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 Vaasa 1370's Version 2.0

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gary Dallison Posted - 20 Sep 2013 : 16:44:14

- -31000 DR: The Tearfall. Dragon eggs fall from the sky called by the batrachi in their fight against the giants. A meteorite fall in the midst of the giant kingdoms (present day Vaasa). The crater is miles deep and at its centre deep underground in a tiny fissure is a single metallic egg.
Over the millenia the egg hatches and grows into the metallic primordial Telos, what was meant to be the destroyer of giant civilisation on Faerun. He slowly leeches magical power from the giant kingdoms above.

- - c25000 DR: The Great Glacier forms covering Telos before he has a chance to activate.

- 1038 DR Year of Spreading Spring: The Great Glacier retreats from the lands of Damara, Vaasa, and upper Narfell. Many folk from Impiltur and Thesk migrate north to the newly uncovered lands.

- c1347 DR Year of the Bright Blade: Zhengyi the red wizard lich who studied the Black Star artefact for years arrives in Vaasa directed by Orcus to locate Telos and use the primordial's power to perform powerful magical rituals. His first test is raising Castle Perilous using this new source of power.
- 1348 DR Year of the Spur: The black dragon Urshula is awoken by Zhengyi's rise to power in Vaasa. Zhengyi invades Damara, skirmishing with the forces of Damara for 10 years.
- 1357 DR Year of the Prince - The Time of Troubles: Zhengyi conquers Damara. Telos is awakened by the disruption in magic with the death of Mystra and also because Zhengyi has been tapping him for power.
- The forces of Vaasa slay king Virdin of Damara. Zhengyi now controls both Vaasa and Damara through his puppets installed as rulers of the duchies and baronies of Damara.

- 1359 DR Year of the Serpent: Zhengy is slain, the flow on the power tap with Telos reverses and Zhengyi's soul is drawn into the primordial instead of his phylactery. Castle Perilous crumbles into ruin and is occupied by an avatar of Tiamat.

- 1360 DR Year of the Turret: Sylvia and Dimian Ree marry, uniting the duchies of Ostel and Morov. Within months a son is born named Feldrin Ree.
- An attempt is made on Christine Dragonsbane’s life by Cat One-Eye. The assassination attempt fails but Cat One Eye escapes.
- The Red Wizards dispatch another diplomatic envoy to their former member, unfortunately when they arrive in Vaasa they find Zhengyi the Witch-King has been slain.

- 1361 DR Year of Maidens: The Gates of Bloodstone Pass are finished, adventurers begin to venture into Vaasa thanks to Damara's bounty on monstrous humanoids.
- The Gates of Bloodstone Pass are finished, adventurers begin to venture into Vaasa thanks to Damara's bounty on monstrous humanoids.
- Cat One-Eye is located by the Spysong organisation in Heliogabalus at Dimian Ree’s palace. She escapes but Dimian Ree is killed in the confrontation with Spysong forces.
- Duchess Sylvia becomes acting Duke of Morov until Feldrin Ree comes of age.
- Helmont 15th Duke of Carmathen formally allies himself with Duchess Sylvia of Ostel and Morov, the people of Carmathen no longer object now that Dimian Ree is dead.
- Red Wizards research teams are sent to Vaasa to find out what Zhengyi was doing there. One of their number includes a tiefling with an uncanny resemblance to Zhengyi himself which the Red Wizards hope to use to their advantage.

- 1362 DR Year of the Helm: Duchess Sylvia declares her intention to press the claim of her son Feldrin Ree to be proclaimed King of Damara. Gareth Dragonsbane counters this claim with his own. With the duchies of Morov, Ostel, Carmarthen and Polten on one side and Bloodstone, Arcata, Brandiar, and Soravia on the other, the country of Damara prepares for civil war.
- The Red Wizards locate a tome of creation belonging to Zhengyi and use it to create a new Castle Perilous north-east of Palischuk. They also learn about the presence of Telos beneath the Clefts of Razack and what Zhengyi’s plans for him were.

- 1363 DR Year of the Wyvern: The armies of Damara meet at the ford of Goliad and a stalemate ensues, some lives are lost by low level skirmishing, but the people of Damara have no real stomach for another war.
- Tarkos Ree, leader of the Tightpurse thieves guild in Heliogabalus exposes Sylvia’s duplicity in revenge for her arranging the death of his brother. Sylvia orchestrated the assassination attempt of Christine Dragonsbane using her new husband’s connections to the citadel of assassins. She then arranged a second assassination on Dimian Ree and deliberately informed Spysong of the meeting. Then she could press her son’s claims on the kingdom of Damara with the richest duchies behind her.
- Gareth Dragonsbane quickly declares Sylvia a traitor and all the duchies of Damara (except Ostel and Morov) declare Gareth Dragonsbane king.
- The armies of Damara besiege Heliogabalus palace; they are unopposed by the merchants and their mercenaries. Sylvia is captured and imprisoned. The child duke Feldrin Ree remains duke of Ostel.
- King Dragonsbane is crowned in Heliogabalus which he names as capital of Damara. He quickly cracks down on the Tightpurse thieves guild in Damara because of it’s links to the citadel of assassins.
- The Red Wizards create a mining settlement atop the Clefts of Razack by the Beaumaris River. They intend to plumb the depths of the clefts in order to find Telos the primordial. The settlement itself is a real mining settlement with locals recruited to mine a strange dull metal that is ice cold to the touch. This metal is dubbed Shadesteel for it’s unique properties and how it seems to absorb light nearby.

- 1365 DR Year of the Sword: Following falling returns from the Tightpurse thieves guild after the crowning of King Dragonsbane, Banak strikes against Timoshenko the Grandfather of Assassins whose popularity has begun to wane. Timoshenko is slain and animated as an undead creature that serves Banak without question. Banak and Knellicht now rule the Bandit Army jointly in an uneasy truce with neither one able to easily defeat the other.
- A group of Red Wizards enter the Clefts of Razack and encounter Telos; not realising he is awake. The Red Wizards are slain instantly; all except one, this last remaining Red Wizard becomes The Voice of Telos.

- 1368 DR Year of the Banner - Fall of Zhentil Keep: In the last three days of the year, Fzoul Chembryl [1263, 1369] reads aloud from the True Life of Cyric, revealing the dark god’s betrayal of his faithful at Zhentil Keep. Xeno Mirrormane, High Priest of Cyric, is struck by powerful divine fire from Mask. The flames devour Xeno, then proceeded to do likewise to the temple of Cyric. Fzoul flees the falling city to Teshwave as Cyric-summoned giants, dragons, and other monsters sack much of Zhentil Keep.

- 1369 DR Year of the Gauntlet: Khelben and Fzoul meet in Voonlar, as a result Fzoul agrees not to expend Zhentarim influence any further west than the Thunder Peaks
- The Manshoon Wars: Fzoul Chembryl [1369, 1374] slays Manshoon and purges the Zhentarim of Manshoon’s supporters, giving him control over most of the organization. Several clones of Manshoon awake at the same time and create havoc throughout Faerûn. Fzoul forges the Scepter of the Tyrant’s Eye.

- 1371 DR Year of the Unstrung Harp: Zhentarim forces arrive in Vaasa through Garumn’s Climb with the aid of magic. They quickly set about securing the pass from giants, orcs, goblinoids and other monsters before creating settlements in the plains of Haatar Baen, which they tame by using divine magic from Banite priests to remove the corruption of Telos from the topsoil allowing crops to be grown by slaves that arrive daily.
- Orcs from Thesk still loyal to the Zhentarim begin migrating towards Vaasa.

- 1372 DR Year of Wild Magic: Banite forces seize the important trade towns of Maur Eturo and Avang in southern Vaasa and begin taxing what few caravans travel through the area. On the positive side they also bring more security to the wilderness by using their vast resources to tame the land and its monsters.
- Orc migrants begin to reach Vaasa and are integrated into small settlements in the north east of Vaasa, particularly Palischuk, which welcomes orc brothers that are willing to embrace civilisation.

- 1373 DR Year of Rogue Dragons: The Rage of Dragons causes the flight of dragons around Castle Perilous to destroy itself. The avatar of Tiamat is dismissed by Tiamat herself as she seeks to consolidate her power to combat the returned Bahamut. The flight of dragons tears apart giant strongholds in the Galena mountains, and devastates the tribe of the white worm. They also cause considerable damage to the settlements in the north-west of Vaasa around the Bottomless Bogs. However the settlements protected by the Zhentarim and the Warlock Knights are spared much of the destruction thanks to the resources of those organisations.
Palischuk is spared from any damage thanks to the magic of Banite priests and the orc migrants from Thesk.

- 1374 DR Year of Lightning Storms: Warlock Knights are voted into ruling councils in settlements across Vaasa - even non human settlements- thanks to the warlock knights open recruitment policies and their efforts in combating the Rage of Dragons. The warlock knight rulers of Palischuk soon meet with fatal accidents orchestrated by the Banites.

- 1375 DR Year of Risen Elf Kin: The Warlock Knights declare open rule in Vaasa from the Ironfell Council in Telos. Zhengyi the Voice of Telos once again rules Vaasa (even if he is not in control this time). The Warlock Knights immediately begin cracking down on all forms of deviant behaviour - not worshipping Telos being the primary deviance. Thousands of people are thrown into the Clefts of Razack and sacrificed to Telos.
- Gareth Dragonsbane watching events unfold in Vaasa and decides to seal the Vaasan Gate isolating Vaasa from the rest of the Bloodstone Lands.
- The Warlock knights control central Vaasa, the Cinnabar Wastes, and the Bottomless Bogs, all settlements in those areas remain tightly under Telosian control.
Palischuk in the east remains independent in name only, it is secretly ruled by the Banites.
The Plains of Haatar Baen are openly loyal to the Zhentarim and the church of Bane.
Darmshall remains independent as well but it is unknown how long it can last against the forces of Telos and Bane.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
coach Posted - 04 Oct 2015 : 23:44:27
i hear ya

the war and the witchking are canon obviously

i think the reason the module seems out of place is that TSR wanted to make a module for their new (at the time) Battlesystems boxed set AND make a high level mod to accompany (the module actually states for levels 18-100)

Dragonsbane and company were actually the pre-made PCs in the back of the module
Gary Dallison Posted - 04 Oct 2015 : 20:02:15
Wow, I thought with names that bad they had to come from a novel.

Ah well, I like the idea of a war with a being called the witch king. I'd just have done it differently. And I still can't figure out why Tiamat or Bahamut were in there at all.

I guess its because the modules weren't supposed to be in the realms to begin with that I'm none to fond of them. I'd prefer to do them again from the ground up and link them to regions around them (which I already did in my alternate dimensions project).

It'd just be a case of collating everything and adding a ton of more detail to make a big sourcebook like document to act as a campaign setting in Damara and Vaasa.

If only I had unlimited time and a money tree.
coach Posted - 04 Oct 2015 : 18:30:33

although i'd point out that gareth and co were never the basis of any novels

RA Salvatore did post a sourcebook on them and threw them in tangentially into one of his Artemis novels, but he took the majority of his info from Douglas Niles who had the Bloodstone canon modules from the 1980's
Gary Dallison Posted - 04 Oct 2015 : 17:51:24
I would do with damara and Vaasa what I did with the moonshaes. I'd start at 1340 ish, include the major events like war with the witch king, but everything else would be novel independent.
So the events in zhengyis war would be different. Gareth dragons bane would be no more. Instead Christine tranth and her dad would take centre stage. The title dragonsbane would be given for the one who stops Tiamat, and I'd basically redo the whole thing so that Dms can run the campaign for their players.

Novels determining events and using up plot lines are a big annoyance for me so I try and write them out of a region wherever I can
coach Posted - 04 Oct 2015 : 17:21:04
where would they go?

you mean you advance the timeline?
Gary Dallison Posted - 01 Oct 2015 : 06:26:28
Which project, I turned this into part of my alternate dimensions project where I am now essentially writing mini sourcebooks on different regions, next is netheril.

I've also just finished writing my own set of rules that I hope to be able to sell soon.

And when I'm not doing those I'm still gathering all the lore I can for my archive.

I might even come back to Vaasa and damara one day and do a sourcebook for it. Gareth dragons bane and co would have to go though
coach Posted - 01 Oct 2015 : 02:53:52
Originally posted by Fallere

Originally posted by coach

E. Economics/Trade
1. Bloodstone – 90% Toril output from Vaasa/Damara (VGM p37,126)
a. Used as a coagulant (VGM p38) (Dragon #248 p44)
b. Used as an invisibility/divination/weather magic component (VGM p37-38) (Dragon #248 p44)
2. Trade routes and mountain passes into and out of Vaasa
a. Deadman Pass [connects Vaasa to The Ride] (RoS p94)
b. Garumn’s Climb [connects Vaasa to Thar] listed as Gramble‘s Climb on FR9 map (FR9) - Glister is on the Thar side of this mountain pass and is a trading post between Vaasa and Thar (CotR p46)
c. Unnamed subsurface tunnels [connect Thar to Vaasa/Damara] (PGFR p120-125)
d. Bloodstone Pass [connects Vaasa to Damara] (FRCS p107) (FR9 p9-10,26,32) (H1 10-30) maps (H1 p12) (H2 inside cover) (H3 inside cover)
e. The High Walk [connects Vaasa to Damara] (FR9 p34)
f. Skelem to Darmshall (MotM)
3. Roads in Vaasa (RoS p94)
a. "Roads" through the bogs are made from split logs stacked horizontally (RoS p94)
b. Dead Man’s Walk (FR9 map)
i. Road that runs beside the Beaumaris River (FR9 map)
ii. Road forks at base of Deadman’s Pass (RoS p94)
4. Exports: Gems, furs (FRCS p88,109) (Dragon #137 p17 [prices of furs])
a. Mountains are rich in metals and gems (FRCS p109)
5. Imports: Food, weapons (FRCS p109)
6. Palischuk Half-orcs trade peacefully with neighbors (RoF p68)
7. Vaasans are hard bargainers (Summ p117)

I was trying to find the source book for some of the information in this post. Does RoS stand for Races of Stone? or some other source book or novel?

Realms of Shadow


collection of short stories

how goes the project?
Gary Dallison Posted - 30 Sep 2015 : 20:32:38
Wow, how times change in 2 years, I forgot I'd written most of this.

Unfortunately I have no idea what RoS stands for, I'd guess it's a novel because I checked all my sourcebooks and it doesn't match an acronym for any of the initials (and I think I have them all)
Fallere Posted - 30 Sep 2015 : 18:38:16
Originally posted by coach

E. Economics/Trade
1. Bloodstone – 90% Toril output from Vaasa/Damara (VGM p37,126)
a. Used as a coagulant (VGM p38) (Dragon #248 p44)
b. Used as an invisibility/divination/weather magic component (VGM p37-38) (Dragon #248 p44)
2. Trade routes and mountain passes into and out of Vaasa
a. Deadman Pass [connects Vaasa to The Ride] (RoS p94)
b. Garumn’s Climb [connects Vaasa to Thar] listed as Gramble‘s Climb on FR9 map (FR9) - Glister is on the Thar side of this mountain pass and is a trading post between Vaasa and Thar (CotR p46)
c. Unnamed subsurface tunnels [connect Thar to Vaasa/Damara] (PGFR p120-125)
d. Bloodstone Pass [connects Vaasa to Damara] (FRCS p107) (FR9 p9-10,26,32) (H1 10-30) maps (H1 p12) (H2 inside cover) (H3 inside cover)
e. The High Walk [connects Vaasa to Damara] (FR9 p34)
f. Skelem to Darmshall (MotM)
3. Roads in Vaasa (RoS p94)
a. "Roads" through the bogs are made from split logs stacked horizontally (RoS p94)
b. Dead Man’s Walk (FR9 map)
i. Road that runs beside the Beaumaris River (FR9 map)
ii. Road forks at base of Deadman’s Pass (RoS p94)
4. Exports: Gems, furs (FRCS p88,109) (Dragon #137 p17 [prices of furs])
a. Mountains are rich in metals and gems (FRCS p109)
5. Imports: Food, weapons (FRCS p109)
6. Palischuk Half-orcs trade peacefully with neighbors (RoF p68)
7. Vaasans are hard bargainers (Summ p117)

I was trying to find the source book for some of the information in this post. Does RoS stand for Races of Stone? or some other source book or novel?
Gary Dallison Posted - 12 Nov 2013 : 14:12:09
And now the characters and locations have been redone.

All this is on page 1 (i think)
Gary Dallison Posted - 12 Nov 2013 : 09:25:15
Just adding the finishing touches to my Vaasan campaign, thanks to the extra information from Coach.

The timeline has now been altered only slightly.

The main changes involve the organnisations in Vaasa. There are now many more factions vying for a piece of Vaasa and they are all working against one another. Quite unique to Vaasa all the organisations involved are evil which i think fits the region quite nicely. The Harpers have a miniscule role and their reason for being their soon disappears with the Rage of Dragons.

The Red Wizards and the Church of Tiamat now exist separately in Vaasa.

The church of tiamat is based around castle perilous and the avatar of the undying queen.

The Red Wizards i linked their diplomatic envoys to Zhengyi with his backstory so now the Thayans are trying to find out what Zhengyi was doing in Vaasa. In discovering a tome of creation penned by Zhengyi they learn about Telos and set out to find this primordial.

It is then a group of red wizards who are slain by Telos and one of their number is converted into the Voice of Telos.

Also reworked the Zhentarim motivation for being in Vaasa and linked it to their troubles. The fall of Zhentil Keep, the death of Manshoon and Fzoul's deal with Khelben cause the Zhentarim to refocus their efforts eastwards and because Vaasa has no government to deal with it makes a very tempting target.

Thanks to Zhentil Keeps secret alliance with Mulmaster they gain access to Vaasa through Garumn's Climb without opposition.

The Cult of the Dragon is now much more fleshed out. The Wyrmsmoke Cell is responsible for the Moonsea and Vaasa and is involved in a narcotics ring to generate money and gain power in the settlements. The Cult of the Dragon form the underground black market in Vaasa.

Next i will redo the major settlements and geographics of Vaasa and the NPCS.
coach Posted - 11 Nov 2013 : 13:31:30
in my vaasa campaign

the church of tiamat based in the temple in castle perilous is waiting for the damarans to complete the vaasan and damaran gates so that they then can take bloodstone pass from the sky (dragons) and then make bloodstone pass their new base of operations
Gary Dallison Posted - 11 Nov 2013 : 12:15:39
Well i have gathered together all the information i could from sourcebooks that you mentioned above.

Some decent bits of lore i missed first glance.

Looks like Zhentil Keep has had a historic interest in Vaasa, mining the Galenas, searching for the tear of selune, and looking for the magic of sarphil.

Red Wizards also have an interest there in the humanoid races - orcs goblins etc.

And the cult of the dragon have the wyrmsmoke cell hidden in the galena mountains which is an excellent base of operations for them. And since the keep itself floats they can move anywhere.

Plenty of extra plots and ploys for the region. I even found a plant with painkilling properties in the nearby tortured lands (on the candlekeep travelogs) which i think would generate a good income for the cult of the dragon as a narcotic they could sell.

Cult of Eltab gets a good fleshing out, and they work against the red wizards of thay and cult of orcus.

Cult of Orcus is in contention with the cult of eltab, the church of kiaransalee, and probably everyone else in Vaasa.

Lots of intrigue going on and things for me to write up. Nearly done though, just need to work on the timeline for the document and it's finished.
Gary Dallison Posted - 10 Nov 2013 : 14:47:50
Well even if the tree gem only had a psychological effect doesnt mean it would not make a good target.
A symbolic weapon is still an effective tool and destroying it would be an equally effective means of waging psychological warfare on an enemy.
I am likewise a big bahamut and tiamat fan. If only the lore about them wasnt so messy
coach Posted - 10 Nov 2013 : 13:16:50
Sounds good

Im a bahamut, tiamat fan so i enjoy any reference to them in faerun

I just make the tree-gem a target of the orcus cult, they are human followers and so can attempt to damage/destroy it, makes a good campaign

Still looking for the orcus reference about the tree-gem
Gary Dallison Posted - 10 Nov 2013 : 08:37:00
Well im busy adding all the info to my document on vaasa. I dont have the novels and from what I hear about them I wont be using them either.
I really dont think much of that tree that banishes all demons. If it functions in the way you describe it is (with the exception of the imaskari godswall) the most powerful artifact in the history f the realms.
It is able to manifest a powerful high level across a range of thousands of miles on a permanent basis.
All this created by a being that may not have even benn a demigod at the time given bahamuts death during the TOT.
I think more likely that the tree had a single powerful banishing effect that ranged for several miles maybe even several hundred.
Since it's use the only continuous effect it has manifested is a psychological one that has been spread by the kingdom of damara. Peopke are having trouble summoning demons and devils because they believe the tree is stopping them, thats all.

Anyway when im finished with the document I can send it to you if you like. All the information is colour coded for each edition and non canon info is also a different colour as well.
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 21:29:19
Another explanation i have heard was that while in a demoncyst the demons are in a suspended state and that if anyone ever dug them uo they would then immediately fall under the tree-gem banishment if in damara

There is a reference somewhere about followers of orcus dealing with the tree-gems effects

I'll try to find it
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 21:22:35
So the tree-gem works in Damara i should add

But not vaasa (until of course damara fully annexes vaasa into the kingdom of bloodstone)

There isn't any canon description of the annexation other than gareth gave out huge land grants in vaasa to anyone who could build a stringhold and hold sway over the denizens in their domain
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 21:16:10
The reason why there are demoncysts in vaasa and narfell is because bahamut's tree-gem only works in each bloodstone land country as long as the countries' leaders "align themsleves with the cause of good"
Gary Dallison Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 19:41:35
Well everything you have given me is getting researched and collected and put into a word document, although it might take a year to do it.
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 19:14:51
The primordial coukd have arrived via the canon selune's tear adventure

See canon plots

And i have an explanation gor the tree gem banishing demons

Lemme look it up
Gary Dallison Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 19:03:32
This is tons of useful information, thankyou I will go through it bit by bit.

I too don't subscribe to the spellplague, what a waste of lore.

However I recognise a good idea when I see it. Players cannot fight and defeat deities, but a primordial is a living breathing target tied to the material plane and so can be killed.

I started another thread on these boards about my theories surrounding primordials and as such do not consider them aliens, just a type of super powerful being that is necessary for spawning life.

Telos is just another one of these and really should have arrived far back in the past rather then recent (the number of asteroid strikes on Faerun is astoundingly high).

The primordials are really just a means to insert super powerful beings that may or may not be evil and have the potential to cause the end of the world. My re-envisioning of Telos certainly makes him a danger to all of Faerun should he survive.

But anyways, my thoughts aside the above list is just awesome. I had completely forgotten about Eltab and the demon cysts which gives another brilliant faction to add into the battleground that is Vaasa.

I am curious about one thing. The very ridiculous tree that Bahamut bestowed upon Gareth Dragonsbane was supposed to banish all demons from the bloodstone lands forever. This doesn't appear to be true since demoncysts obviously still exist in the galenas.

I am wondering if the tree didn't just cast a massive banishing spell on the entire area that probably succeeded in banishing most demons and devils but left the more powerful ones and certainly those in a demoncyst.

I also notice you have had a project ongoing for the bloodstone lands and wondered if you had any thoughts on the creation of the new kingdom of Damara as I couldn't find any details other than it suddenly existed with Dragonsbane as its King. Have you any ideas as to what happened, I had to come up with my own chain of events.
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 17:53:47
there ya go guys

sorry no comatose aliens in "my" Faerun so you won't see any of the 4e material posted above, this is 1e-3.5e outline

don't mind the warlock knights actually, sounded pretty cool, just not ready to just wipe out 7 epic level characters without some kind of explanation so i just stuck with pre-spellplague

Tiamat is the main antagonist in the post-Zhengyi area

why introduce to vaasa/damara the normal *cough* boring *cough* evil and good deities when canon provides orcus and tiamat and bahamut?

coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 17:46:46

K. Miscellaneous
1. Vaasan sayings
a. “Even the tallest horse would wet its belly” [saying about Vaasan bogs] (FR9 p3)
b. “A man’s word is more precious than his life” [Vaasan honesty] (RoS p97)
c. "The fur of the clever fox is finest" (Summ p99)
d. "Sharing the fur" [Vaasan saying for monogamy] (Summ p264)
e. "Life Pledge" [Vaasan term for monogamy] (Summ p264)
f. "In love and death, only the gods choose" [Vaasans believe you can't choose these two things yourself] (Summ p269)
g. Vaasan women are "always in season" [Vaasan women are promiscuous] (Siege p169)
h. "Ice-hatched" [derogatory adjective used towards Vaasans] (Siege p
i. “Two-Year Freeze” – what locals call the phenomenon where the summer never gets warm enough to melt the ice – last occurred in 1337 with folk tales spread to the children that it was caused by a White Dragon (RotP p139)
2. ‘Tear of Selune’ (VGM p118-119) (PGFR p12-120)
a. Battle fought between Zhentarim, mysterious Vaasan force, and Seekers (PGFR p126)
3. Dogsleds and skis used for travel in winter (FRCS p109)
4. Water from hot springs can enhance abilities, heal wounds, or more (FRCS p110)
5. Griffons are favored mounts (RoF p92)
6. Fire Giant-led army searches for an artifact buried under a ruined city (MotM p112-121)
a. Each member of this army can cast five 5-HD fireballs due to infused magicks (MotM p112)
b. Number of troops (MotM)
7. In Vaasa, donned armor is more formal wear than finery (Siege p64)
8. Vaasans routinely sleep in their armor (Siege p284)
9. Even as isolated as Vaasa is, Vaasans know of "The Chosen" (Sorc p171)
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 17:46:07

J. Canon Plots/Adventures
1. Cult of the Dragon vs. Church of Tiamat (CotD p62)
2. Return the ‘Tear of Selune’ (VGM p118-119) (PGFR p12-120)
3. Kiaransalee vs. Orcus/Tenebrous (DD p24-26)
4. Bounty hunting from Vaasan Gate (FRCS p107, 111)
a. Bounties: Giant ear 200gp, bugbears 15gp, goblin 5gp (FRCS p111) (RoS p157)
5. Once again, humanoid tribes are gathering around Castle Perilous (FRCS p111) chromatic dragons are nesting in the ruins of Castle Perilous (GTotR p118)
6. Finding wealth and dwarven artifacts from the ancient dwarven kingdom of Sarphil
(FR11 p60,63)
a. Northern part of Sarphil was in Western Galenas (FR11 p60)
7. Finding Demoncysts and banishing any demons within (CoR p130-131)
8. Cult of Eltab vs. followers of Orcus [Galenas] (CoR p130-131)
a. Wants revenge against Orcus for helping bind him to Faerun (CoR p130-131)
9. Church of Tiamat building army; hunting metallic dragons and their eggs (PaP p136) (DoF p9)
10. Melting Gold [Palischuk explorers found in Great Glacier] (GG p8)
11. Red Wizards interested in Vaasan goblinoid hordes (FR9 p14)
12. Finding a magical hot spring (FR9 p35)
13. Treasure hunting in the Black Holes of the Sunderland (FR9 p36)
14. ‘Castle Perilous’ – plundering Zhengyi’s spellbooks, artifacts, and wealth (FR9 p64)
15. Finding one of Zhengyi’s personal dungeons and uncovering troves of Witch- King artifacts (PotWK p23)
16. The Elemental Scourge (MotM p117-121)
17. Zhengyi made phylacteries for all dragons that live in the Bloodstone Lands and tried to entice them to serve him in exchange for immortality. At least a hundred are known to have existed. Only one has been located. Some of these are embedded into tomes that the Witch-King used to spawn fortresses from the life essence. Many dragons know of this and often hire adventurers to find these phylactery tomes. (RotP p57,60-62,109-110)
18. Adventurers go to Vaasa to make a name for themselves (RoS p162)
19. Banak still lives? (GTotR p118)
20. Steelheart (Dungeon #53 p54-71)
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 17:44:05

I. Classes
1. Barbarian (FRCS p22) (GG p8)
2. Rangers (FRCS p26) (FR9 p24)
3. Rogues (FRCS p27)
4. Mountain Druids [Galena Mts.] (Dragon #209 p14)
5. Gray Orc favored class is Cleric (RoF p66)
6. Fighters (FR9 p23,24)
a. Life is hard in the Bloodstone Lands, almost everyone not practicing another adventuring profession is at least a first-level fighter (FR9 p23,24)
b. Rare is the person who is unfamiliar with the use of a weapon (FR9 p24)
c. 1st through 3rd level fighters are common (FR9 p24)
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 17:43:23
H. Dieties/Temples
1. Tiamat (PaP p133-137) (CotD p61) (DoF p5-10,69-87)
a. Wings of the Queen Reborn [temple - Tiamat’s ‘home away from home’ and base for chuch activities in the Cold Lands region] (PaP p136) (DoF p74)
b. Cavernous cathedral located in the dungeons of the ruins of Castle Perilous (PaP p136)
c. Frequent visits from the Undying Queen, dispatched to Castle Perilous in response to Bahamut planting the Tree-Gem (PaP p136) (DoF p9)
d. Chromatic flights of all hues gather here (PaP p136) (FR9 p22) (DoF p9) (GG p8)
e. Power has grown to the rank of Lesser deity (DoF p9)
f. Temple laboratories are where the breeding pits of Spawn of Tiamat are found (DoF p74)
2. Kiaransalee (DD p24-26) (DDaD p12)
3. Orcus/Tenebrous (DD p24-26) (PGtF p15,189) (FR9 p23,45) (H4 p82)
a. Leaders wore goat-headed headdresses (PGFR p124)
b. It will take Orcus/Tenebrous 100 years to recreate a new Wand of Orcus (H4 p82)
4. Abbathor (DD 48-53)? (DDaD p10)
a. Aefarn, The House of Gold (DD p51)
5. Selune
a. unnamed Shrine to Selune [NW Vaasa in a hidden vale – carved out of a gigantic boulder] (VGM p118) (PGFR p124-126)
6. Entire dwarven pantheon (FRCS p109) (PGtF p19)
7. Entire orc pantheon (FRCS p109) (RoF p66) (PGtF p27)
8. Helm (FRCS p110)
9. Vaasans recognize most deities of the Faerunian Pantheon (RoF p110)
10. Bane (RoF p110) (PGtF p27)
11. Cyric (RoF p110)
12. Auril (RoF p110) (PGtF p15) (DDaD p10)
13. Talos (PGtF p15)
14. Tempus [barbarians pay homage] (FR9 p23,49)
a. Barbarians of the White Worm have a symbiosis with Nature (FR9 p21,22)
b. Barbarians totem is the white worm and they worship it as a patron deity (FR9 p22)
c. Vala, a Moor Eagle, venerates Tempus (Siege p184)
15. Mielikki (FR9 p51)
16. Kossuth (MotM p117,120)
a. Church of Kossuth once a formidable presence in Southern Vaasa (MotM p117)
b. Created a complex of tunnels beneath the town of Skelem where they constructed an artifact called The Elemental Scourge (MotM p117-121)
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 17:42:44

G. Flora/Fauna/Monsters
1. Ghost Rothe (FRCS p314)
2. High Rothe (FRCS p314)
3. Caribou (FRCS p109)
4. Small herbivores (FRCS p109)
5. Gray Orcs (PGFR p124) (RoF p65-66) (Summ p116)
a. Feats: Daylight adaptation, Headlong Rush (RoF p65)
b. More civilized, less-bestial version of orc (RoF p65)
c. Prestige Class: Orc Warlord (RoF p65)
d. Fanatical, religious zealots – many are clerics (RoF p65)
e. Attack bitter rivals instantly, no matter the odds (RoF p65)
f. Nomads (RoF p65)
g. Languages: Orc only; clerics can also speak common, giant, and goblin (RoF p66)
h. Once possessed Conjure Avatar spell (RoF p66)
i. An axe is considered a holy weapon (RoF p66)
j. Pets: dire weasels, dire wolverines, dire boars, owlbears (RoF p66)
6. Bugbears (FRCS p111)
7. Giants (FRCS p111,298) (FR9 p36) (MotM p117-121)
8. Goblins (FRCS p111,298) (RoF p134) (FR9 p36) (PotWK p121)
a. Cannibals, scavengers (FRCS p109)
9. Ogres (PotWK) (PGFR p124) (MotM p117-121)
10. Kobolds (Dragon #216 p100)
11. Scrub plants (FRCS p110)
12. Mountain Orcs (PGtF p27) – *see errata
13. White-furred snakes, Polar Bears, White puddings, Moondogs, winter wolves, trolls (FR9 p22)
14. Leucrotta (FR9 p36)
15. Owl Bears (FR9 p36)
16. Gelatinous Cube (FR9 p37)
17. Elk herds (PotWK p32)
18. Skeletons of long-dead trees (PotWK p112)
19. Tundra Yeti (PotWK p121)
20. Flying snakes (PotWK p146-153)
21. Gnolls (PotWK p307) (Summ p116)
22. Dragonkin (DoF p58) same as Dragonmen found in Realms of Shadow p100?
23. Fire Giants (MotM p117)
24. Yuan-ti (MotM p117)
25. Devils (MotM p121)
26. Wyverns (MotM p117)
27. Remhoraz (MotM p117-118)
28. Frost Worm (MotM p118)
29. Oxen (RoS p94)
30. Mudbreathers [also called Bog People] (RoS p97,101,103,104,107)
a. Can swim in bogs, attracted by vibration (RoS p97)
b. Eel-shaped, slimy brown scales, dorsal barbed fin, webbed hands, powerful shoulders, reptilian head, mouthful of needle-sharp fangs, barb-tipped tongue, froglike face, dead black eyes, hooked finger talons, no legs or feet, lobster-like tail, (RoS p97,101,103,104,107)
c. Immune to weave sleep magic, susceptible to shadow weave sleep (RoS p104)
31. Worgs (Summ p116)
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 17:41:26

F. Demographics
1. Population 145,440 (FRCS p109)
a. Humans 60%, Dwarves 30%, Half-orc (gray) 9%, other 1%; Human ethnic breakdown: Vaasan 85%, Damaran 10%, Sossrim 4%, other 1% (FRCS p109) (RoF p111)
2. Vaasans (RoF p109)
a. Descendants of two waves of humans: Netherese and Chondathans (RoF p109)
b. Language is Damaran; bonus languages are Abyssal, Giant, Goblin, Orc, Uliuk (FRCS p32) Speak a mixture of common and dwarven and even some orc words (FRCS p110) Language is harsh, raspy (Summ p5)
c. Regional Feats are Blooded, Bullheaded, Foe Hunter, Survivor, Horse Nomad (FRCS p32) Arctic Adaptation, Axethrower, Tireless (PGtF p15)
d. Show Sossrim heritage (RoF p88)
e. Land was settled when The Great Glacier retreated (RoF p109)
f. Ethnic group sometimes referred to as Yuls, Tharrans or Tesharans (RoF p109)
g. Alphabet is Dethek (RoF p111)
h. Sparsely populated (FR9 p3)
i. Hunters, farmers, trappers (FR9 p3) (FRCS p110)
j. Well protected settlements (FRCS p109)
k. Vaasan features: heavy boned, huge, thighs the sizes of elven waists (Summ p4)
l. Miles of mountainside go unclaimed by any civilization (FRCS p109)
m. Olive-skinned, dark hair, thick beards (RoF p110) braided dark hair, shoulder length (Summ p4)
n. Height and weight (PGtF p32)
o. Vaasans used to be seen as ‘harsh but honest’ - now Vaasans viewed as corrupt and sly - wiser than they seem (RoS p97,110)
p. Vaasan women wear large fur clothing (RoS p111)
q. Vaasan women are not at all shy (RoS p112) promiscuous (Siege p169)
r. Scattered, primitive communities (CotR p87)
s. Most live in log houses thatched with mud using cold-forged weapons (Summ p116)
t. Vaasans have uncanny knack for remaining unseen even on barest ground (Sorc p 114)
u. Vaasans have no qualms about killing a defenseless enemy (Sorc p175)
v. Vaasans collect war-victim body parts and add it to their belts (Sorc p179)
3. Shield Dwarves (FRCS p13) (RoF p17)
a. Dwarven regional feats [Galena Mountains]: Dauntless, Foe Hunter, Stoneshaper, Thunder Twin, Tireless (PGtF p19)
b. Dwarven automatic languages [Galena Mountains]: Damaran, Dwarven; Bonus: Chondathan, Giant, Goblin, Orc, Undercommon (PGtF p19)
4. Half-orc (FRCS p17) (RoF p91) (PGtF p27)
a. Palischuk [9000+ half-orc] (RoF p68)
b. Automatic Languages [Vaasan half-orc]: Orc, Damaran; Bonus – Dwarven, Giant, Undercommon, Goblin, Uluik (PGtF p27)
c. Once the soldiers of the Witch-King (PGtF p27) (PotWK)
d. Regional Feats [Vaasan half-orc]: Blooded, Dauntless, Surefooted (PGtF p27)
5. Half-ogres (PGFR p124)
6. Gray Dwarves (RoF p14)
7. Goblinoid and Giant population in excess of 200,000 (FR9 p14)
a. Descendants of tribes and clans pushed northward when humans, elves, and dwarves settled to the south of the region (GTotR p116)
coach Posted - 08 Nov 2013 : 17:40:34

E. Economics/Trade
1. Bloodstone – 90% Toril output from Vaasa/Damara (VGM p37,126)
a. Used as a coagulant (VGM p38) (Dragon #248 p44)
b. Used as an invisibility/divination/weather magic component (VGM p37-38) (Dragon #248 p44)
2. Trade routes and mountain passes into and out of Vaasa
a. Deadman Pass [connects Vaasa to The Ride] (RoS p94)
b. Garumn’s Climb [connects Vaasa to Thar] listed as Gramble‘s Climb on FR9 map (FR9) - Glister is on the Thar side of this mountain pass and is a trading post between Vaasa and Thar (CotR p46)
c. Unnamed subsurface tunnels [connect Thar to Vaasa/Damara] (PGFR p120-125)
d. Bloodstone Pass [connects Vaasa to Damara] (FRCS p107) (FR9 p9-10,26,32) (H1 10-30) maps (H1 p12) (H2 inside cover) (H3 inside cover)
e. The High Walk [connects Vaasa to Damara] (FR9 p34)
f. Skelem to Darmshall (MotM)
3. Roads in Vaasa (RoS p94)
a. "Roads" through the bogs are made from split logs stacked horizontally (RoS p94)
b. Dead Man’s Walk (FR9 map)
i. Road that runs beside the Beaumaris River (FR9 map)
ii. Road forks at base of Deadman’s Pass (RoS p94)
4. Exports: Gems, furs (FRCS p88,109) (Dragon #137 p17 [prices of furs])
a. Mountains are rich in metals and gems (FRCS p109)
5. Imports: Food, weapons (FRCS p109)
6. Palischuk Half-orcs trade peacefully with neighbors (RoF p68)
7. Vaasans are hard bargainers (Summ p117)

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