it would be somewhat difficult to establish a reliable system of co-ordinates that could also account for any landscape/map-shifts caused by miscast/gone-awry Art causing havoc in previously mapped regions.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Jul 2016 : 01:08:07
The Realms does not have a unified system of coordinates. That requires more coordination and cooperation between nation-states than the Realms has, more accurate measurements of time and distance, and a unified system of measures, as well.

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