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 5e: 4e Hybrid Classes or AD&D Multiclassing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JohnLynch Posted - 15 Feb 2015 : 12:05:16
I know there's quite a few fans here of AD&D and the rules associated with it, so I thought I'd put my attempt at 2nd edition mutliclassing rules (where you level up in 2 classes at once). True to 2nd edition, it's balanced by having a different XP progression.

AD&D Multiclassing Rules (or 4th edition Hybrid Rules)

At each level you gain the following class features:

  • Hit Dice: You get hit dice from both classes.

  • Highest HP from either class.

  • Armour: Proficiencies from both classes.

  • Weapons: Proficiencies from both classes.

  • Tools: Proficiencies from both classes.

  • Saving Throws: Proficiency in the saving throws of the class of your choice.

  • Skills: You are proficient in 2 skills from either class (3 skills if one of your classes is either bard or ranger, 4 skills if one of the classes is rogue).

  • Equipment: You get equipment from one of the classes (your choice).

  • Class Features: Except where noted below, you get the class features from both classes.

  • Ability Score Increase: When you gain an ability score increase from both classes at the same level, you only get the increase once for that level.

  • Extra Attack: Your extra attacks do not stack from two separate classes. You instead get the best extra attack progression from your two classes.

  • Spells Known: You know spells as determined by both classes.

  • Spell Slots: You calculate your spell slots according to either class (your choice).

Instead of the standard XP progression, you level up as dictated by the following table.

Hybrid Level Experience Points
Level 1: 0
Level 2: 1,350
Level 3: 6,500
Level 4: 18,500
Level 5: 37,500
Level 6: 56,000
Level 7: 85,000
Level 8: 100,000
Level 9: 125,000
Level 1: 143,125
Level 11: 158,750
Level 12: 183,750
Level 13: 213,750
Level 14: 250,000
Level 15: 275,000
Level 16: 311,250
Level 17: 381,250
Level 18: 407,500
Level 19: 452,500
Level 20: 512,500

If you want to go true 2e multiclassing, you could disallow 5e PHB style multiclassing from all races except human and limit certain AD&D multiclassing options to certain races.

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