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 warlock fey pact help

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hobbitfan Posted - 16 Apr 2015 : 03:04:13
I'm running a forest gnome fey pact warlock as NPC in my Princes of the Apocalypse campaign.

Do you guys have any suggestions for a patron?
I wanted someone with a trickster type personality but that not absolutely necessary.

Thanks in advance,

Monty aka HobbitFan
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 24 Apr 2015 : 13:39:06
and it may be that many of the Seelie Court work through this method (i.e. warlocks or people that make pacts of some sort with them... back during second edition, I'd made up a class called Faerie Sha'ir which dealt with the Seelie and Unseelie Courts instead of with genies)
xaeyruudh Posted - 23 Apr 2015 : 03:23:21
Originally posted by Drustan Dwnhaedan

Leprechauns have a god?

Apparently. Personally I can't (and don't want to) see leprechauns as worshiping anyone in the sense of clerics and temples, but I can see someone saying "hey, these guys are my little buddies, if you mess with them you mess with me." (with a defiant little puffing out of the chest and 'tough' expression)

I'm kinda inclined to look at all fey that way, making their relationships with gods (or archfey, whatever) more like what you see with teenagers and their 4-8 yr old siblings... for the most part the little ones will avoid seriously ticking off the bigger brother/sister because they don't like being yelled at, but they have a strong independent streak, a short attention span, selective hearing, and no apparent long-term memory.

Also, the older sibling is still immature enough to say screw the rules when the younger ones are really having fun, and join in the shenanigans.

Edit: obviously not all older siblings feel protective or inclined to join in the frivolity. But the powers that adopt fey races and stick with them are like that in my head.
sleyvas Posted - 23 Apr 2015 : 00:28:06
Also, there's Damh from the Seelie Court..... a little less trickster and more bardish though, but I could see it fitting a forest gnome.

Damh (pronounced "dav," meaning "horned beast"[1]:118) is the fey deity of dance, song, and celebrations. His symbol is flutes, pipes, and a drum. Damh appears as a male korred with long, tawny-auburn hair tied into braids. He carries a set of pipes, a wooden flute, and a harp. A physically powerful god, he may ambush hostile invaders into fairy lands. He is a god of the Inner Circle of the Seelie Court, Damh is the son of Titania and Oberon.

Damh's main worshipers are korreds, satyrs, and atomies. According to Monster Mythology, Titania worries so much about the various sylvan races that Damh felt compelled to take over some of her responsibilities and, therefore, lighten her load.[

Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 22 Apr 2015 : 15:43:28
Originally posted by xaeyruudh

Either Squelaiche (patron god of leprechauns) or Nathair Sgiathach (god of faerie dragons, but doesn't seem to consider himself a dragon). Both playful and full of pranks. (Monster Mythology, pg 123 & 124)

Leprechauns have a god?
Baltas Posted - 18 Apr 2015 : 17:12:05
It's possible some gods double as Archfey, we have allready a precedence of it with Queen of Air and Darkness/Auril for example.
xaeyruudh Posted - 18 Apr 2015 : 04:33:29
I can see Erevan Ilesere working out well too, or of course Baervan or Baravar of the gnomish pantheon.

It seems like non-god things would "work" better for warlock pacts -- something like a gnomish version of a leshay or elder titan or primordial. But I don't know of any such things already existing, and gods can be different things to different people, so I think the bottom line is go with whatever you like best.
hobbitfan Posted - 18 Apr 2015 : 01:46:23
Many thanks to those who posted the helpful suggestions :)

Baltas Posted - 16 Apr 2015 : 06:27:41
There are also the Korred god Tapann the Undying, and his daughter Shiallia. Korreds are said to be descended from warped gnomes, acording to some sources, so I think's those two would be acceptable.
xaeyruudh Posted - 16 Apr 2015 : 05:29:39
Either Squelaiche (patron god of leprechauns) or Nathair Sgiathach (god of faerie dragons, but doesn't seem to consider himself a dragon). Both playful and full of pranks. (Monster Mythology, pg 123 & 124)

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