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 Current Clack: Cormyr

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 30 Aug 2014 : 07:29:05
What follows is a ten year long list of current clack entries for Cormyr, starting in the year 1479 DR.

(EDIT: I've decided to do another ten year's worth of entries. Will be starting on them in the next month or so. Now then, back to the OP...)

Like anything else I write, the entries aren't terribly concerned with canon Realmslore beyond its usefulness in terms of inspiration and idea generation.

I'll tie in some of the stuff I've written in other scrolls on this shelf, which will hopefully make these entries more useful to DMs. I will also link to Cormyr lore collected in the Sages of Realmslore shelf, to help DMs unfamiliar with terms and to encourage them to peruse other sources for their campaigns.

The entries are far from filled and I look forward to spending a lot of time writing them. Please let me know if you find them useful and feel free to post feedback/your own ideas.

Thanks for reading!

Click here to download a free copy of Backdrop: Cormyr by Brian R. James from the WotC website, which has probably the best map of Cormyr ever made, and is the map I use when I write these entries.


Jump to a year:

1479 DR, Year of the Ageless One
1480 DR, Year of Deep Water Drifting
1481 DR, Year of the Grinning Halfling
1482 DR, Year of the Narthex Murders
1483 DR, Year of the Tasked Weasel
1484 DR, Year of the Awakened Sleepers
1485 DR, Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance
1486 DR, Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls
1487 DR, Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant
1488 DR, Year of Dwarvenkind Reborn

And the next ten years:

1489 DR, Year of the Warrior Princess
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:35:10
Year of
1498 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:34:26
Year of
1497 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:33:13
Year of
1496 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:31:35
Year of
1495 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:29:46
Year of
1494 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:29:10
Year of
1493 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:27:09
Year of
1492 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:26:02
Year of
1491 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:24:46
Year of
1490 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 07 Nov 2015 : 04:23:19
Year of the Warrior Princess
1489 DR

Hammer (January)

Alturiak (February)

Ches (March)

Tarsakh (April)

Mirtul (May)

Kythorn (June)

Flamerule (July)

Eleasias (August)

Eleint (September)

Marpenoth (October)

Uktar (November)

Nightal (December)

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 30 Jan 2015 : 22:57:02
New additions to Hammer 1479 DR. Some edits too.

4/21/2015: Minor edits. I seem to like to use the same words over and over. Need to get over that bad habit.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 20 Jan 2015 : 09:14:00
..and that's that. Ten years worth of entries written and published to the forum space.

I am glad to have these done too--that was a lot of work!

Now I get to leave off for awhile, and then come back to look at the entries with fresh eyes, the better to make edits, trim the entries, and add additional entries to give everything a sense of flow and make it all seem more lively.

On to the Hound and the Huntsman (sorry Fellfire!).
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 20 Jan 2015 : 08:29:32
Lastly (but not least): 1488 DR.

1/10/2015: Hammer. Alturiak (I keep reading that a good writer kills his or her darlings, so for Alturiak I did just that. So long Randelio and Voruld. We hardly knew ye.)
1/14/2015: Ches, Tarsakh, Mirtul.
1/17/2015: Kythorn, Flamerule.
1/18/2015: Eleasias.
1/20/2015: Eleint, Marpenoth, Uktar, Nightal.
ErinMEvans Posted - 19 Jan 2015 : 20:14:58
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer
The entries are not meant to be current.

I'm riffing off of the old and new lore(*) for the fun of it, and to keep up my chops as a DM if I ever get the chance to run a game.

It's my hope that DMs can use this stuff too. Whenever somebody tells me the content I wrote was an inspiration for them (in their campaign or to start writing their own material) I feel like I've accomplished something.

That is a very nice feeling. You've definitely created a lot of very useful content for Cormyr.

* That I've read so far, as I'm not up to date on my Cormyr reading. I hope to start your Cormyr books later this year.

Very cool. I will spoil nothing then. :) I can't wait to see if it inspires you right back!

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 19 Jan 2015 : 20:05:27
Originally posted by ErinMEvans

I really like these! They add a nice flavor.

Thank you very much!

Originally posted by ErinMEvans

Can I ask though, is the intent that they're accurate to current published lore? Because I spy at least one issue with some of the ones occurring during and after Fire in the Blood.

If not, carry on!

The entries are not meant to be current.

I'm riffing off of the old and new lore(*) for the fun of it, and to keep up my chops as a DM if I ever get the chance to run a game.

It's my hope that DMs can use this stuff too. Whenever somebody tells me the content I wrote was an inspiration for them (in their campaign or to start writing their own material) I feel like I've accomplished something.

* That I've read so far, as I'm not up to date on my Cormyr reading. I hope to start your Cormyr books later this year.
ErinMEvans Posted - 19 Jan 2015 : 19:54:35
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

The Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls (1486 DR) is up next.

I'm happy to have gotten this far before the turn of the year.

12/27/2014: Hammer. Minor edit to the entry for Tarsakh in the Year of the Tasked Weasel.
12/28/2014: Edits.
1/1/2015: Alturiak. Ches. Tarsakh. Mirtul. Kythorn. Happy New Year!
1/2/2015: Added a footnote to Kythorn. Flamerule. Eleasias.
1/3/2015: Eleint. Marpenoth.
1/4/2015: Uktar. Nightal.

I really like these! They add a nice flavor.

Can I ask though, is the intent that they're accurate to current published lore? Because I spy at least one issue with some of the ones occurring during and after Fire in the Blood.

If not, carry on!
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 16 Jan 2015 : 19:04:21
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

George RR Martin must have a lot of darlings.

I know right?

I couldn't bear to part with Voruld and Randelio, so I decided to make them ghosts and let DMs decide when they fade away for good.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Jan 2015 : 14:38:13
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Lastly (but not least): 1488 DR.

1/10/2015: Hammer. Alturiak (I keep reading that a good writer kills his or her darlings, so for Alturiak I did just that. So long Randelio and Voruld. We hardly knew ye.)

George RR Martin must have a lot of darlings.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 05 Jan 2015 : 07:45:21
A new year for, ahem, a new year: 1487 DR:

1/5/2015: Hammer, Alturiak, Ches. Tarsakh.
1/6/2015: Mirtul.
1/8/2015: Kythorn, Flamerule, Eleasias.
1/9/2015: Eleint, Marpenoth.
1/10/2015: Uktar, Nightal.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 01 Jan 2015 : 09:26:23
The Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls (1486 DR) is up next.

I'm happy to have gotten this far before the turn of the year.

12/27/2014: Hammer. Minor edit to the entry for Tarsakh in the Year of the Tasked Weasel.
12/28/2014: Edits.
1/1/2015: Alturiak. Ches. Tarsakh. Mirtul. Kythorn. Happy New Year!
1/2/2015: Added a footnote to Kythorn. Flamerule. Eleasias.
1/3/2015: Eleint. Marpenoth.
1/4/2015: Uktar. Nightal.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 28 Dec 2014 : 19:03:15
Thank you sir!

Achieving SageTime is an impressive feat. We should all be so busy with ideas and things to create.
xaeyruudh Posted - 28 Dec 2014 : 17:10:35
Really impressive work Jeremy, in all of your ongoing scrolls. It inspires me to add more things to my to-do list, which is pushing me into SageTime but there's certainly no room for boredom.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 30 Nov 2014 : 06:48:06
The Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance (1485 DR) is upon us. Let us begin.

11/29/2014: Hammer, Alturiak.
12/4/2014: Ches, Tarsakh.
12/6/2014: Edits.
12/16/2014: Mirtul, Kythorn.
12/17/2014: Flamerule, Eleasias, Eleint, Marpenoth.
12/18/2014: Minor edits. Uktar, and feeling quite accomplished for having worked the word "Torchwood" into an entry .
12/22/2014: Nightal.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 28 Nov 2014 : 04:44:08
1484 DR brings us the Year of Awakened Sleepers (1484 DR), eh? I'm tempted to riff off of the year's name. We'll see.

11/19/2014: Edits, Hammer, Alturiak, Ches, Mirtul, Kythorn, Flamerule, Eleasias.
11/28/2014: Jumping out of order to add something to Uktar of 1479 DR. And then back to 1484, with a second entry for Mirtul. Eleint, Marpenoth, Uktar, Nightal.
hashimashadoo Posted - 19 Nov 2014 : 11:38:44
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

1484 DR brings us the Year of Awakened Sleepers, eh? I'm tempted to riff off of the year's name. We'll see.

As was R.A. Salvatore in The Last Threshold.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 21 Oct 2014 : 06:14:24
Let's get 1483 DR started, shall we?

10/21/2014: Hammer, Alturiak, Ches, Tarsakh
10/29/2014: edits
10/30/2014: Mirtul, Kythorn
10/31/2014: Flamerule, Eleasias
11/1/2014: Eleint
11/2/2014: Marpenoth, Uktar
11/5/2014: Nightal
xaeyruudh Posted - 12 Oct 2014 : 06:53:51
This thread is like bacon. Good stuff to chew on. Om nom nom. (whoops, was that one of your PCs? my bad... *urp*)
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 24 Sep 2014 : 07:54:00
And we're off to the year 1482 DR.

9/23/2014: Hammer
10/6/2014: Alturiak, Ches
10/7/2014: Tarsakh
10/11/2014: doing edits, Mirtul, Kythorn, Flamerule
10/15/2014: Eleasias
10/17/2014: Eleint, Marpenoth, Uktar
10/20/2014: Nightal

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 15 Sep 2014 : 08:21:05
And work begins on 1481 DR:

9/14/2014: Mirtul, Tarsakh, Kythorn
9/19/2014: Alturiak, Chess, Flamerule, Eleasias
9/20/2014: Doing edits.
9/21/2014: Eleint
9/22/2014: Hammer. Edits too.
9/23/2014: Nightal, Uktar, Marpenoth. Edits.

And that rounds out 1481.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 14 Sep 2014 : 06:18:11
Originally posted by Snow

I like the Marpenoth 1480 (Year of the Deep Water Drifting) entry. Perfect angle for the Halloween month, too. :-) Kinda funny to think of adventuring in the area of an "old folks home" too. Albeit "feisty old folks" who keep their swords and spellbooks right next to their meds and walkers.

You know I hadn't even thought about Halloween when I wrote that.

Just goes to show that a lot of times the reader is smarter than the writer.

I'll note here that Daunthers takes Purple Dragons who're disabled (but not diseased; those go to Thulser’s Lodge, in the King’s Forest). Still, I wouldn't want to get a bunch of them riled up.

Originally posted by Snow

Also, I'm curious, Jeremy. I see you post the Augathra/Alaundo year names at the top of each Dalesreckoning Year #. Are you attempting to thematically link (at least on a small or subtle level) the Year Name to any of the Current Clack month entries?

Not even a little bit. Those year names don't sit well with me.

However, ideas can be hard to come by so if I end up writing something that just so happens to fit the year name, it's a happy accident and I won't move the entry to a different year.

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