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T O P I C    R E V I E W
xmaxx Posted - 21 Oct 2015 : 12:38:26
Hi all,

I would like to add some points of interests on my PC's map (2nd ed.) and to do so I'm looking for the same font, in order to present someting "nice"... and be precise on the travel time.

I think the font is called Sketch Map (?)

WHere can I find it?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ayrik Posted - 27 Oct 2015 : 19:49:17
This site has a free "Dalelands Uncial" font which looks very similar.
xmaxx Posted - 21 Oct 2015 : 19:19:34

Here's an example.
Garen Thal Posted - 21 Oct 2015 : 16:38:13
Can you provide a link showing an image or map with the same font? Or refer to a published map?

There are a lot of fonts out there, and I want to direct you to the correct one.

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