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 Tome Replacement Help Requested

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wolfhound75 Posted - 29 Sep 2014 : 19:12:07
My Fellow Sages,

Need some help with locating a replacement tome. It appears that in my belief of superior intellect, I forgot to cast the relevant "Protection from Daughter's Puppy" on a copy of one of my core rulebooks.

A quick Locate Object later, came up with no results. So did other methods of divining the location of a replacement using Gond-given search methods like Amazon, et al.

Need to locate a replacement copy of 3.5E Monster Manual II.

Any help that anyone can provide is much appreciated.

Good Hunting!
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mystic Lemur Posted - 07 Oct 2014 : 18:50:28
Originally posted by xaeyruudh

What is this mythical 3.5e MM II you speak of?

What he said. The MMII came out before 3.5, they never released an updated version.
xaeyruudh Posted - 01 Oct 2014 : 02:35:41
What is this mythical 3.5e MM II you speak of?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Sep 2014 : 19:16:45
Originally posted by Wolfhound75

@ Sleyvas -
I almost went for the same thing until I caught that for whatever reason, they have a 3.0E MMII on Amazon but no 3.5E MMII.
I did later find the MMII included in the boxed set Dungeons & Dragons Monster Gift Set but was looking for a stand-alone book since I already own copies of the other two books in the set.

@ Wooly & Sage -

@ Ashe -
Got the digital copy thanks to your advice! It'll work until I can locate a physical copy. Call me old school but there is something therapeutic about 'pondering over a many quaint and curious volume of Forgotten lore....'

Thanks to all for the help. If anyone finds an active sale, please PM me.

Good Hunting!

I don't know about the other sites, but with eBay, you can set up a saved search and have it email you whenever the search parameters are met. I only do a handful of eBay searches each day, but I have a buttload of saved searches for various things. Some I only get pinged every few months, others I get pinged daily. And those emails show a pic, list the price, and have a link to each listing -- so I usually don't even have to go to the site to know whether or not to watch the auction.
Wolfhound75 Posted - 30 Sep 2014 : 17:31:04
@ Sleyvas -
I almost went for the same thing until I caught that for whatever reason, they have a 3.0E MMII on Amazon but no 3.5E MMII.
I did later find the MMII included in the boxed set Dungeons & Dragons Monster Gift Set but was looking for a stand-alone book since I already own copies of the other two books in the set.

@ Wooly & Sage -

@ Ashe -
Got the digital copy thanks to your advice! It'll work until I can locate a physical copy. Call me old school but there is something therapeutic about 'pondering over a many quaint and curious volume of Forgotten lore....'

Thanks to all for the help. If anyone finds an active sale, please PM me.

Good Hunting!
sleyvas Posted - 30 Sep 2014 : 12:10:24
the power of google, 2nd line down.
The Sage Posted - 30 Sep 2014 : 04:14:53
If is still active, you might consider checking there as well. They're usually reasonably priced in terms of second-hand copies of RPG books.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 29 Sep 2014 : 20:39:08
If you desperately need the physical book, I suggest following Wooly's advice and going to the Bay of E's. If you can survive with a PDF, DriveThruRPG has it for sale at $11.99 right now (here).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Sep 2014 : 20:32:05
I'd recommend eBay. I've gotten a lot of material from there, myself. Sometimes you have to wait a while, but patience can often be rewarded. has a lot of used game material, too. They're prolly more reliable than eBay sellers; I've found at least once that I and a seller have disagreed on the definitions of words such as "like new."

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