T O P I C R E V I E W |
Royberg |
Posted - 19 Nov 2015 : 07:25:09 So, recently I've become really enamored by the Forgotten Realms setting and have been doing a lot of reading about the setting, partially because of a friend's game that is set there and that I felt I didn't know as much about the setting as I would have liked. I became further absorbed when I was reading about the lands beyond Faerūn, particularly the Asian themed continent Kara-Tur to the east. I felt Kara-Tur didn't get much love in 4e aside from a short adventure and few Character Themes from DDI. I thought about creating my own Kara-Tur supplement by taking a lot of information about the continent from 3.5 and the various Oriental Adventures supplements from days of yore.
One thing I wanted to include was the Wu Jen class from 3.5, which is a signature arcane class from the far east. Some characteristics of it that I have so far are:
-another essentials offshoot of the Wizard (Arcanist) class; possibly may also use Primal as a power source in addition to Arcane
-Intelligence based with Constitution and Wisdom as secondary stats
-does not get Daily attack powers, but rather picks 2 Encounter powers at a time and can choose to use either one of that level without the need of preparing one in a spellbook. It works like the Skald Bard in that they do this but with Daily powers.
-a way of augmenting their spells by increasing the radius/range, the damage, or by adding an extra debilitating condition. It reflects their Spell Secrets class feature and may work similarly to the Elemental Escalation power that the 4e Elementalist has.
What I need help with is integrating many of their class features from 3.5. I'm a huge novice when it comes to anything other than 4e. They have many taboos that govern their life and failing to abide by them causes them to lose their power. There's also the matter of their spiritual/primal aspect and they specialize in a particular element of nature. I guess you could select particular element, perhaps even adding a damage keyword to a power if you so choose. I got most of my information about Wu Jens from a player's handbook found here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?246975-The-Power-of-the-Orient-Wu-Jen-Handbook
I got a lot of ideas, but I need help organizing my thought process! |
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Diffan |
Posted - 20 Nov 2015 : 09:42:31 Watchful Spirit ; Class Feature A fading voice whispers to you of an incoming attack. Encounter; Primal Immediate Interrupt; Personal Effect: Once per encounter you may re-roll your initiative check. You must take the second result, even if it's worse than the first. Special: You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).
Diffan |
Posted - 20 Nov 2015 : 07:19:41 So here's what I've cooked up so far.
Role: Controller and Striker. The primal elements you draw power from allow you to manipulate the surrounding environment, aiding you in a multitude of ways. That is until you tap into your inner strength and unleash psionic-focused attacks gains your foes. Power Source: Primal and Psionic.
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons Implement Proficiencies: Ki Focus, Staff, and Wand Bonus to Defenses: +2 to Will
Hit Points at 1st level: 10 + Con score Hit Points per level: 4 Healing Surges per day: 6 + Con modifier
Trained Skills: Choose between Arcana and Nature. Select three from the list below: Class Skills: Arcana, Bluff, History, Insight, Nature, and Religion.
Class Features: Elemental Mastery, Spell Secret, Taboo, Watchful Spirit
So elemental mastery is the triggering striker feature that allows your At-Wills and other invocations to deal more damage.
Spell Secret allows you to select one encounter class power and add one of 3 effects (quicken-free action, enlarge-area increases by 2, empower-increase damage die by 1).
Taboo: this selection allows you to gain various resistance to elemental effects.
Watchful Spirit is an encounter power that allows you to re-roll initiative. You can use it a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. |
Diffan |
Posted - 19 Nov 2015 : 15:04:08 Well met Royberg and welcome to the 'Keep!
As an avid 4e fan myself, I admire your desire to convert a class that was very under appreciated at the time. The flavor and unique spells drawn from the class definitely gave it a vibe that was very much unlike most of the other Arcane-based classes. With that said, lets get down to some of the specifics:
Power Source: The Wu Jen, in 3e, was basically an Arcane spellcaster that instead of learning about school of magic learned more from the primal aspects of nature and the properties therein. Personally, I think this really missed out on a very crucial part of the class as it didn't really play up the elemental aspect much. Yes, you could grab a certain number of spells from specific elements but using them was just like a wizard using another spell. I think with 4e, this could branch out to be more.
I really like the idea of going Arcane/Primal for the power source. It give credence to it's predecessor from 3.5 while adding that flair that's certainly missing from other 4e classes. Alternatively, and this idea is IMO pretty cool too, is making it Primal/Psionic. Now, what this means is that the "spells" a Wu Jen casts are Invocations but when tapping into themselves, their essence is released. It also ties into the next part: Role.
Role: I feel the 4e Wu Jen would be excellent for a Controller/Strike combination. In similar fashion as the Berserker class (Hereos of the Feywild) they start out as one role (Controller) but then a "switch" can be turned to make them into another role (and thus, forgoing entering back into you're original role). Going with the Primal/Psionic feel, a Wu Jen can have access to all sorts of control-based spells based on elements and when a situations arises that needs their immediate power, can transfer this power into psionic attacks, augmented by their physical prowess. For example, a Wu Jen can an At-Will that deals low cold damage to a group but it slides them around on the ice. They could channel their Ki and turn the cold-based attack into a series of strikes and kicks that deal cold damage or hit foes in a line with a formation of ice blades. Or you could use the same cold-based attack as an Arcane Spell and then unleash a primal version that loses the controller effect but deals more damage.
Either way, figuring out these to aspects first is key. It will then allow you to figure out more basics like HP, Defenses, Skills, Surges/day, weapons and armor proficiency, and implements available.
sleyvas |
Posted - 19 Nov 2015 : 13:14:05 I can't attest to its "good" or "not good" ness, but for 4th edition, they did release a handbook to mimic the powers of the "Avatar: the last airbender" series. It could make for a possible source for conversion material. |