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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Riley37 Posted - 24 Apr 2015 : 10:51:21
How many spellcasters of 9th level or higher live in Phlan?

Just one, Doomguide Yovir Glandon, who casts Raise Dead on AL PCs?

A handful? A dozen? More?

How about 15th-level casters, who can cast a high-grade Dispel Magic?

How many casters level 9+ and 15+ live in Mulmaster, Melvaunt, Zhentil Keep?

Would Phlan have a permanent teleportation circle to Zhentil Keep? (seems likely the Zhentarim might have one in their lair, from the days of Cvaal Daoran, no?)

Would Phlan have a permanent teleportation circle to Baldurs Gate?
To Neverwinter?
To any other locations?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hashimashadoo Posted - 30 Apr 2015 : 00:04:04
Well, there ya go. Phlan has a portal to Zhentil Keep but it goes via a lich's lair in Northkeep.
Bakra Posted - 29 Apr 2015 : 20:13:02
Back in 3rd edition Skip Williams wrote "Portals of the Moonseas" which specifically mentioned Phlan and Zhentil Keep.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 27 Apr 2015 : 05:12:47
I do not have my 3E Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book, but I recall it has population figures for most locations that could probably be used for the 5E Realms.

Likewise the 3E Dungeon Master's a Guide has tools for figuring how many NPCs of a certain level live in an area by population (I do not know if the 5E DMG has such rules too).

Anybody have a 3E FRCS handy?
Hoondatha Posted - 26 Apr 2015 : 08:55:38
No idea. You're probably going to have a hard time getting an answer, for the simple fact that very few details about the 5e Realms have been released. Unless or until they release a 5e campaign setting, you're pretty much on your own.
Riley37 Posted - 26 Apr 2015 : 06:55:00
Ah, good question! I'm interested in 1490-1492, for a 5E storyline.
Hoondatha Posted - 24 Apr 2015 : 11:45:40
What time frame or specific year are you asking about? It would vary, and perhaps greatly, depending on when you looked.

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