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 Tempus' rage

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mikie Posted - 11 Jul 2016 : 06:09:56
Hello fellow DM's. I have a question about the priests of Tempus' battle rage. I just had a gaming session and the priest of Tempus said he wanted to go berserk. I said fine. No problem. He then asked is the rage instant or gradual. Good question. We looked it up in the FORGOTTEN REALMS HANDBOOK, it doesn't say how the priest rages; just how long. So, my question is: How long does it take for a priest of Tempus to incite his rage? Do I use the FIGHTERS HANDBOOK, the DWARVES HANDBOOK or the SPLELLBOUND BOX SET? Help!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hoondatha Posted - 11 Jul 2016 : 07:41:59
2e is normally pretty good about saying when something takes more than one round to happen. Since it doesn't say anything, I would rule that inciting the rage takes up the player's action for the round, exactly as if he was casting a spell. If you're using individual initiative, I'd give it a modifier of +3, for "Innate spell ability." As soon as you reach the priest in the round, he and anyone else designated go berserk, but he wouldn't be able to attack until the next round.

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