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 Sources for "Current Clack"?

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Cards77 Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 01:14:03
I love reading about Current Clack, and I was wondering if there are sources available on Candlekeep that have collections of "Current Clack" for various cities or areas? They are great ways to give me new adventure ideas, and my players LOVE hearing about the "news", and they ALWAYS ask me, and I sometimes can't think of anything.

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Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Sep 2014 : 07:21:10
Originally posted by Cards77

I was thinking Silverymoon, Waterdeep, possibly Luskan.

I like to play around with Waterdeep a lot, though I haven't done much with Silverymoon or Luskan.

Hopefully some of the stuff I've been writing can be ported over by you without much trouble. Most of the entries require only the changing of names to use somewhere else.

Now I'm thinking about Silverymoon's Moondoors all of a sudden.
Cards77 Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 23:56:32
Originally posted by xaeyruudh

Any time frame works. Even WotC can't argue that now, after publishing Elminster's Forgotten Realms with an era-neutral approach. You just might have to generate more of your own lore if your campaign is pre-1479. Mine are still back in the 1350s and 60s, at least until I see/write a suitable negation of the Spellplague, so I know the struggle.

Jeremy's got me thinking too, about doing a version of Current Clack for the Old Empires and the overall southern half of the Inner Sea. My campaign goes off in a direction other DMs might not want to go, but writing ideas down helps to build the campaign, and once they're written they might as well be shared.

Very much agreed. Writing and seeing other ideas and rumors bounced around really helps me get my creative juices flowing. In my game we play around pre-1370 forward. I can't frankly get enough of rumors and clack from this time period. It also seems that the Silver Marches gets the short shrift sometimes because I think everyone assumes it's "more trolls" is all that's going on. There are numerous plot lines that would make great clack, and we can add our own!

Silverymoon is a great base for numerous campaigns.
xaeyruudh Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 17:22:02
Any time frame works. Even WotC can't argue that now, after publishing Elminster's Forgotten Realms with an era-neutral approach. You just might have to generate more of your own lore if your campaign is pre-1479. Mine are still back in the 1350s and 60s, at least until I see/write a suitable negation of the Spellplague, so I know the struggle.

Jeremy's got me thinking too, about doing a version of Current Clack for the Old Empires and the overall southern half of the Inner Sea. My campaign goes off in a direction other DMs might not want to go, but writing ideas down helps to build the campaign, and once they're written they might as well be shared.
Cards77 Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 14:52:21
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Cards77 was there an area or region you had in mind in terms of what you're looking for?

I do have an area (and time) in mind but maybe it doesn't worth with the "current" version.

I was thinking Silverymoon, Waterdeep, possibly Luskan.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 08:08:57
Originally posted by The Sage

But each time I read one of Jeremy's own creatively curious entries, I'm inspired to revisit my attempts as well.

I like your alliteration.

And You should just do it. Share a little each day--one entry and no more.

Doing it is what helps to keep doing it. Or something like that.
The Sage Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 07:11:17
Including my own styling on a type of "Current Clack" for Candlekeep has long been a mainstay on my "To Do" List.

To the point, in fact, where the idea started gathering dust in my head. Not sure when or even if I'll ever reach a time when I can compile all my notes together and published them on this site. But each time I read one of Jeremy's own creatively curious entries, I'm inspired to revisit my attempts as well.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 05:00:41
Cards77 was there an area or region you had in mind in terms of what you're looking for?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 04:28:57
Yeah, Jeremy's been doing some good stuff, there.

My own ideas tend to be rather more verbose than his, which is why I've not tried my hand at current clack. That's not a knock against him; I just have a different approach.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 01:43:47
There's also Current Clack: Neverwinter.
xaeyruudh Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 01:24:39
Jeremy has started a thread for Current Clack in Cormyr.
Seethyr Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 01:15:55
What a wonderful idea, particularly if it hasn't been done. Why not just put home brew rumors and ideas here? :-)

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