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 Heroes of Deepwater: KF's hombrewed Waterdeep

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Knightfall Posted - 04 Oct 2014 : 05:24:05
I wasn't sure if you all would be interested in seeing what I'm doing with Waterdeep on my homebrewed world, Kulan. The bulk of the work is going to be done on E.N. World, but I want to get the opinions of Realmsian fans.

My goals for this thread is to ask tons of questions about Waterdeep (circa 1368 DR) and to get advice on how best to approach incorporating Realms-based material into another world. I' going to limit my scope here to "Deepwater" and its immediate surroundings.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Knightfall Posted - 31 May 2015 : 22:05:23
FYI, I've just started writing my Heroes of Deepwater story hour on E.N. World:
Knightfall Posted - 08 Dec 2014 : 04:15:57
I haven't forgotten about this topic. I'm just taking a break from it.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 22:28:07
Originally posted by Markustay

I was going to recommend the Animus as well (being a GH aficionado - they are a major thing in that setting).

I can't believe the level of detail you are going into just for the nobles - amazing work.

I always go crazy when detailing things for World of Kulan, especially when it comes to the Lands of Harqual. Deepwater is meant to be one of the keystone home-bases for adventurers. The city of Cauldron will be another since I've already integrated the SCAP into my world. I also have my version of the Kingdom of Karameikos (called Ahamudia) on Harqual.

I also have plans to adapt this format for the major ruling families spread across Harqual.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 22:22:11
Originally posted by xaeyruudh

Nice, I'd forgotten about the animus. I don't think I've seen the 3.5 version; I only vaguely remember it from an old Greyhawk product.

I don't know of a straight watchghost template, but Monsters of Faerun has a few modifications to make to the ghost template in the Monster Manual.

The v.3.5 Animus appeared as part of the Creature Catalogue feature in DRAGON Magazine. I forget which issue.
Markustay Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 20:45:19
I was going to recommend the Animus as well (being a GH aficionado - they are a major thing in that setting).

I can't believe the level of detail you are going into just for the nobles - amazing work.
xaeyruudh Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 17:46:26
Nice, I'd forgotten about the animus. I don't think I've seen the 3.5 version; I only vaguely remember it from an old Greyhawk product.

I don't know of a straight watchghost template, but Monsters of Faerun has a few modifications to make to the ghost template in the Monster Manual.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 06:52:54
I'm considering the Animus template put out for v.3.5. Is there a template for Watchghost?
xaeyruudh Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 06:46:49
Originally posted by Knightfall

Question: What would be the best undead template to use for dead noble who would be evil but in control of their faculties. I don't want to use ghost, lich, or vampire.

I'm a fan of curst and juju zombies. Also, ghouls could be rewritten in template form, for another alternative; their high Int scores suggest that they retain their minds. I think ghouls are generally just used as typical low-level undead, ignoring their intelligence... if that's been true in your players' experience, it presents an opportunity to challenge their assumptions.

Nobles with undead minions: predictable. Nobles who are secretly in cahoots with slavers: no biggie. Nobles who are secretly cannibals: big deal, but not utterly shocking. Infiltrating a villa to bring justice to a noble lord after tangling with his annoying minions for several gaming sessions, only to find that he's literally a ghoul under his 20,000-gp finery: memorable.

...In my opinion, anyway. There are also similar-but-different alternatives to ghosts; wraiths, spectres, watchghosts, and poltergeists are legitimate possibilities too.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 06:04:34
Originally posted by Knightfall

Four more "B's" before I get to the "C's."

One of the "B's" just got renamed. it will appear in the "G's." The "C's"...

Cadwallader (= Cassalanter)
Chaikin (= Tchazzam)
Claesson (= Cragsmere)
Crusan (= Crommor)
Knightfall Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 05:28:57
Question: What would be the best undead template to use for dead noble who would be evil but in control of their faculties. I don't want to use ghost, lich, or vampire.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 05:27:15
The format, BTW, combines the headings from the noble listings from the Who's Who in Waterdeep book from the 2E boxed set with the format in the Noble Families of Waterdeep web enhancement for the 3E hardcover.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 05:24:57
Originally posted by xaeyruudh

I'm really liking the way you have the descriptions organized. It highlights certain information (when they were ennobled, holdings, interests, favored deities, etc) for easy contrasting between families. I think I'll borrow some of this format for my own outlines.

Overall, even from what we can see already, this is an impressive amount of work. I'd watch a movie/series about the nobles of this city and their parry-and-thrust dealings.

Thanks for chiming in, xeayruudh. :)

It's good to know that people are reading what I'm sharing here. When many posts go by and no one says anything or asks any question, I sometimes think that people have lost interest.
xaeyruudh Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 04:35:18
I'm really liking the way you have the descriptions organized. It highlights certain information (when they were ennobled, holdings, interests, favored deities, etc) for easy contrasting between families. I think I'll borrow some of this format for my own outlines.

Overall, even from what we can see already, this is an impressive amount of work. I'd watch a movie/series about the nobles of this city and their parry-and-thrust dealings.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Nov 2014 : 04:20:57
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Olivier Bruderfeder (N male Taali human, Ari5/War4).
Spouse: Katrien Bruderfeder (N female Taali human, Ari6).
Children: Pim Bruderfeder (NG male Taali human, Ari2/Drd3 [Mielikki]; only son and heir).
Other(s): Carla Bruderfeder (NG female Taali human, Ari9; Olivier's widowed mother), Wilhelmus Bruderfeder (CN male Taali human, Ari2/Drd9 [the Daghdha]; Olivier's younger brother).

Other Details
Ennobled: 610 N.C.
Holdings: N2
Trade and Interests: Forestry, fur trapping, guiding, and timber.
Resource Limit (gp): 24,000
Membership (nobles): 29
Predominant Alignments: N, NG, CN.
Favored Deities: the Daghdha [N], Kuil [NG], Lokun [CN]; Mielikki [NG] (new).
DM's Note: This noble family is equivalent to the Brossfeather family.

I haven't come up with any hooks or details for this family. I did add in two non-canon NPCs, which will likely have some importance. The three primary favored deities are all part of the Pantheon of the North. These are the traditional gods of the noble house. (Lokun is my world's version of Loki.) Mielikki came to influence the house due to the heir's choice of that deity instead of the Daghdha. Lord Pim, as the only child and heir, will likely be the future of the Bruderfeders, so Mielikki will likely be the future of worship for the family. Lord Wilhelmus is not happy about this fact.
Knightfall Posted - 03 Nov 2014 : 03:33:18
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Alban Bischoffs (CG male Taali human, Ari5/War4).
Spouse: Flora Bischoffs (N female Taali human, Ari7).
Children: Eugen Bischoffs (LG male Taali human, Ari4/Ftr4; eldest son and heir), Gunda Bischoffs (NG female Taali human, Ari3/Rog4), Janina Bischoffs (NG female Taali human, Ari3/Wiz3), Martina Bischoffs (LG female Taali human, Ari2/Pal3 [Mayela]), Alban Bischoffs II (CE male Taali human, Ari2/Brd2).
Grandchildren: Ralf Bischoffs (LN male Taali human, Ari1/Ftr2; Eugen's eldest son), Gitta Bischoffs (NG female Taali human, Ari1; Eugen's only daughter who has just turned 16), Alban Bischoffs III (N male Taali human, Ari½; Eugen's youngest son who is still a child).
Other(s): Branca Bischoffs (LG female Anorian human, Ari4/Exp3; Eugen's wife), Wanda Bischoffs (NG female Taali human, Ari6; Alban's spinster older sister), Xaver Bischoffs (LN male Taali human, Ari5/Clr4 [Halmyr]; Alban's younger brother).

Other Details
Ennobled: 734 N.C.
Holdings: TBD, Glanskust Town
Trade and Interests: Beer and other spirits (but not wine); as well as barrel-making and tavern-keeping.
Resource Limit (gp): 25,000
Membership (nobles): 19
Predominant Alignments: LG, LN, NG.
Favored Deities: Calphas [NG], Halmyr [LN], Mayela [LG].
DM's Note: This noble family will be a human family and completely homebrewed.

The name Bischoffs is one of the first I chose from Behind the Name to use for a new noble family for Deepwater. Thus, I already have it set in my mind that the Bischoffs will be a very important part of The Shining City on my homebrewed world. (The family's importance will likely rival the Augustins.)

Lord Alban ("The Eldest") is in his twilight years, but he's still a bear-of-a-man. Robust and good-humored, he never thought he'd end up being the patriarch of his family. He never would have believed that his father, Lord Engel, would choose him to inherit the family's holdings. And his younger brother had been set to inherit until Lord Xaver decided to become a cleric dedicated solely to Halmyr. And Lady Wanda, Lord Alban's older sister, had little desire to be anything but a dilettante, which made her unsuitable it Lord Engel's mind.

It was Lord Alban's, then, young wife, Lady Flora, who sealed the young noble's destiny to become patriarch. Both beautiful and level-headed, she was the perfect person to keep Lord Alban from running amok on dangerous adventures or foolish dreams. She worked hard to convince Lord Alban to stay close to home and when his chaotic natural got the best of him, she would use her charms to keep him near her.

Her charms and his lust resulted in five children. Lord Eugen is their eldest son and the heir to his father's title. He has his father's spirit and his mother's good sense. (He is married with three children [all detailed below].) The oldest daughter, Lady Gunda has more of her father in her, but she's not nearly as wild as he was in his youth. She uses her talents to embarrass uppity lords who fancy her a bit too much. Lady Janina is a arcanist who is primarily self-taught. She prefers to stay out of the rivalries of Deepwater's arcane guilds. Lady Martina is a devoted paladin of Mayela, and she rarely has anything to do with her family's holdings. Her church is more important to her. Lord Alban II ("The Rake") is the black sheep of the family. He is despised by his father, but he isn't truly an outcast. His mother would never allow it. He has all of his father's wildest but taken to dark extremes.

Lady Branca is the lovely and devoted wife of Lord Eugen. She grew up in Mor's End and is now the last of her family. When the Domain of Anorian feel to the Diabolic Enclaves of Flamerule, all of her family were either killed or dragged away to be slaves in the lower tiers of The Burning City. She has given up hope of see any of her kin alive again, so she devotes her entire life to the Bischoffs name. The eldest son of Lord Eugen and Lady Branca is the tough, no-nonsense Lord Ralf. He is well known in the city and highly respected for his knowledge of the Deepwater's laws. He's also very good with a sword. Lady Gitta is dearly loved by Lord Eugen and he is very protective of his daughter. She is already a stunning beauty and is smart like her grandmother. Lord Alban III ("The Youngest") is the couple's youngest son. He is still a child but is already showing signs of being magically gifted. His family believes he will become a great sorcerer someday.
Knightfall Posted - 29 Oct 2014 : 05:27:19
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Hugo Beltz (NE male Charan human, Ari2/Enc10).
Spouse: Aveza Beltz (NG female Taali human, Ari5/Clr4 [Mielikki]).
Children: Moritz Beltz (N male Charan human, Ari2/Wiz2/Clr2 [Thoth]; eldest son and heir), Kuno Beltz (N male Charan human, Ari1/Rog3; estranged from his father, for years), Irmhild Beltz (NG female Charan human, Ari2/Ftr1), Urs Beltz (N male Charan human, Ari1/Clr1 [Boccob]; youngest son).
Other(s): Roman Klossner (CE male half-elf, Wiz1 [CHA 16]; Hugo's apprentice), Walther Beltz (N male Charan human, Ari6/Ftr4; Hugo's 1st cousin living in Sumdall [in Izmer]).

Other Details
Ennobled: 342 N.C.
Holdings: $52
Trade and Interests: Griffon breeding & training; hunting.
Resource Limit (gp): 29,000
Membership (nobles): 21
Predominant Alignments: NG, N, NE.
Favored Deities: Boccob [N], Math Mathonwy [NE], Mielikki [NG]; Thoth [N] (new).
DM's Note: This noble family is equivalent to the Belabranta family.

The Beltzs are one of the oldest noble families in Deepwater, but they are far from the most powerful of The Shining City's nobility. Their patriarch is well respected, but he's not what he appears. To the public, he is simply Lord Hugo. However, he has another name that strikes fear into his enemies -- the Dark Enchanter. He once was a good man but magic has corrupted him.

His wife, Lady Aveza, knows that he is no longer the man she married but so far she has refused to abandon him. She hopes that her goddess will provide a way to save him. She concentrates on her children.

Lord Moritz is the eldest son and heir. He is much like his father used to be although he has recently converted to the worship of a Transformation God known as Thoth. Lord Kuno is the second eldest son, but he is no longer in his father's good graces; he lives by himself in his own townhouse in Castle Ward. Lady Irmhild is Lord Hugo and Lady Aveza's only daughter, an she takes after her mother. Lord Urs is the youngest son, and he is a devoted follower of Boccob, which puts him at odds with Lord Moritz.

Roman Klossner is a wily and twisted young half-elf who is Lord Hogo's apprentice. He feeds the old man's increasing paranoia, which allows him to manipulate Lord Hugo in ways that aren't always clear. Lord Walther lives and works in Sumdall, the capital city of Izmer. He has little concern for the machinations of the Beltzs in Deepwater, although there is a rumor that he may be romantically connected to his cousin's wife.
Knightfall Posted - 27 Oct 2014 : 05:33:48
Four more "B's" before I get to the "C's."
Knightfall Posted - 27 Oct 2014 : 05:09:12
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Eadweard Bel Isoed (NG male Denilan human, Ari2/Exp9) [75].
Spouse: None.
Children: Dalen Smuler-Bel Isoed (deceased brother of Victoire and Roibeárd), Victoire Bel Isoed (NG female Denilan human, Ari2/Exp6) [46], Roibeárd Bel Isoed (CG male Denilan human, Ari2/Brd6) [42].
Grandchildren: Amandine Mac Leoid (NG female Vindi human, Exp4; illegitimate daughter of Dalen).
Other(s): Constantia Hulme (LG female Denilan human, Ari2/Exp8; Eadweard's sister) [73], Geoffroy Hulme (LG male Denilan human, Ari2/Exp2/War4; 1st cousin of Victoire and Roibeárd) [48], Jemma Chevalier (NG female Avionalle human, Ari3/Exp4; distant relative in the Monarchy of Avion), Lainey Bel Isoed (NG female Denilan human, Ari2/Exp8; Eadweard's youngest sister) [68], Samanta Franzese (CG female Ervenik human, Ari3/Sor5; Roibeárd's confidant and constant companion) [39], Tamra Spencley (LG female Denilan human, Ari3/War3; 1st cousin of Victoire and Roibeárd) [43].

Other Details
Ennobled: 722 N.C.; 752 N.C. (Pretensa [minor house]); 734 N.C. (Izmer [minor house, may lapse]); 654 N.C. (Cauldron [major house]); 615 N.C. (Thallin [lapsed])
Holdings: TBD, Dargat Sand, Alistia (in Izmer), Cauldron City, Pretensa City
Trade and Interests: Herbalism, mundane tools used for healing, bardic & scholarly research, and warrior training.
Resource Limit (gp): 10,000
Membership (nobles): 25
Predominant Alignments: NG, LG, CG
Favored Deities: Damh [CG], Issek [LG], Heward [NG].
DM's Note: This noble family will be a human family and completely homebrewed. There is an interesting story about the family but I won't give it away until I'm completely ready.

Lord Eadweard is retired from public life. He spends his days either reading the latest chapbooks in a secluded room in House Bel Isoed in North Ward or playing bridge and cribbage with old friends at “A Maiden's Tears.” Lord Eadweard was married to Lady Elaina-Diann Domme, but they parted ways many years ago. The two have little contact. (Lady Elaina-Diann still has a connection to her children, but the relationship isn't as close as it used to be when she was still married to their father.)

While Lord Eadweard is considered the patriarch of the family, the family has limited resources in Deepwater. Neither of his children wish to inherit his holding, and they both have their own interests. Lady Victoire and Lord Roibeárd are not your typical nobility. Lady Victoire works in an administrative position for the city and spends her free time acting as a patron for artists in the city or looking into the family's genealogy. Lord Roibeárd has few responsibilities, although he has lived as an adventurer in the past. He hopes to make one more foray into the dungeons under Deepwater with his companions.

The two siblings deceased brother, Lord Dalen, had a daughter out of wedlock. Lady Amandine Mac Leoid is a intelligent young woman who might be the best choice to inherit the families holdings in the future. However, since her father was also illegitimate, she would have to deal with the machinations of Deepwater's noble families as they look down upon her. Lady Amandine is strong-willed enough to deal with these people, however.

Lord Eadweard's sisters, Lady Constantia and Lady Lainey, don't live in Deepwater. Lady Constantia is widowed and she has two children, Lord Geoffroy and Lady Tamra. Both are married and have growing families. Lady Constantia, her children, and her grandchildren live in the Dominion of Cauldron where they co-manage the family's holdings. It is whispered in Deepwater that the Hulmes are set to take over the family's holding in Cauldron permanently. If so, the ennoblement in Cauldron will change to be House Hulme. Lord Geoffroy would become the patriarch of the holdings since his mother is in her twilight years (but still active), if the rumors are true. Lord Geoffroy and his wife have three young sons. Lady Tamra and her husband have two young sons.

Lady Lainey lives in the Kingdom of Izmer. She is unmarried and has no active responsibilities. She is retired from public life and she lives in the City of Alistia where she lives a quiet life. Lady Constantia visits her regularly, and Lord Eadweard and his daughter Lady Victoire have often made the trip to Alistia. Lord Roibeárd hasn't left Deepwater in years, however; there is a good reason, but it remains a mystery. (It is whispered that he might be suffering from some sort of magical curse.) Lady Lainey does travel to Cauldron and Deepwater from time to time but health concerns tend to keep her close to home.

Two others deserve mention. Lady Jemma Chevalier might be a distant relative who lives in Avion City in the kingdom of the same name. Her maiden name is Bel Isoed, but no one is sure whether or not her family is related to the Bel Isoeds of Deepwater. Both Lady Victoire and Lord Roibeárd have been in magical contact with her for several years. Lady Jemma has her own family and doesn't believe that there is a blood connection. Lady Victoire hasn't found any evidence that the Chevaliers are related to the Bel Isoeds. Lord Roibeárd has looked into aspects of heraldry and tales from Deepwater's past to try to find a connection. His efforts have been helped by Lady Samanta Franzese of the City of Eversink. She arrived in Deepwater several years ago and is now at Lord Roibeárd side for all important functions.
Knightfall Posted - 25 Oct 2014 : 06:31:17
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Narek Barsamian (LN male Ruelian human, Ari6/Ftr2).
Spouse: Anahit Barsamian (deceased).
Children: Narek "The Younger" Barsamian (LN male Ruelian human, Ari2/Efr1 [STR 19]).
Other(s): Poghos Barsamian (CN male Ruelian human, Ari3/Ftr7 [STR 18, DEX 15]; elder brother of Narek and heir).

Other Details
Ennobled: 638 N.C.
Holdings: $11
Trade and Interests: Exploration, guiding, and the hunting/procuring of exotic beasts.
Resource Limit (gp): 22,000
Membership (nobles): 17
Predominant Alignments: CN, N, LN, LE, NE
Favored Deities: n/a
DM's Note: This noble family is equivalent to the Brokengulf family.

This house likely won't change too much from canon since it doesn't have a deity associated with it. It's alignments remain unchanged and holdings are the same. The main difference is ethnicity. Ruelian is another one of my homebrewed ethnic groups unrelated to the Realms. Ruel was a city in the Wild Plains far to the North that was destroyed ages ago. The city's descendants can be found in many lands in Northern Harqual, although their numbers are usually low.

I did decide to change Narek the Younger's alignment to Lawful Neutral, however. I haven't decided on a patron deity for him yet, but it won't be Tyr, even though the Norse Gods do exist in the cosmology. (Tyr died during Ragnarok.)
Knightfall Posted - 16 Oct 2014 : 06:51:51
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Donalond Balderk (LN male hill dwarf, Ftr10).
Spouse: Bethra Balderk (LG female hill dwarf, Ari2/Exp4/Clr4 [Moradin]).
Children: Thobar Balderk (LN male hill dwarf, Ari3/Ftr5; eldest son and heir), Zuth Balderk (son, deceased), Keshhild Balderk (NG female hill dwarf, Ari2/Brd4), Raya Balderk (LE female hill dwarf, Ari6), Keldvar Balderk (N male hill dwarf, Ari1/Drd5 [Dumathoin]), Vonna Balderk (NG female hill dwarf, Ari1/Clr2 [Calphas]), Torggar Balderk (NE male hill dwarf, Ari1/Rgr2 [Angrboda]).
Other(s): Aselrin Balderk (LN female hill dwarf, Clr9 [Berronar]; sister of Donalond), Danra Bhatransdottir (N female hill dwarf, Exp8; mother of Donalond), Magnund Thyksnev (LG male high dwarf, Pal5 [Cull]; betrothed of Keshhild), Oblar Thorekfind (NE male hill dwarf, Wiz12; uncle of Donalond), Ulgur Balderk (LN male hill dwarf, Exp5/War5; brother of Donalond).

Other Details
Ennobled: 752 N.C.; 603 N.C. (Kul Moren [major clan])
Holdings: TBD, Hold of Baggar's Rift, Kul Moren
Trade and Interests: Dungeon-delving, engineering, mining, and weaponsmithing.
Resource Limit (gp): 40,000
Membership (nobles): 40 (16)
Predominant Alignments: LG, LN, NG, N, NE
Favored Deities: Berronar [LG], Dumathoin [N], Moradin [LG]; Calphas [NG]
DM's Note: This noble family will be a dwarven clan of my own design. The clan name comes from p. 14 of the D&D v.3.5 PHB. The number in braces is the number of Balderks connected to the house in Deepwater. The rest are in Kul Moren.

This is the first of a handful of demihuman "noble houses" that I'm adding to Deepwater. These new nonhuman nobles were given their place in the city through a political alliance with several communities that are near Deepwater but hadn't previously been under its direct control. (In the case of the Balderks, they are from the massive stronghold known as Hold of Baggar's Rift.)

The alliance struck was considered highly profitable for the nobility of Deepwater when it was agreed upon in 752 N.C. Now, 6 years later, the deal hasn't turned out to be a lucrative as was originally thought. The noble houses of Deepwater wish to either renegotiate or void the deal struck with the demihuman houses. However, the Lords of the City have refused such petitions as the deal has been good for Deepwater if not exclusively for the noble houses. The human houses must wait another 44 years before the deal can be reworked.

The Balderks are originally from the Kul Moren Mountains where they are still considered a major clan. There are Balderks in both the Dwarven Holds of Kul Moren and the Dominion of Cauldron. They are considered a major clan in the holds while the Balderks in Cauldron are more down to earth; they live as simple miners and engineers. All the Balderks listed above are connected to Deepwater.

Laird Donalond is the first born son of Immgrim Thorekfind -- a hill dwarf who made his fortune by helping to found the Hold of Baggar's Rift. Immgrim and his mate, Danra Bhatransdottir, were pivotal members of Baggar's Council. (Baggar was the name of the main leader who convinced his companions to risk it all and build the fortress.) The hold was little more than a fort when Immgrim died. Instead of leaving his holdings to his brother, Oblar, he left everything to Donalond.

Laird Donalond quickly married a dwarven lady, Bethra, from Kul Moren as a political gambit, which brought the clan more prestige. The clans coffers were soon full, and Lady Bethra gave him seven healthy children, although their second son died in his youth -- the victim of a fallen stone. The tragedy brought Laird Donalond and Lady Bethra closer together and they now truly love each other. Lady Bethra is a well-respect cleric of Moradin, and she is the head of all spiritual matters with the clan.

Young Sire Thobar is their eldest son and he is the heir to the Balderk fortunes in the hold and Deepwater. Mistress Keshhild is their eldest daughter and a well-respected skald. Mistress Raya is their second eldest daughter, and she is known for her keen knowledge of Deepwater etiquette and her vicious tongue. Master Keldvar is their third eldest son (counting the deceased Zuth) and he devoted to the dwarven god Dumathoin, although he is druid not a cleric. Mistress Vonna is their youngest daughter and a bit of a oddity in the family; she worships an Interloper God. Master Torggar is their youngest son and he's the Black Ram of the family; he's not an outcast, but he is not allowed to visit the clans holdings outside of Deepwater.

Laird Donalond's siblings, Aselrin and Ulgur, don't have recognized titles within the City of Deepwater. They are know simply as Lady Aselrin and Sir Ulgur in the hold where they live and work. Laird Donalond's mother, Danra Bhatransdottir, never officially married his father, which is a major sticking point with the human noble houses of Deepwater. It does not matter to them that she was bonded with her husband's honored statue after his death. Oblar Thorekfind lives in Deepwater but he has little contact with his family. He calls himself "Laird" in defiance of his brother's son. Magnund Thyksnev is betrothed to Mistress Keshhild; it is a match of love not politics.
More to come...
Knightfall Posted - 15 Oct 2014 : 00:21:38
FYI... I will be posting more this week. I just have other things I have to take care of first.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Oct 2014 : 08:07:27
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Bertrand Auttenberg (N male Taali human, Ari5/Ftr4).
Spouse: Lydia Auttenberg (LN female Taali human, Ari2/Trd2/Clr1 [Velit]).
Children (6 total): Ortwin “Ort” Auttenberg (CN male Taali human, Ari2/Clr4 [Konkresh]; eldest son and heir), Lutgard Auttenberg (NE female Taali human, Ari3/Cor2 [Al-Ishtus]; eldest daughter), Wendel Auttenberg (NG male Taali human, Ari1/Drd1 [Persana]; disinherited youngest son).
Other(s): Abigayle Arterbury (LN female Anorian human, Ari4/Trd3; Theda's eldest daughter), Adalbert Arterbury (NE male Anorian human, Ari7/War2; fourth cousin of Lord Bertrand, Theda's brother [living in Sumdall]), Deacon Arterbury (CN male Anorian human, Ari2/Brd3; Theda's eldest son), Theda Arterbury (N female Anorian human, Ari5/Brd6; widowed fourth cousin of Bertrand [living in Pretensa]), Wilhelm Arterbury (CG male Freiian human, Ari1/Swb2; Theda's youngest and illegitimate son).

Other Details
Ennobled: 623 N.C., 752 N.C. (Principality of Pretensa [minor house]), 590 N.C. (Kingdom of Izmer [lapsed])
Holdings: $26, Pretensa City, ancestral holdings in Izmer
Trade and Interests: Hunting (primarily boars and monsters), money-lending, and sea trade.
Resource Limit (gp): 26,000
Membership (nobles): 38 (31)
Predominant Alignments: CN, N, NE, LN
Favored Deities: Konkresh [CN], Persana [N], Velit [LN]; Al-Ishtus [NE] (new)
DM's Note: This noble family is equivalent to the Artemel family. I have increased the house's Resource Limit and number of nobles due to its connection with the Principality of Pretensa. The number in braces is the number of Auttenbergs connected to the house in Deepwater. The rest are in Pretensa, and they go by the surname Arterbury. “Cor” refers to the variant blackguard class called the Corrupter from DRAGON Magazine #312.

The Auttenbergs are strongly tied to several Interloper and World Gods. (Malar becomes Konkresh and Waukeen becomes Velit.) The house isn't just about hunting and money-lending for Deepwater. Sea trade is very important to this family, as Velit is a major deity connected to the sea and mercantilism. As well, the house is considered a minor noble house in the Principality of Pretensa. The house used to be ennobled in the Kingdom of Izmer, but it lapsed long ago.

I've come up with my own classes and alignments for the various members of the Auttenbergs, and I've added in the key members of the family in both Izmer and Pretensa. Note that the eldest daughter, Lady Lutgard, is a corrupter, as per DRAGON #312. I use all the variant paladins and blackguards that were published as part of the D&D v.3.5 update.

Al-Ishtus is listed as being new because up until this point, I've never associated that deity with any part of the Lands of Harqual. Al-Ishtus is World God. Lady Lutgard found her faith after the god saved her when she was a child and got lost during an expedition through the Great Expanse. She is completely devoted to her god, and she doesn't hide her faith from her family.

Lord Bertrand admires her devotion but he'd never choose her over Lord Ortwin to be the house`s heir. "Ort" is a devotee of Konkresh and is not known for his subtlety. He loves the hunt, which fits right in with the house's interests. The youngest son, Wendel Auttenberg, was disinherited after he argued with his father one too many times. As a druid of Persana, he loves the sea and being aboard ship. He left Deepwater many years ago and no one knows where he has gone.

Lady Lydia runs the day-to-day operations of the house's shipping interests. She leaves the money-lending to her husband and the hunting to her eldest son. She has good relations with her distant cousin in Pretensa. Lady Theda Arterbury is the matriarch of the family in Pretensa, although she must defer to Lord Bertrand on official house matters. He cares little for her family, so she has free reign to do what she needs to help her small family survive.

She has five children and an older brother who lives in Sumdall -- the capital city of Izmer. Lady Theda and Lord Adalbert do not speak or acknowledge each others existence. The hate each other. Lord Adalbert is a vicious man who hopes to wrest control of the entire family. He has little help, however, which has made him bitter. He pours verbal poison in the ear of Lady Lutgard whenever he is in Deepwater, but she has little tolerance for him. Lady Abigayle is the unofficial heir in Pretensa. Lord Deacon takes after his mother. Lord Wilhelm is Lady Theda's son with a known rascal who bedded her one night in a moment of weakness. "Lord" Wilhelm hasn't been recognized by Lord Bertrand an an official member of the house and likely never will be. This is fine with him. He likes his freedom.

Notes about Ethnic Groups
• Anorian is another homebrewed ethnicity. However, this one isn't completely homebrewed. The name comes from something called the E.N. World City Project, which was all the rage on that web sites forums many years ago. I helped with the development of what became known as Mor's End. (I designed a CC2 Pro map for the city.) After it fizzled out, I refused to let it go. So, I put it into the Lands of Harqual. Mor's End became the capital of the Domain of Anoria, and eventually Anoria became one the dominant aspects of the region I call the Thunder Lands. A large number of people in the region are ethnically Anorian.
• Freiian is the homebrewed name I've given to the Durpari ethnicity. Their origins comes from an island I call Frey. The island is located off the eastern shores of the continent and it is barren with sandy beaches and dusty, wind-swept interior.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Oct 2014 : 06:38:38
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Christoffel Augustin (NG male Avionalle human, Ari5/Ftr1). [64]
Spouse: Margaretha Petronella Juliana Oberst-Augustin (LG female Avionalle human, Ari5) [61]. Margaretha is known as "Margi" formally and as "Julia" to her family. Christoffel and Margaretha have been married for 48 years.
Children: Arie Augustin (NG male Avionalle human, Ari1/War1), Brechtje Augustin (son), Femke Augustin (daughter), Claudia Augustin (daughter), Hubrecht Augustin (son), Dorothea Augustin (daughter), Daan Augustin (son), Ignaas Augustin (son), Melchior Augustin (NG male Avionalle human, Ftr5) [30].
Grandchildren (19 total): Sterre Augustin (CG female Avionalle human, Ari2; Rens' older sister), Rens Augustin (NG male Rethanthi human, Ftr2; second son of Arilos, founding member of the Deep Delvers).
Other(s): Gauri Revenapera (Rens fiancee, see under “Revenapera” for her stats).

Other Details
Ennobled: 532 N.C.; 500 N.C. (Monarchy of Avion [major house])
Holdings: N34, Avion City & Ilasi (in the Monarchy), City-state of Gillian, Laipham
Trade and Interests: Horse breeding & training, weaponsmithing (swords), and wine.
Resource Limit (gp): 41,000
Membership (nobles): 29 (17)
Predominant Alignments: LN, LG, NG
Favored Deities: Inanna [LN], Jalivier [LG], Kuil [NG]
DM's Note: This noble family is equivalent to the Amcathra family. I have increased the house's Resource Limit and number of nobles due to its connection with the Monarchy of Avion. The number in braces is the number of Augustins connected to the house in Deepwater. The rest are in the Monarchy.

After I started working on this project, a link from xaeyruudh's web site led me to a post in the Chamber of Sages where THO provided a partial list of the Amcathras. It was then I decided to ask my own questions about Waterdeep in the "Questions for Ed Greenwood (2014)" topic thread. My hope is that Ed can provide all the ages for the Amcathras listed in that post, but if not, I still had to ask. :D

Regardless, the Augustins, as I'm calling them for World of Kulan, will be very different. First of all, the the ages I do have have been reduced by two-thirds. The length of Lord Christoffel and Lady Margi's marriage has been reduced by the same amount for consistency.

Lord Melchior Augustin, my version of Mourngrym, is thirty years old for Deepwater. He doesn't rule anything at this point, and I doubt I'll have him rule a dale anywhere on Harqual. If anything, he may find success as a member of the house in the Monarchy of Avion. (Avion is my stand-in for Silverymoon [somewhat].) I've expanded the Augustins to be ennobled in Avion as a major house. There are 12 family members of the Augustins living there.

Lady Sterre and Lord Rens will be more important for Deepwater than Lord Melchior. Perhaps they will play a pivotal role in the Heroes of Deepwater. I haven't decided anything yet. Lord Rens fiancee, Lady Gauri Revenapera, will be important too -- depending on where the storyline goes. FR canon will never rule Deepwater, so there is no guarantee that Lord Rens and Lady Gauri have to get married. Heh.

I have pulled the house away from being a primarily good house. Yes, both LG and NG are important alignments, but the Augustins are more about law and order, which is why I've added in LN to replace CG. The three deities listed are all North Gods, however. This house will be strong adherents of law and neutrality, as well as good. Its members walk a fine line along the need for civilization and the need to protect the Tenets of the Balance -- a key concept for the Lands of Harqual. The Augustins in the Monarchy of Avion are more neutral than good; their alignments fall closer to LN N, and NG.

I foresee myself expanding on this house significantly. I`ll come up with details for all the NPCs (hopefully based on what The Hooded One posts) and I`ll be detailing the Augustins in the Monarchy, at some point.

Avionalle Ethnicity
I've already noted that the Rethanthi ethnicity is Harqualian equivalent to the Chondathan ethnicity, so there is little need to say anything other than I decided to leave Lord Rens heritage a question mark.

Avionalle is a homebrewed ethnic group unrelated to the Realms. The closest real world equivalent is French. However, I wouldn't call it pure-blooded French. Think of it more like Normandy if you combined Roman Normandy with Normandy during the Early Middle Ages.

Taken from my Human Ethnicities ODT file:
Avionalles are of medium build with fair skin and delicate features. Their hair is usually dark blonde or fiery red and their eyes are normally amber, blue, or green.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Oct 2014 : 05:20:35
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer must have a lot of noble families if we haven't gotten past the letter A yet. Impressive work.

Well, I'm using all the noble families (renamed) from the AD&D 2E boxed set, plus I'm adding, at least, 12 new noble houses of my own design. The next one is my revised version of the Amcathras. After that, there is one more "A" house. The first "B" house is one of the dwarven noble houses/clans I'm adding into Deepwater.

And thanks.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 09 Oct 2014 : 05:13:14 must have a lot of noble families if we haven't gotten past the letter A yet. Impressive work.
Knightfall Posted - 09 Oct 2014 : 05:03:34
Prominent Members
Matriarch: Klazina Asselman (LG female Taali human, Ari6).
Spouse: Leo Asselman (LN male Taali human, Ari7/War2).
Children: Myrthe Asselman (infant daughter and heir).
Other(s): Cilla Asselman (LG female Taali human, Ari5/Clr4 [Mayela]; Lord Leo's sister who will act as regent until Myrthe is 16).

Other Details
Ennobled: 663 N.C.
Holdings: $47
Trade and Interests: Carpentry; designing exotic and splendid carriages.
Resource Limit (gp): 27,000
Membership (nobles): 19
Predominant Alignments: LG, LN
Favored Deities: Inanna [LN], Mayela [LG]
DM's Note: This noble family is equivalent to the Assumbar family. I changed the house to be matriarchal instead of patriarchal and I changed the heir to be a daughter instead of a son.

I felt that I wanted more matriarchal houses in Deepwater, so the Asselmans are one of several noble houses, which will be switched to be matriarchal. The house has strong connections to two goddesses from the Pantheon of the North. Mayela is the daughter of Cronn and Inanna; thus, the connection between mother and daughter is strong in this family.

The ethnicity for this noble house has been changed, as many of the houses will have to change. The Nebralese (my Tethyrians) are considered a very rare ethnicity on the continent so I've had to cut down the number of Deepwater noble houses with a Nebralese bloodline. Thus, the Asselmans have become Taali (my Illuskans) in my version of Deepwater.
Knightfall Posted - 08 Oct 2014 : 07:35:01
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Luca Amantea (NG male Ervenik human, Ari8).
Spouse: Jantine Amantea (N female Taali human, Ari3/Clr5 [the Daghdha]).
Children (7 total): Natanaele Amantea (eldest son, deceased), Guerino Amantea (CG male Ervenik human, Ari3/Brd3; second eldest son and heir).
Grandchild: Zaira Amantea (N female Charan human, Ari½; only child of Natanaele).
Other(s): Adriana Amantea (LN female Ervenik human, Ari5; first cousin to Guerino, sister of Loris), Aqila-Ihsan Amantea (CG female Charan human, Clr7 [Valkar]; widow of Natanaele) Loris Amanthea (N male Ervenik human, Ari3/Ftr1; first cousin to Guerino, brother of Adriana).

Other Details
Ennobled: 638 N.C., 527 N.C. (Eversinki Suzerainty [minor house])
Holdings: $27, Halloway (in the Suzerainty), Laipham
Trade and Interests: Farming and wine making; cattle ranching (Eversink only).
Resource Limit (gp): 34,000
Membership (nobles): 54 (45)
Predominant Alignments: N, NG, CG
Favored Deities: Calphas [NG], the Daghdha [N]; Valkar [CG]
DM's Note: This noble family is equivalent to the Ammakyl family. I have increased the house's Resource Limit and number of nobles due to its connection with the Eversinki Suzerainty. The number in braces is the number of Amanteas connected to the house in Deepwater. The rest are in the Suzerainty.

The Amanteas are an expanded noble house for my campaign world. Yes, they are based off the Ammakyls, but I have also made them a minor noble house in the Eversinki Suzerainty. I'd already added in the connections to the Daghdha and Valkar before figuring out the favored deities, and I add Calphas to have a deity attached to the house with an alignment to match Chauntea's alignment.

However, I think the added size of the house and its dual ennoblement makes it a much more interesting house. The Amanteas in Eversink are more avarice than the Amanteas of Deepwater. Yes, the Deepwater Amanteas have deep pockets; however, they are less likely to use those deep pockets to destroy a rival. The Eversinki Amanteas will guard their ranching interest with deadly vigor.
Knightfall Posted - 08 Oct 2014 : 06:21:18
Prominent Members
Patriarch: Tore Agnusdei (CN male Ervenik human, Ari6).
Spouse: Special, see below. | Tore's first wife is deceased.
Children: Tore Agnusdei II (CN male Ervenik human, Ari3/War3; son from first marriage and heir) [23].
Other(s): Ettore Agnusdei (NE male Taali human, Ari4/Rgr2; third cousin of Tore II), Lynnette Simonson (CG female Anorian human, Ari1/Rog5; Tore I's new fiancee) [20].

Other Details
Ennobled: 506 N.C.
Holdings: N33, City of Eversink
Trade and Interests: Mercenaries, warrior training, and sword-fighting.
Resource Limit (gp): 25,000
Membership (nobles): 29
Predominant Alignments: Chaotic Neutral
Favored Deities: Hansa [CN]
DM's Note: This noble family is equivalent to the Agundar family.

I haven't come up with any hooks for this family yet. The most interesting things listed here are the fact that the Agnusdeis have holding in the City of Eversink. and that I've chosen Hansa, another North God, as the house's favored deity. Hansa is one of the god who suffered during the Divinity War. He wasn't killed outright, but he was trapped under the earth. His alignment has shifted into neutrality away from good due to the madness and pain he endures. The Agnusdeis are one of the few noble families that have stayed true to the god.

I guess I should note that I've made the characters with ages, from the boxed, a bit younger. That will be a recurring theme with Deepwater -- not only will the levels decrease by 2/3rds, but also the ages will. However, in this case, reducing the consort for Tore I by that much would have been too much, IMO.

Ethnic Groups
Ervenik: This ethnicity is another homebrewed one unrelated to the Realmsian ethnic groups. It came about while trying to come up with a ethnic group that will dominate the City of Eversink. If you've ever spent any time on E.N. World then that city name might be familiar to you. It is the name that "Piratecat" used for a major campaign for his player's heroes, the Defenders of Daybreak. I liked the idea of the city so much that borrowed it (with his permission) to use for the Lands of Harqual. However, my version of Eversink has quickly become unique to my world, and I'm set to modify it even more.

not all Erveniks call that city home, however. It was named after a group of Erveniks who founded the city. Erveniks can be found in many other city-states and lands, and there a significant number of them in Deepwater. Many of the noble houses have already been changed to be dominantly Ervenik.
Markustay Posted - 07 Oct 2014 : 14:01:04
I was "just throwing it out there" - I don't like it either.

I'll keep my Skullport inside Mount Waterdeep. If I use Undermountain (the dungeon) at all (which I never have and have no plans to), I would probably place it below Skullport; the opposite of how it is in canon.
Knightfall Posted - 06 Oct 2014 : 20:26:43
Originally posted by Markustay

Does your Deepwater have The Rat Hills nearby, like canon WD?

Whilst browsing the net just now looking for 'fantasy city maps', I noted a map of bludhaven from DC comics, and it struck me that the Rat Hills might make an interesting place for 'villainy' to hide close to Waterdeep/Deepwater, without actually being in the city. Of course, we have both an Undercity (I always forget what that is called - a place where gnomes and halflings chill in WD) and Skullport, so that is rather redundant.

Hmmmmm... moving Skullport INTO the Rat Hills... now THERE's an idea...

I call the Rat Hills The Ratruin in my game. It has become a small ruined village or fort. I haven't decided which way to go yet. It's six miles away from Deepwater, as listed under my post regarding distances.

It could have its own hidden dungeon that either stands alone or is connected to Bergunter Masse. I doubt I'd move Skullport there. But perhaps it would be a good place for some rivals vs. Skullport.

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