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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Stealthwhisper Posted - 31 Dec 2015 : 10:34:53
Hello all :)

Me and my friends are about to play Out of the Abyss. We are returning to the Realms after we took a break from it for the time 4E was out.

I am the DM and my players ask me for some background information about the world so it will help them create their characters.

Thing is I cant seem to find a source that will explain the Sundering to them and what they might have expirienced in the past 30 years of their lives (we play at 1490). You know, major events that mostly everyone should know about. I saw that Myrkul is back, and Bhaal, when it happend? why there's Amaunator and Lathander? I have a cleric in my group that asked me those questions and I am not sure exactly how to answer them.

Thank you very much for all the replies :)
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Irennan Posted - 31 Dec 2015 : 12:36:36
It happened during the Sundering. The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide describes the FR post 1489 DR: most gods (I'd say almost all) are back, but (for the majority of them) WotC didn't care to explain how it happened. They handwaved the matter, attributing their return to what Ao did in the Sundering.

There's a different explanation for Bhaal, though. It's in the ''Murder in Baldur's Gate'' adventure, and IIRC it basically boils down to the death of the last Bhaalspawn.

Amaunator and Lathander both exist, as the entity that has actually always been behind both of them now answers to prayers directed to both names (it is explained in ''The Reaver'', one of the six Sundering novels --which don't really cover the full extent of the changes, though--).

You could also try asking Ed. He provided an explanation for the return of Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, for example.

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