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 companions of the hall campaign 3.5

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Marlark Posted - 21 Apr 2015 : 23:08:25
i need a little help i remember seeing a campaign setting where you are called on by the king of mithril hall too help the dwarves. i cannot for the life of me remember the name of the campaign. does any one know the name of the setting off the top of there head? thanks guys.

i am needing it too tie into my war of the spider queen campaign. thanks again

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Marlark Posted - 28 Apr 2015 : 23:11:13
thanks guys. i figured out how too incorporate my city of the spider queen campaign. thanks again guys
hashimashadoo Posted - 27 Apr 2015 : 19:32:02
The only official adventure I ever read involving any of the Companions was The Accursed Tower. This didn't have much to do with Mithral Hall however and was second edition, not third.

Diffan could be right in that there may have been one in Dungeon but I've read almost all the FR adventures from that magazine and don't recall one off the top of my head.

Can you remember any more detail?
Diffan Posted - 27 Apr 2015 : 17:51:45
Maybe a stand-alone adventure from Dragon/Dungeon? I don't recall any such adventure or task in the 3E supplements. If your tasked by Mithral Hall, it would probably be in a book from that area. Silver Marches is the only one I know of that makes sense but if you say it's not there, then I'm not sure?

You could try Underdark as that probably has ties to Mithral Hall, though I'm not sure.
Marlark Posted - 26 Apr 2015 : 22:06:44
nope not in silver marshes book
Marlark Posted - 26 Apr 2015 : 21:59:39
i don't think so but ill take a look.
Diffan Posted - 22 Apr 2015 : 05:18:53
Was it in the Silver Marches setting book?

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