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 Sources for details on Sundabar

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cards77 Posted - 19 Jul 2014 : 16:40:04
Precious little is given in Silver Marches, or the North Boxed set. I've also read through my Volo's guide. Searches on this forum have turned up nothing. Can anyone recommend good sources for bringing this city to live in a campaign? Thanks.
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Cards77 Posted - 19 Jul 2014 : 23:34:44
Thanks. I did read those sources but didn't seem to come away with much of a picture of the city itself at all. I shall read Silver Marches again. Volos guide is good for specific vendors, but they are all wood crafter types for the most part.
BEAST Posted - 19 Jul 2014 : 20:08:51
The Savage North has a brief write-up on 1 page.

Volo's Guide to the North has 10 pages.

The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier repeats 3 pages from Volo's.

Silver Marches provides 3 updated pages, plus a cool write-up specifically for visiting adventure party procedures, a discussion of the city's military and police forces, a bio & pic of the city's leader Helm Dwarf-friend, a bio & pic of a wererat ranger spy, talk of a Banite cult within the army, a pic of the surface city, and (finally!) a map.

In addition, there are tons of little blurbs throughout these sources connecting Sundabar to other communities in the North. There's talk of the best trails for adventuring and trade, and when certain passes go bad depending on the seasons, and which tunnels are particularly to be avoided.

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