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 Rank in the Red Wizard, wizards

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maltor ramus Posted - 26 Mar 2016 : 07:52:12
I know the red wizard are controlled by the Zulkirs but what come after is it like a guild Example Zulkirs is the guild master so rank within will be as a normal guild or if they have separate system ?
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 13 Aug 2016 : 14:27:02
Originally posted by sleyvas

Bloodcowl - I actually believe that I saw this in use in some canon book long ago, but damned if I remember where (I could be wrong, and maybe it started on the old realms-l mailing list). However, it stuck in my head, and I used it to reference red wizards in training, and I actually allow these lesser wizards to wear a version of red that's more brownish... more like dried blood.

I'm going from memory, but I think it may have been a reference in Cloak of Shadows. It was a passage about Szass Tam and his interactions with other Red Wizards, I think.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 13 Aug 2016 : 00:04:03
Most (if not all) all of those are just titles where plenty of non-Red Wizards have held the position.
sleyvas Posted - 12 Aug 2016 : 22:47:02
Look at this thread

It details the published and many non-official ranks that people came up with. That being said, I'll list the official ones below and the two others I've used.

Zulkir - we all know this
Tharchion - regional ruler of Thay. Has Autharchs that report up to him

Autharch, still describes an individual fairly high up in the chain-of-command or civil administration. An Autharch is the Lord Mayor of a decent-sized city, the Lord Commander of the garrison of a metropolis or the Master of a powerful guild. Granted, the actual power and authority of individual autharchs varies enormously, given Thay's byzantine politics. All the same, an Autharch is clearly of sufficient rank so that he has plenty of subordinates.

Khazark - head of a remote Thayan Enclave.

Daeron / Daeroness - hereditary nobility title. Note, Daerons and Daeronesses may also have bureaucratic titles as Tharchions / Autharks / Khazarks / Zulkirs, etc...

Aulkir - masters of certain sub-schools of either wizardry or some entirely different form of casting which has gained enough respect that a kind of "guild" for these casters has formed (ex. an Aulkir of Beguilers, Dread Necromancers, Warmages, OR some similar but different form of magic such as Wu Jen, Shadow Magic, Binders, Warlocks, Psionics, OR some sub-school which supports multiclass individuals like warrior-mages, rogue-mages, mage-priests, etc...)

Bloodcowl - I actually believe that I saw this in use in some canon book long ago, but damned if I remember where (I could be wrong, and maybe it started on the old realms-l mailing list). However, it stuck in my head, and I used it to reference red wizards in training, and I actually allow these lesser wizards to wear a version of red that's more brownish... more like dried blood.
The Masked Mage Posted - 12 Aug 2016 : 22:42:15
In the old rules, the tattoos were only employable at certain levels, so one with a certain number of tattoos would be judged as powerful - but that does not mean a high rank.
KismetRose Posted - 12 Aug 2016 : 21:19:07
As far as I've ever seen, there has been little official breakdown of the ranks, titles, and so forth of various Red Wizards within the organization. There are the zulkirs, the leaders of the enclaves, and...well, not a lot of definition in between. But thank you for asking this. It gives me something to work on...
Wrigley Posted - 27 Mar 2016 : 09:17:43
As it was already said it also depends heavily on time you play in and also power level that you GM uses in his compaign. Using clasic 3.5 setting you could be a leader of enclave or smaller city in Thay. Realy important figures are above lvl 20, zulkirs around 30. As you have already mastered circle magic (probably very young) you could be seen as a prodigy - admired by younger wizards and feared by older ones. You should have at least 9 apprentices available for spellcasting as you are already able to accept them (scribe tatoo). Depending on your specialization (prohibited schools, feats) you could be a rich mage-builder, planar explorer, army-summoner, trader, artificer, ...
maltor ramus Posted - 26 Mar 2016 : 22:06:54
am playing in 3.5 setting and my red wizard is a conjurer 5 & red wizard 10 since we will be starting a high level going epic campaign
and i was wandering what rank a fulling level 10 red wizard prestige class would be since she cannot be a zulkir
Wrigley Posted - 26 Mar 2016 : 16:44:40
The tattoes are said to represent their school and are expanded as one grows in power. So I believe it is a form of status but not a exact rank. Also the red robe is only allowed for actual Red wizards (members of prestige class), actualy anything red is forbidden in Thay except for Red wizards and clerics of Kossuth.
So if you see a tatooed person in red you should show respect in Thay.

Mulani tradition use paint on top of the head to signify station of person (slave, officer, cleric)

Zulkir is a formal head of whole wizard specialization in Thay (the most influential wizard of that school) as this is a nation wide guild there will be more politics involved and you should aways listen to your immidiate superior unless his superior say otherwise. So your Red wizard master conjurer might actualy work for zulkir of Illusion until somebody finds out...
Bulak Posted - 26 Mar 2016 : 14:36:32
The tattoos are a Mulani tradition. The Red Wizards don't use them to show their rank, as far as I know.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 26 Mar 2016 : 12:21:37
Don't the Red Wizards use tattoos to show rank as well?
Gary Dallison Posted - 26 Mar 2016 : 08:11:57
What era are you playing in as the year will likely determine the answer (plus I'm always interested to know just how many people play post spellplague)

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