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Faediira Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 14:52:48
I need to know if there are other gem stones besides the agate that are worth 1 gold piece. Also how big would these gemstones have to be diameter wise because I plan on having my character stock up on them.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Masked Mage Posted - 29 Jan 2016 : 16:19:54
Both of the books mentioned speak to (mostly, with a few exceptions) real world gemstones that can be used in a Realms campaign. If the 100-200 you find within are not enough, just look online on a rock/mineral/gemstone site and find thousands.

As for size, it depends totally on what stone you're talking about. How big would a diamond need to be to be worth 10 dollars? or 100, or 100,000? All those sizes/colors/clarities exist and can be purchased. Also, is the stone flawed?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Jan 2016 : 01:16:02
Originally posted by idilippy

Volo's Guide to All Things Magical had gems in it if I remember correctly. All sorts of gems in there to choose from.

Indeed, though that (formerly suppressed ) work focused more on the ornamental uses and magical properties of gems, rather than their monetary value.
idilippy Posted - 27 Jan 2016 : 00:23:59
Volo's Guide to All Things Magical had gems in it if I remember correctly. All sorts of gems in there to choose from.
Kentinal Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 23:29:25
1st Edition did have guideline on gems and how the values varied. The DM could dice roll for increased or decreased value from average. A dice roll of 9 with a d10 reduced base value 10% to 40% below base value (use d4). In 1st base value was 10 gold.

Ornamental stones listed include:
Banded Agate
Blue Quartz
Eye Agate
Lapis Lazuli
Moss Agate
Tiger Eye

Certainly these and even very small semi precious stones might be valued at only one gold.

Rymac Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 23:02:19
Weren't there tables on gemstones value and properties in older editions of Dungeon Master's Guides as well? Going by memory, I believe that was the case. I do seem to recall there are tables for gemstones on the 2nd book of Encyclopedia Magica under Gems.
Ayrik Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 19:27:53
The 2E FRA: Forgotten Realms Adventures has an excellent table of Realms-specific gemstones.
Faediira Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 16:46:46
Thank you so much yea a BB would be quite small but its gonna pack a big boom hee hee hee
Artemas Entreri Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 16:45:24
Gems come in a wide variety of "condition" making their value range nearly limitless. You can easily take a valuable gemstone and knock down the value by having it be an inferior piece.
Eilserus Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 16:40:12
I think you could use all sorts of gems. Moss Agate, Rock Crystals, Obsidian, Webstone etc. I'd take anything from the Ornamental Stone section. Could even use other gemstones. Obsidian chips, Cracked Moss Agate, Flawed Frost Agate etc. I wouldn't be surprised if gemcutters wreck a lot of gems over the years through learning and accidents unless they practice on other things. Maybe when gems are chipped out of the stone there are small pieces and bits that are either left in the stone or not used in the actual gemcutting too. I'm not entirely sure on size however. 1 gp gems make me think they would be the size of BB's or a child's pinky fingernail but I'm just guessing.

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