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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 11 Apr 2013 : 19:33:20
hey all i was wondering if anyone had any information besides whats in the 2nd ed forgotten realms boxed set. they are a lost mountain range supposedly full of riches and old powerful elven magic i was going to have the kraken society selling the information on where it is to the zhents and have my pcs try to intercept them or foil them there. any info is welcome even stuff that has been made by other dms thanks for the help
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 20:22:51
thanks much i hope it gets answered :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 19:37:58
Originally posted by Crimson_King_of_the_Tower

i would like to do that im still not entirely familiar with navigating these forums where would it be located

Here ya go!

Questions for Ed Greenwood (2013)
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 18:13:23
i would like to do that im still not entirely familiar with navigating these forums where would it be located
George Krashos Posted - 13 Apr 2013 : 09:49:06
There isn't any further published information on this locale. You are free to ... ahem ... make stuff up or you can ask Ed in his thread and patiently wait for a response that may come in a matter of days or years, depending on his ability to answer.

-- George Krashos
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 11 Apr 2013 : 22:22:34
well the information in volos guide pretty much says word for word the same thing as the wilderness book so any other information is still welcome
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 11 Apr 2013 : 20:41:13
actually yes it might i totally forgot about volos guide to the north im OMW to check that out right now
Ze Posted - 11 Apr 2013 : 20:05:07
Hi, I found a couple of references.
One is The North (the Wilderness) at page 46, as mentioned also in the FR index here in Candlekeep.
The other is page 164 of Volo's Guide to the North.

Hope this helps.

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