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 grapple in 3.5

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Saxmilian Posted - 08 Jun 2015 : 03:42:58
Grapple is performed with a -20 if using only one-hand so am I to understand that you would suffer the -20 when wearing a Heavy Shield and grappline since the shield prevets the use of the shield hand?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bladewind Posted - 09 Jun 2015 : 19:24:40
As long as the attacker has a hand available to initiate a grapple via a touch attack, (s)he can start a grapple attempt. When a hold is established, the rules dont go into details what is required. Common sense (and in the last few words of the article All About Grappling) would allow the attacker from maintaining the grapple with at least a single free hand; combined with his/her body, leg or (shield) arm to establish and maintain a hold. This is all at normal grapple score ratings.

There is a rule in the monster manual that covers using a single appendage in a grapple at a -20 penalty while retaining the ability to threaten with regular natural or weapon attacks. This is retricted to creatures with the improved grab special ability/feat. These monsters are also able to drag along anyone they grapple without making opposed checks. In fact when they start a grapple they dont enter the square of their targets, but the target gets dragged into their square on a succesful hold.
Kentinal Posted - 08 Jun 2015 : 05:24:15
I have looked at the SRD ( one published, not sure WotC one is still live)and I do not see a -20 modifier for one hand or having a shield. In fact combat modifiers of not being shield proficient only has a -4 modifier.

As far as it goes I see no reason a grapple can not be made with shield with shield arm wrapped about target, the use of light weapon clearly could not be used by hand holding shield while in grapple, also AC bonus from attacks from others would be lost.

Maybe you are looking at different rule set or I am missing a modifier?

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