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 Dragonborn guild of Glassblowers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bladewind Posted - 09 Jul 2016 : 20:50:52
I want to flesh out a new merchant of mine, that is making its name in the Swordcoast with its fine glass bottles. I need suppliers for several base glassblowing tools. Could you come up with a npc's heading business that is a supplier to her?

Nemmorins Dragonglass
Based in Neverwinters northern river district, flanking the riverbank of the river Never in a elongated wood and granite hall the Dragonborn family of Sora and Patrox Nemmorin are busy with their art, forgeless glassblowing. By measured and controlled firebreathing they shape glass into a meriad of forms, at greatly reduced costs compared to evereskan, waterdhavian and gnomish glassblowers.

They already imported from Tymanther the special darksteel puffers with which they blow out controlled firebreath, including the fireproof masks with darkened glass goggles. But to shape and work the heated glass they need a reliable supply of tools:
sturdy darkwooden blocks to shape the glass
finely indented steel crimps for pressing complex patterns on glass
special vine oils, hides and cloth for a cleaning finish and packaging
a steady supply of fine sand

Who or what could be their suppliers?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bladewind Posted - 14 Jul 2016 : 23:16:24
Following are a few of the products the Nemmorin couple have made (or plan to make) and sold:

Five 'Yard' glasses, huge 3 ft stemless drinking glasses used for ale during plentiful festivals; sold in wicker longboxes to Chauntean farming clan known for hosting the eastern Prayers of the Harvest for 25 suns (gp) and 5 shards (sp) shipping costs.

Two hundred traditional tymanther wine glasses, with the patent under the base and signiture 'scaled and winged' stems; sold in twenty darkwooden coffers of 10 to the Roaringhorn estates for 4 000 suns and 200 suns shipping

10 Pressed glass bowls, with inscriptions of the Tyrran holy symbol in the bowls center and Tyrrans dogma: "Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and be always true and just in your actions" circling its inner sides; sold to the High Lord Abbot of Tyr in Neverwinter, lord Remund Kormallis (a political ally of Neverember) for 100 suns and 5 shards shipping in oval wicker boxes

Dozens of multicolored glass drinking horns, sold in padded duskwooden flatboxes with 2 each, sold locally to several neighbours with their house names pressed along the blue-green or red-purple centers for 20 gold a pair, given personally.

Upon entering the longhall the working space immediately opens up to a high ceiling crisscrossed and divided by darkmetal chains hanging from the ceiling from an ingenious railsystem. The sunlight is filtered through a clear window pane above into the front shop and onto several sparkling finished products on the counter. Sora is behind the breast-high counter, working an a blue-glass bust shaving with a crystalline shard, while Patrox repairs and tinkers with their numerous tools on 'forge braziers', encased 'hotrocks' dangling above or into darkly hot coal sleuces, through which they can continually breathe-heat their sand ovens standing in the southern walls down the hall. The eastern side has a newly fitted longhall length row of damp window panes and a leaden quenching-water canal running beneath it.
The Sage Posted - 12 Jul 2016 : 14:53:33
Hmmm. Pricing exotic drinking glassware. Not something I'd considered for the Realms markets before.

I need to cogitate further on this.
Bladewind Posted - 12 Jul 2016 : 14:21:55
Nemmorins Dragonglass recently took the neverwintan markets by storm, by cutting prices for the traditionally astronomic prices for glass crystal drinkwear. The neverwintan intricate multicolored lamps still maintain the largest stands on the market, but Nemmorins Dragonglass glittering stand has turned the heads of the guildmasters of Neverwinter.

The Nemmorins have some business with Frath Helders Forge in Waterdeep, the old halfelven blacksmith that has supplied the dragonborn family with their first order of crimps, that sport the business trademark of a bottled dragon in flight. The unrest and turmoil in and around Waterdeep has made this supplier less and less reliable. Patrox Nemmorin has tried to contact Luskan ironmongers, such as the taciturn Eldeth Ironfist, who's claims of her finest ore hasn't persuaded Sora yet. Patrox is considering hiring a blacksmith to make their own crimps locally from Eldeths steel, in a shack next to their hall along the small beachhead where they gather sand from the Never river.

Vall Halaspar, a young half elven carpenter in Neverwinter, used to supply the family with thundertree darkwood for their large heatdeflecting paddles and heat absorbing shaping blocks, but recent events in the nearby Memorial Hills in the 'Woods have the family seeking new woodworkers.
In Brocc Doublecloak (gnome elder merchant) the family has found an alternative supplier of wooden tools, as this shrewd cobbler of the Doublecloak clan has branched into woodworking recently, and his combined leather, metal and wooden produce (such as poker sticks, jacks and rakes) is of high quality.

If Sora's relations with lord Neverembers courties continue to be friendly the family is likely to have a very large order of fine glasswork on their worklist. Work on Roaringhorns order last season has spread Nemmorins Dragonglass name amongst the nobility of the north, and some taverns and festhalls expecting nobles are interested in serving the famous winged glasses come Shieldmeet.
The Sage Posted - 12 Jul 2016 : 04:19:41
Very interesting.

More on this guild, please.

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