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 Running the two adventures in the 1st Ed boxed set

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cards77 Posted - 03 Aug 2013 : 20:38:37
I would like to run these two dungeons with my current 3.5 group but I'm worried they seem way too difficult even though they are "starter" dungeons. I have 3 characters of 2nd level. the two modules are "Lashan's Fall" and "Hall of the Beast-Tamers". I'm interested in hearing from anyone who converted this to 3 or 3.5 ed. Thanks.
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Marco Volo Posted - 18 Apr 2017 : 20:32:40
Any chance the 5th edition version or the 3.5 you did for your campaigns could be shared with us ? It could be great help for DM like me :)
Cards77 Posted - 18 Apr 2017 : 03:41:25
Originally posted by BARDOBARBAROS

For What PC levels are these adventures???

I believe they are supposed to be "starter" adventures for 2nd or 3rd level characters. I'm pretty sure I ran it with my party at 3rd or possibly 4th.

It was very challenging, especially the grell.

Alok Silverspear Posted - 10 Apr 2017 : 10:46:52
I ran the Guild of the Naturalists recently in roll20 using 5e, with some modifications. Went down well I think! There is a decent VTT map of it if you are interested.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 09 Apr 2017 : 19:52:14
For What PC levels are these adventures???
The Arcanamach Posted - 03 Aug 2013 : 21:22:44
Those are both good adventures from FRs 'golden age' and the good thing about them is they are easily adjusted (as adventures go). The Halls especially so, just swap the denizens for weaker (or stronger) specimens or have some of the stronger monsters remain in stasis (this is what we did...allowing for a return a few levels later when the monsters were freed of it).
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 03 Aug 2013 : 21:05:49
I've used both adventures in 3.5; Hall of the Beast-Tamers once and Lashan's Fall at least twice. I like the adventures because you can place them anywhere in the Realms.

Of the two, I think Lashan's Fall is more interesting, but also more dangerous. I'd seriously de-power Azimer, making him a lich that's on the verge of falling apart after a few good whacks. I'd also pull out a lot of the treasure to make it appropriate for low levels.

What I wouldn't do is back off of the idea that Azimer *is* a lich. When I last used Lashan's Fall, the players first encountered Azimer at about 5th or 6th level. That was fun.

I'll try and post more later when I can find my notes.

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