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 The spellplague and Mythals

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fendrikor Posted - 24 Feb 2016 : 12:37:47
I have read that the Spellplague disabled the wards of Silvermoon and blew up Halruua.

But what happened to Mythdrannor and Evereska's Mythals - and even to Waterdeeps Mythalar?

If anyone could point me to some information on this id be greatful!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Storyteller Hero Posted - 16 Mar 2016 : 04:11:14
Many of the Halruaan wizards died from their spells and stored arcane energies going haywire with the Weave collapsing. The image of people's heads exploding from the Gantz manga comes to mind.
The Masked Mage Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 03:39:43
Also, this forum has revealed that Halruaa was not actually "blown up" after all.
Bladewind Posted - 24 Feb 2016 : 17:37:31
Magic that could sustain itself (forming a mini-weave) was largely exempt from the spellplagues effects. Magic weapons, permanent magic enchantments, illusions, and artifacts were usually untouched by it, while charged and primed magic explosively burst from its bonds causing most mayhem.

Another explanation was that most stabilized magic fields that fed themselves like mythals and mythallars had been buffeted but not broken by the blue-flamed eddies resulting from the azure clouded spellstorms that plagued Abeir-Toril. So Silvery Moons Mythal and Waterdeeps Mythallar formed solid barriers that whethered the spellstorms and protected the magics and people within their shells from the worst effects of the Spellplague.

Furthermore, the intensity and size of the Azure Storms were greater in the more southerns regions, where the lands were hit hardest with planar transposition of Abeir over Unther and Mulhorand and the Azure Storms actually scoured the land at the ground level and below, turning massive chunks of Halruua, the Shaar, the Vilhon Reach and Chondath areas into Plaguechanged Lands. Faerun proper, being several hundreds of miles away from that center of the biggest Spellstorm, was relatively safe from all this, and had mostly to deal with gravitational anomalies leading to levitation of large chunks of earth; i.e. the creation of earthmotes.
Eilserus Posted - 24 Feb 2016 : 13:37:19
Waterdeep's mythal disintegrating would lead to most of city falling into Undermountain if I remember right. Kind of curious too about why some are affected and some are not.

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