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 Ubtao and jungle spirits?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razz Posted - 28 Jan 2015 : 01:37:50
So exactly what are these spirits in the jungles? As in, what game mechanic am I using? What real-world inspirations can I draw from this? The only thing I see that is an aspect of Ubtao was Eshowdow who ended up a deity in its own right and being subsumed by Shar.

Are there any other aspects of Ubtao that are known? Deific or not?

Are they elementals? Fey? Plants? I assume yes on these, but anything as unique as Eshowdow?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 28 Jan 2015 : 06:43:14
personally, if I were to use that, I'd use the spirit shaman from Complete Divine and the rules for pact magic from radiance house re-written for 3.5 (much better than ToM).

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