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 Battledale locals and adventures set within

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Celric Posted - 19 Oct 2015 : 21:58:44
I'm looking for adventures set within the ...area... of Battledale, and I'm not picky about editions. The only thing that I've been able to find so far has been included in the old SSI game Curse of the Azure Bonds.

Any help would be appreciated.


Mod edit: Moving to a more appropriate shelf.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Oct 2015 : 23:42:30
Originally posted by Duneth Despana

why is this under 'novels'?

A very good point. I missed that; I generally don't look to see where discussions are located.

I've relocated this one to a more appropriate locale.
Duneth Despana Posted - 29 Oct 2015 : 23:16:15
why is this under 'novels'?
Faraer Posted - 20 Oct 2015 : 22:36:37
That episode is from FRE2 Tantras, which passes through Battledale.

The short scenario 'Adderposts' in Serpent Kingdoms is set in Essembra. Look at the write-up of the Abbey of the Sword in Faiths and Pantheons, too. One of the Ghost Holds is described, and some latterday inhabitants mentioned, in Power of Faerūn, and the D&D Encounters adventure Search for the Diamond Staff features another.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Oct 2015 : 23:25:20
Originally posted by Celric

Interesting - what's the source for this? One of the novels?

A long-ago article on the Wizards website listed where deities were during the Time of Troubles, and that's where that blurb comes from. There wasn't much more info than that -- just a couple of lines total.

I'd provide the URL, but WotC has moved things around approximately 3,179.3 times since then (and redesigned the website 196 times), without updating any links, and the web filters at work keep me from looking for it.
Celric Posted - 19 Oct 2015 : 22:18:13
Interesting - what's the source for this? One of the novels?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Oct 2015 : 22:07:47
There's a place called the Pool of Yeven, with a statue to Mystra there. So far as I know, there is nothing special or known to be significant about that statue -- except for the minor detail that Azuth showed up to guard it during the Time of Troubles.

Again, I don't know of any more details about that statue or the Pool, but there's got to be something to it, if Azuth was watching over it.

So there is -- or was -- something very important about that statue... Which means that right there is a potent seed for an adventure.

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