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 4006 character names by Ed - updated 08Jun15

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Derulbaskul Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 07:43:14
Here's a handy spreadsheet of names by Ed Greenwood from various FR products:

You won't find "Khelben" or "Elminster" on the list: these are the second tier, if you can call them that, names that are less widely known. Despite that, you can find 3,527 names here to replace your campaign's Bobs or those RAS-inspired NPC names with superfluous apostrophes.

Edit 23Jan14: I changed the title to better reflect the content. The purpose, though, remains the same: avoiding names like Bob for FR NPCs or those with superfluous apostrophes. Successful FR authors, please note.... :)
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Derulbaskul Posted - 12 Jun 2015 : 18:06:22
Originally posted by Crai

Thank you for providing this excellent resource, Delrulbaskul. And thanks to all the others who are also helping compile more names for the list. (snip)

You're welcome. And it's all me: I've been at this list for a couple of years now adding to it from time time.

(snip) A while back, The Hooded One once stated that she could look at a given fictional name and tell right off the bat if it was an Ed creation. Kind of implying that there is a quasi-formula or pattern to Ed's "people naming" modus operandi. Based upon my own primitive observations, I would concur. Many times I look at a given Ed-created name and *know* it's one he created - without being able to explain my reason why. Lol. And that's taking into consideration the character's Torilian geographical and cultural origin, too.

I agree. One of the things I have always liked about FR - and thus the reason I started making this list - was the way Ed's names felt "right", in much the same way as JRRT came up with naming conventions that simply fit the world of LotR.

It also makes it really jarring when R A Salvatore comes out with such really crappy names in his novels. Of course, RAS is not alone in the crappy names department... but he's the king.
Crai Posted - 12 Jun 2015 : 15:20:23
Thank you for providing this excellent resource, Delrulbaskul. And thanks to all the others who are also helping compile more names for the list.

A while back, The Hooded One once stated that she could look at a given fictional name and tell right off the bat if it was an Ed creation. Kind of implying that there is a quasi-formula or pattern to Ed's "people naming" modus operandi. Based upon my own primitive observations, I would concur. Many times I look at a given Ed-created name and *know* it's one he created - without being able to explain my reason why. Lol. And that's taking into consideration the character's Torilian geographical and cultural origin, too.
Derulbaskul Posted - 08 Jun 2015 : 16:35:36
You're most welcome. I just add to it on a piecemeal basis most of the time but occasionally tackle an entire book. It's amazing how long the list is!
Caladan Brood Posted - 08 Jun 2015 : 14:54:15
Thank you so much for the effort!
Note to other downloaders: While the webpage reports "Whoops! There was a problem loading pages", hitting the download button allows you to get the whole shebang. Again, thank you.
C. Brood
Derulbaskul Posted - 08 Jun 2015 : 11:01:16
Here's the latest version with 4,461 names:

Caladan Brood Posted - 07 Jun 2015 : 19:24:26
Thank ye so very much :)
This dark elf appreciates.
Derulbaskul Posted - 07 Jun 2015 : 17:30:22
No luck with your downloads, eh?

I've actually added another 500 or so names - IIRC - so let me get that posted and a link put up. I'm heading off to bed shortly so I will have to do it tomorrow.
Caladan Brood Posted - 07 Jun 2015 : 15:44:57
Lothlos, were you able to download the file/have a copy? When I click the link it yields no treasure
Lothlos Posted - 07 Jun 2015 : 15:19:00
Thanks for sharing this awesome resource.
Caladan Brood Posted - 07 Jun 2015 : 08:17:23
Hello Derulbaskul.
I was wondering if you could re-upload your list for a newcomer?
I'm building extensive Realms character name generators, by scouring all my books, but it sounds like you already did half the work.
Once I'm done I will of course share the generators here.
Best regards,
Caladan Brood,
also known as Shadowthrone, Slynt, Wolfheart & R.J. across the wide web (of Lolth).
Derulbaskul Posted - 26 Jan 2014 : 14:31:28
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Derulbaskul, I'm still working my way through "Elminster Must Die" and I hope to be able to make available to you all the character names in it when I am done.

Thanks, Jeremy.

I can't imagine how long the document will be once your names are incorporated as well! :)
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 25 Jan 2014 : 11:14:45
Derulbaskul, I'm still working my way through "Elminster Must Die" and I hope to be able to make available to you all the character names in it when I am done.
Derulbaskul Posted - 25 Jan 2014 : 10:51:37
Originally posted by Markustay (snip) No need to be snarky. (snip)

You're right: that does come across as snarky. I wasn't in a snarky mindset when I typed that but I can see why you might have interpreted it that way. My sincere apologies.

Markustay Posted - 23 Jan 2014 : 15:47:55
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

Originally posted by MarkustaySo then its not really 'FR canon', its Ed canon. (snip)

Um, yeah. Maybe that's why I called it "names by Ed Greenwood" rather than "Forgotten Realms names"?
No need to be snarky. This is from your original post in this thread -
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

Here's a handy spreadsheet of names by Ed Greenwood from various FR products:
Accent, mine. I'm sorry if I came off like a jerk, but I was merely making a clarification.

I would take from Castlemourn and Five Shires, but I don't think I would take from Golarion/PF or other settings, simply because Ed actually tries to make them different then FR names... but thats your call.

Still, thank you for the list - it will come in handy for naming random NPCs.
Derulbaskul Posted - 23 Jan 2014 : 09:09:08
Here's the latest version and, as requested by rjfras, I have included a column for gender:

This latest version includes the names from Ed's Forging the Realms series up until the most recent article. Unfortunately, I have doubled up on a few names but I will edit the document at some point.

Oh, and now there are 4,006 names. :)
Derulbaskul Posted - 20 Jan 2014 : 05:30:20
@Dark Wizard: Coincidentally, I opened Lost Ships a couple of days ago to see what names I could extract....

I won't be touching novels, though.

Originally posted by rjfras

any way we can please get the list with the genders of the names?

I only have that noted for about 50 names, a tiny fraction of the total.

We're currently in the middle of floods here in my undisclosed Third World location so let's see if the resulting flood-imposed boredom doesn't spur me on to completely fill that column....
Dark Wizard Posted - 20 Jan 2014 : 03:38:58
There are a few more Greenwoodian names in his other sourcebook work for TSR, such as Spelljammer's Lost Ships. I read one of the entries summarized on a Spelljammer fansite and thought "that sure sounds like a Realms name" (it wasn't, Mystara I think), but later I wasn't surprised to find the source was Lost Ships (or rather, who the author was).

Ed also has a novel for the Pathfinder Tales line, the Wizard's Mask. Has a halfling character in it named Tantaerra Loroeva Klazra. The other protagonist is Tarram "The Masked" Armistrade (somewhat less FR-ish).
rjfras Posted - 20 Jan 2014 : 03:22:08
any way we can please get the list with the genders of the names?
Derulbaskul Posted - 18 Jan 2014 : 05:39:55
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Yep, second link works.

Cool. I'm glad that's sorted out.

Originally posted by MarkustaySo then its not really 'FR canon', its Ed canon. (snip)

Um, yeah. Maybe that's why I called it "names by Ed Greenwood" rather than "Forgotten Realms names"? ;)

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert (snip) I also saw The Five Shires listed as one of the sources, and that, too, is not an FR book (though Ed readily admitted it could be used for Luiren, as if someone wrote it that way! ).

There's also his non-FR adventure Endless Stair and the names from the article he wrote for Pathfinder 33: The Varnhold Vanishing. I was going to also incorporate Geanavue: The Stones of Peace[i] from Kalamar but those names are too Kalamar-ish.

[i]Originally posted by Hawkins

Wow, this is really cool! Thanks for the work you put into compiling it.

You're welcome. I hope people get some use from it.

BTW, my own version begins with a random number generator at the top so I can randomly generate a name (my Excel-fu is not advanced enough to simply take me to a randomly generated name). I also have extra columns for alignment, gender, race, class, deity, organisation and the name of the campaign in which they appear. That way it also becomes something of a master NPC list.
Markustay Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 19:17:47
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Derulbaskul

You're welcome. This actually started out as my way of getting some value from Castlemourn. After paying a lot of money for it, I realised I was never going to run it but I thought the names were really cool and I could simply use them in my games. It just got bigger from there....
So then its not really 'FR canon', its Ed canon.

Hadn't thought to use Castlemourn in that fashion - good call.

I also saw The Five Shires listed as one of the sources, and that, too, is not an FR book (though Ed readily admitted it could be used for Luiren, as if someone wrote it that way! ).

Especially if you Turn it Upside-Down.

{shameless self-promotion}

And BTW, in my 'Misbegotten Realms I have it right-side up again. It sits right about where Amn used to be (Amn, along with Tethyr and Calimshan all moved into the Old-Empires/Golden Waters region). When I get done with the 'Impiltur Region' (Demonlands?) map, I'll get back to that.

I wish I could have somehow used Castlemourn in there somewhere, but it just didn't fit. The 'encapsulated' flavor of it just didn't work with everything else. (and now I've come full-circle, back to the topic... sort of).
Hawkins Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 18:35:45
Wow, this is really cool! Thanks for the work you put into compiling it.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 17:40:31
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Derulbaskul

You're welcome. This actually started out as my way of getting some value from Castlemourn. After paying a lot of money for it, I realised I was never going to run it but I thought the names were really cool and I could simply use them in my games. It just got bigger from there....
So then its not really 'FR canon', its Ed canon.

Hadn't thought to use Castlemourn in that fashion - good call.

I also saw The Five Shires listed as one of the sources, and that, too, is not an FR book (though Ed readily admitted it could be used for Luiren, as if someone wrote it that way! ).
Kris the Grey Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 17:24:24
I'm only getting 999 names (up to F's)? Anyone else have that issue?
Markustay Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 17:00:58
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

You're welcome. This actually started out as my way of getting some value from Castlemourn. After paying a lot of money for it, I realised I was never going to run it but I thought the names were really cool and I could simply use them in my games. It just got bigger from there....
So then its not really 'FR canon', its Ed canon.

Hadn't thought to use Castlemourn in that fashion - good call.

Originally posted by Derulbaskul

Originally posted by Markustay
(snip) Knowing what I know NOW - and given the chance to revisit any of that - I would rename him Rikaart Mantoia instead. Not perfect, but far more 'Realmsian'. (snip)

You mean, Star Trek-ian....

You mean there's a star Trek personality named that?

I've come to find, over time, that everyone's idea of what sounds 'right' isn't the same thing. As far as I'm concerned, so long as you put two 'A's in there somewhere, its Realmsian.

I've seen published (official) stuff that is far worse. The only thing that jumps to mind ATM are the 'Pools of..." stuff and Phlan. Just something very jarring abut all that material.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 16:25:50
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

At some point I should edit it Jeremy's lists of names from various novels as well.

I'd stepped away from list generating for awhile (pregnant wife and now a newborn), but I hope to get back on it once things settle down here.

Really great job on the list though.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 16:24:06
Yep, second link works.

Derulbaskul Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 16:22:21
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

And I must say, that is a most impressive resource!

Thanks. I've been working on it for a while. I just do half a book at a time and it gets done. :)
Derulbaskul Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 16:21:30
You're welcome. Glad it's just a browser problem.

Originally posted by Markustay (snip) Knowing what I know NOW - and given the chance to revisit any of that - I would rename him Rikaart Mantoia instead. Not perfect, but far more 'Realmsian'. (snip)

You mean, Star Trek-ian....
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 15:44:29
And I must say, that is a most impressive resource!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Jan 2014 : 15:43:46
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Well done sir!

I've been away from name collecting myself, but hope to get back to it.

EDIT: having trouble with the link on your blog. Anyone else having trouble?

I had issues with it... I couldn't download the file. I was finally able to do so, using Firefox.

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