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T O P I C    R E V I E W
drabin pheonix Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 22:09:14
Can you get the benefit of the knockdown feat 3.5 with a weopon that doesn't state that it's a weapon you can trip with? My character has the long axe weapon and deals alto of damage and the feat description is that it's the power of the hit that grants you the trip check. Your thoughts would be appreciated, cheers
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xaeyruudh Posted - 16 Sep 2013 : 18:25:27
Has this feat been updated to 3.5 anywhere? If it's still only in Sword & Fist, then the first question to ask the DM is whether the feat is available in her/his game at all.

Beyond that, the feat (including the errata) says nothing about being limited to weapons that can be used for a trip attack. The aim seems to be pretty clearly expressed by the text: whenever you exceed this amount of damage, you have the option of adding a trip attack against the same target.

The point of the feat isn't tripping them, so it's irrelevant whether the weapon can trip. The point is knocking them on their arse... it's just that the game uses tripping as the arseknocking mechanic.

In my opinion. The DM's opinion is the one that matters.
Lord Bane Posted - 16 Sep 2013 : 09:20:22
If the force behind the blow is strong enough and the opponent is unable to withstand it, then yes i would say pushing back or knocking them down IF a protection is between the attacker and the defender that applies pressure additionally to it.
Assuming you have a two handed axe weapon it would rely on if the opponent has a shield or armour that warrants a knockdown like a plate. If the opponent is only lightly armoured or wears no armour at all, then the axe weapon would simply cleave into the target and then it depends on if the blow dealt is so strong that the opponent is forced to the ground.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 23:03:03
I would say yes!

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