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Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 05 Apr 2013 : 22:04:09
Hey everyone this is my first post here and im really looking forward to having a whole community of players and DMs to talk to as opposed to me and a handful of ppl i know locally. That said im a 2nd edition forgotten realms DM cause lets face it you cant beat a 2nd ed boxed set and im trying to find as many poster maps of the realms as i can to make a giant complete one. In the forgotten realms campaign setting (revised) the southern most point it shows is part of the jungles of chult and has an arrow pointing down that says to halruaa i was wondering if anyone could help me out do you know if they ever made a module or boxed set that has a map of that region? thank you again hope for many replies.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
George Krashos Posted - 18 Apr 2013 : 01:42:50
Originally posted by Markustay

Aside from the 3rd edition map(s), the only maps of Halrrua pre-3e were the one that came with The Shining South product (the small insert in the book itself), the one that came with some free give-away - Wooly used to have a link*, I think, to that (the one drawn by Ed himself), and the notorious 'southern realms' map that was included in Hordes of Dragonspear, for some bizarre reason (it was the map missing from the 1e box, IIRC).

And it goes to show the layer of detail that goes into Ed's world and writing. It was only a month or two ago that I had a real good look at the hand-drawn Halruua map and saw nestled in the eastern foothills the city of Orbedal. No doubt the same Orbedal ruled by the lich Rhaugilath and mentioned in a little flavour piece in the FR13 Anauroch accessory. The same "Orbedal" and "Rhaugilath" that Eric (with me kibitzing) made into a Netherese enclave that effectively is now Warlock's Crypt on the banks of the Winding Water.

Oops. I hate it when the Realms does that to me (with regularity). In due course the fix it crew (THO and Ed) will be along to tell me that "No George, the Orbedal in Halruua was built by Netherese from the first Orbedal and named after it, so there is no continuinty glitch!". When that happens I will smile and go on knowing the whole while that we mucked up, but that everything in the Realms is fixable.

-- George Krashos
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 18:07:13
oh man thank you very much youre right the map in the hordes of dragonspear is EXACTLY what i was looking for now i just need to track it down
Markustay Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 16:59:54
Aside from the 3rd edition map(s), the only maps of Halrrua pre-3e were the one that came with The Shining South product (the small insert in the book itself), the one that came with some free give-away - Wooly used to have a link*, I think, to that (the one drawn by Ed himself), and the notorious 'southern realms' map that was included in Hordes of Dragonspear, for some bizarre reason (it was the map missing from the 1e box, IIRC).

The one I believe you are looking for was that last one I mentioned, which is probably the most difficult to find. Most of the people who bought that module did so just for the map (which had absolutely NOTHING to do with the adventure - its not even in the same region!)

Found it in a post by GK - it was in an old TSR Newsletter.
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 09 Apr 2013 : 00:56:47
Some of the mads do i know the First unrevised forgotten realms campaign setting and the old empire of the sands module do since it states it does on the back of the empire of the sands module as for others im not sure im trying to collect as many that do as i can actually im going down the list and trying to get all the FR boxed sets and modules so far ive got Ruins of undermountain 2, Menzo, FR campaign setting revised, The North, and City of splendors i also have the Al-qadim campaign setting im not sure which one i want next and i do have interactive atlas its a WONDERFUL program and one of my most prized possessions
Kentinal Posted - 08 Apr 2013 : 01:31:47
The maps have though also changed though the Editions. Markustay has respect from at least a few FR authors for the quality of his maps.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 08 Apr 2013 : 01:18:13
Originally posted by Caladan Brood

Do the maps from all the various AD&D sources match? Could I take out the maps from The Vilhon Reach, The Moonsea, Old Empires, The Dalelands, The Bloodstone Lands, Empires of the Shining Sea etc. and make one seriously oversized but more detailed map of the Realms?

From the boxed sets that I have seen: the maps do not usually match up and represent different scales.
idilippy Posted - 07 Apr 2013 : 22:25:58
Markustay on Deviantart has loads of amazing Forgotten Realms maps, I'm showing a map of northern Faerun he made to my players for an upcoming Savage Frontier chat game I'm running and have always liked his maps for getting the idea of what's in a particular campaign location.
Caladan Brood Posted - 07 Apr 2013 : 15:07:00
Do the maps from all the various AD&D sources match? Could I take out the maps from The Vilhon Reach, The Moonsea, Old Empires, The Dalelands, The Bloodstone Lands, Empires of the Shining Sea etc. and make one seriously oversized but more detailed map of the Realms?
sleyvas Posted - 06 Apr 2013 : 20:39:08
you might want to look into the forgotten realms interactive atlas. I see copies on sale on amazon. You might be able to find it elsewhere as well.
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 06 Apr 2013 : 18:28:20
i appreciate the info at the moment im putting together a campaign in the north seeing as how i recently got my shiny new "The North" boxed set for my birthday i dont really have an over all theme im more trying to flesh out the entire area and let the Pc's choose what they want based on rumors and other things they hear but ive always wanted a poster map of the entire world of Toril
Artemas Entreri Posted - 06 Apr 2013 : 03:11:01
I love the 2E Realms too, but I think the map from the 3E Realms Campaign book showed this area and more.
Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 06 Apr 2013 : 02:04:44
thank you i appreciate it once ive got enough posts i can email ppl about things i was hoping there would be an old 2nd ed map from a module or box set so far ive got the forgotten realms campaign setting, the maps from the north boxed set campaign setting im about to get the map from the empire of the sands that connects with that its just been since high school since ive done any of this lol actually ive been wanting to read some novels that took place in the north maybe some early ones
Dalor Darden Posted - 05 Apr 2013 : 23:57:00
Look out for Markustay on here and threads he is involved in. He has many maps of the Forgotten Realms available.

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