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 Where would you place these adventures?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
valarmorgulis Posted - 28 Jan 2016 : 06:12:46
I'm going through my old Dungeon magazines and I wanted to get some advice on where to place these adventures in the Realms.

Lady of the Mists: A kingdom with a secret police? Somewhere in the Moonsea?

Siege of Kratys Freehold: Seems like this could go almost anywhere. Maybe somewhere near Daggerford?

Mud Sorcerer's Tomb: Anauroch, I think.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TBeholder Posted - 28 Jan 2016 : 18:26:15
Consider the Border Kingdoms, too.
Misereor Posted - 28 Jan 2016 : 07:02:27

Of the three adventures mentioned I've only ever GM'd Kraty's Freehold, but from what you say I gather it depends on the year you want to run your campaign.

If pre-1360's, all three adventures could fit in around the Moonsea.
You could place Kraty's Freehold at the northern end of Daggerdale, the Mud Sorcerors Tomb just on the other side of Desertsmouth Mountains, and the Police State could be Zhentil Keep, or if you need something smaller, Zhent controlled Voonlar.

Pre-unification Tethyr is also a possibility.
An anarchic society (Freehold) wih nearby Amn (secret police), and a desert to the south (tomb).

If the desert setting could be tweaked a bit, maybe it could be the High Moor.
The Freehold fits in nicely in the North, and there are several organizations that could substitute for secret police (I'd probably go with Luskan).

As a fellow GM, my advice would be to keep things reasonably close together for convenience and campaign integrity. Makes it easier for the players to get involved in the story.

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