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 Pelldith Lake

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KanzenAU Posted - 07 Jul 2016 : 12:01:33
Hey all, wondering if anyone knows where Pelldith Lake is exactly. It's mentioned in Dragons of Faerun as being in the Western Heartlands. Serpestrillvyth, an adult green dragon, considers it part of his domain.

I'm trying to figure this out as part of a larger project mapping the domains of known dragons. There are almost no dragons I'm aware of in the Western Heartlands west of the Forest of Wyrms and the Sunset Mountains, north of the Cloud Peaks, and east of the coast - which is a huge area. The red dragon Balagos (Wyrms of the North) seems to roam the Greenfields region, and there's a couple of dragons in the Cloud Peaks, but apart from that it seems pretty scarce.

Anyway, if anyone can help me place Pelldith Lake that'd be helpful with the overall plan.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
KanzenAU Posted - 07 Jul 2016 : 15:04:39
Thanks sw1989. I had seen that the adventuring company in that short story left for Pelldith from Elturel, but I'd love to know a bit more specifically if anyone knows?
sw1989 Posted - 07 Jul 2016 : 14:56:49
Hello KanzenAU,

Pelldith Lake is indicated to be near Elturel. The reason why I wrote "indicated" is that in the short story featuring Serpestrillvyth as the antagonist. The featured adventurer company recalls the city Pelldith Lake's name from having heard the name in Elturel.

The short story's name is "Serpestrillvyth".

I hope it was a help

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