T O P I C R E V I E W |
sleyvas |
Posted - 06 Feb 2016 : 11:53:39 For 5e, I've mostly just been going with the flow, so while I knew the spell lists were small because there were few spells.... I hadn't really looked them over by school to see who was missing things (because they were too lazy to break out wizard spells by school). WOW, do the wizards in certain schools get screwed. The wizard and sorcerer in 5e do not get Planar Ally (for that matter, this would seem to be a great warlock spell too)????? This means they no longer get the ability to summon devils, succubi, yugoloths, and only get the ability to summon demons via an unearthed arcana article recently which introduces conjure barlgura, hezrou, lesser demons, shadow demons, and vrock.
Has anyone maybe seen a newer spell list? Did they maybe release a newer player's handbook with an updated spell list? Or is this still the way things are?
Don't get me wrong, I've never been a big fan of conjurers, but this just seems not right. |