T O P I C R E V I E W |
JohnLynch |
Posted - 03 Feb 2015 : 08:23:22 It's been a while since I've posted. We just got some playtest rules for Warforged and Shifters over on the WotC website. Here's my take on making them Realmsian by merging them and eladrin with the Lythari and Gondsman.
NOTE: I've tweaked the numbers for the 5e stats slightly from what WotC provided as they've admitted their stats are a playtest version (and are a bit weak, IMO).
Lythari are descended from elves and to this day are quite similar in appearance to their elven ancestors. It is only when they use the shifting ability of their racial heritage that they take on more a bestial appearance, growing claws or fangs.
Lythari are often mistaken for werewolves with many believing that the Lythari are little more then elven lycanthropes. The Lythari, however, contend that lycanthropes are in fact descended from lythari who had a terrible curse placed on them in some ancient war. Regardless of the truth, Lythari who mingle among other races have to hide their true nature and try to pass themselves off as a moon elf or an elven druid.
The lythari tend to build their homes away from other races due to the confusion many have with them and lycanthropes. Their loose communities can be found within the Tethyr Forest, in the Ashen Wood of Rashemen, the Werewoods near Baldur’s Gate, the Glimmerwood, the Forest of Lethyr and to the far east in the land known as the Hordelands. These communities are often mixed amongst the lythari subraces, having been forced together after millenia of devastation to the forests of Toril.
Lythari gain the following racial traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Size. Lythari are about the same size as elves. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Your superior eyesight allowed you to see in darkness. You can see in dim light up to 60 feet as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour, only shades of gray. Subrace. Lythari are broken up into many different branches. Choose one of the options below. Languages. Lythari begin play knowing Common and Elven.
Fey Lythari
Some lythari retain a stronger connection to the Plane of the Faerie than other lythari and elves.
Planar Gateways. You are able to sense when there is a weak spot between the Material Plane and the Plane of the Faerie, allowing you and your companions to use it to travel to and from the Plane of the Faerie. Fey Step. You can cast the misty step spell once using this trait. Once you use it you have to complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Beasthide Lythari
Beasthide’s aren’t as frail as other lythari and have a heartier constitution, although they lack the physical strength of longtooth lythari.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution Score increases by 2. Shifting. On your turn, you can shift as a bonus action. Shifting lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. While shifting you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + Constitution modifier (minimum 1) along with a +1 bonus to AC. You must finish a short or long rest before you can shift again.
Cliffwalk Lythari
Cliffwalk lythari are extremely agile and lythe among the Lythari, with them having the ability to tree branches and cliffs with ease.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity Score increases by 1. Shifting. On your turn, you can shift as a bonus action. Shifting lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. While shifting you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + Constitution modifier (minimum 1) along with a climb speed of 30 feet. You must finish a short or long rest before you can shift again.
Longtooth Lythari
Longtooth lythari are quite brawny and muscular for a lythari with their strength unparalleled among their race.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength Score increases by 1. Shifting. On your turn, you can shift as a bonus action. Shifting lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. While shifting you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + Constitution modifier (minimum 1) along with a bite attack as an action. This is a melee weapon attack that uses Strength for its attack roll and damage bonus. In addition it deals 1d6 piercing damage. If the target of the attack is the same size as you or smaller, the target is also grappled. You must finish a short or long rest before you can shift again.
Razorclaw Lythari
Razorclaw lythari are quite agile and can have rather long nails if they do not regularly clip them.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity Score increases by 1. Shifting. On your turn, you can shift as a bonus action. Shifting lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. While shifting you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + Constitution modifier (minimum 1) along with an unarmed strike as a bonus action. You can use your dexterity modifier for attack and damage, but this attack deals slashing damage. You must finish a short or long rest before you can shift again.
Wildhunt Lythari
Wildhunt lythari have prominent noses dominating their face.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom Score increases by 1. Shifting. On your turn, you can shift as a bonus action. Shifting lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. While shifting you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + Constitution modifier (minimum 1) along with advantage on all wisdom based checks and saving throws. You must finish a short or long rest before you can shift again.
Gondsman are clockwork constructs, made up of moving gears and intricate pieces. Created by the priests of Gond, the first models of the Gondsman were simple constructs with no true intelligence of their own. However through what is seen as a miracle by adherents of Gond, some Gondsman are intricate enough to gain true Intelligence. How Gond chooses which Gondsman to give this gift to is a mystery.
Such marvels have thus far always remained within the boundaries of their church. However some believe it is only a matter of time before a Gondsman decides to want to go out into the wider world and explore what it has to offer.
Created by the priests of Gond through a very complex and time consuming process, Gondsman are extremely rare. They’re most common on the island of Lantan, but even there the number of intelligent Gondsman only number a dozen.
A Gondsman can be from any nation where there are worshipers of Gond.
Gondsman get the following racial traits.
Ability Score Increase. +2 Constitution and +1 Strength Size. Gondsman are typically Medium in size. Speed. You have a base speed of 30 feet. Mechanical Physiology. Gondsman aren’t biological and are instead made of moving metallic pieces. As such it is more difficult to damage a Gondsman, granting them a +1 bonus to AC. Living Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are still a living creature. You are immune to disease. You do not need to breathe, eat or drink and are unable to do so. Instead of sleeping, you may enter into a state of inactivity for 4 hours. You do not dream in this state and are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and events as normal. Languages. You can know Common and one other bonus language.
-- Hopefully a couple of you found it interesting, if not useful  |
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Old Man Harpell |
Posted - 08 Feb 2015 : 17:20:31 Awesome work. I particularly like the Gondsman description. It sounds as though each is intended to be a unique 'work of art' in appearance as well, which I very much like (I could never get into the 'mass produced' appearance and background of Eberron Warforged).
I think it's time to start assembling a ring binder of 5th Edition 'Realms on the Net' material...
- OMH |
JohnLynch |
Posted - 08 Feb 2015 : 03:54:52 quote: Originally posted by Drustan Dwnhaedan
I agree with Jeremy, the effort you put into this is truly impressive. I also find the races interesting, and would happily play characters of either race. Now all I have to do is convince my DM to allow them in a game.
I'm glad you liked them. The mechanics are largely official from WotC from over here. I tweaked the numbers slightly because they're playtest stats at the moment and are a bit weak IMO. But if you use the official stats then they're straight from WotC mostly.
The flavour for Gondsman (Warforged) comes from the 3.5e book Faiths & Pantheons book. Lythari (my reflavoured shifters) are detailed all over with no single sourcebook providing a definitive look at them (AFAIK). The "Fey Lythari" subrace is the Eladrin from the DMG with a couple of useful mechanical traits swapped out for the "detect fey crossings". |
Drustan Dwnhaedan |
Posted - 08 Feb 2015 : 00:11:14 I agree with Jeremy, the effort you put into this is truly impressive. I also find the races interesting, and would happily play characters of either race. Now all I have to do is convince my DM to allow them in a game. |
JohnLynch |
Posted - 05 Feb 2015 : 00:41:00 Thanks :) I don't actually have an FR campaign at the moment so I'm just tinkering for the enjoyment of tinkering. So I don't know when/what I'll put up, but if I come up with stuff I'll be sure to share it ;) |
Jeremy Grenemyer |
Posted - 04 Feb 2015 : 06:48:55 The effort alone that you've put in is awesome.
I wish I had some experience with the 5E rules, but I don't own the books yet and am miles away from my old gamer friends so I can't comment on the rules you've written.
Regardless I hope to see more stuff that you come up with. |