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 Travel time from Nesme to Longsaddle on horses?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 30 Apr 2015 : 18:05:18
A user on the WotC forums is asking what the travel time is from Nesme to Longsaddle on horses.

My books are all packed away so I'm kinda useless. Can somebody help this guy out?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gary Dallison Posted - 30 Apr 2015 : 20:14:03
Well I looked in all the North books I could think of and couldn't find any travel times stated explicitly, which means using the map and the scale to work out the distance and then calculate the travel time using the information in the 1e campaign setting.

However Nesme is situated on the edge of the Evermoors and the only roads lead down through Mornbryn's Shield to Yartar and then back up towards Longsaddle, which is a long winded way of getting there.

Going cross country takes you across the River Surbrin and a bunch of other rivers, which are probably huge, wide, deep, cold, fast rivers that you wouldn't want to cross on horse (not like the tamed rivers we have today). Then you have to negotiate a bunch of hills with more rivers and then pass right through Shining White, which is an ancestor mound of the Uthgardt. The Uthgardt are not going to let you anywhere near their mound (which probably explains why there is no road connecting Nesme and Longsaddle).

In which case its probably easiest to get a barge down the river to Yartar, and then get by on horses back up to Longsaddle. The quickest way however might be to ride to Silverymoon and teleport to Longsaddle using the Perfectone Mercantile company.

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