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 Help in running Neverwinter

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Pagangamer Posted - 25 Mar 2013 : 18:49:53

Question for experienced Dm's , i am running a Ad&d 2nd campaign soon, and i want to incorporate NeverWinter into my campaign, and i see the setting thats been put out in 4E, and i have a map of NeverWinter. But concievably, HOW would you or could you include it in a 2nd ed campaign.? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Or should i leave the 4E stuff out all together. Trying to flesh out alot on NPCs, kind of stuck
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Markustay Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 05:07:21
There are parts of it I am not a fan of (Aboleths, for instance), but I can hand-wave a lot of that. I wouldn't disregard the entire product just because it incorporates a bunch of 4e concepts many of us dislike.

I've only met one DM who was 'by the book' (literally... word for word). We all take the modules - those of us who play - and change them up to suit our campaigns. The Neverwinter book is just that on a larger scale. In fact, many of the sidebars are there just to help with that (full of suggestions on how to tie things together).
Pagangamer Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 16:49:55
Originally posted by vorpalanvil

I currently run a 2ed game based in Neverwinter circa 1360. Someone here gave me a fan made map of that era constructed with the FR Atlas. However I have no idea how to send it to you, maybe someone here can help.

Email it to It might help.. the map i have is low res, but maybe yours is better for what im doing..
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 06:21:07
Originally posted by Pagangamer

But concievably, HOW would you or could you include it in a 2nd ed campaign.? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
A couple suggestions.

1. As someone mentioned before, there are a few different reasons why the volcano near Neverwinter blew its top. That volcano has always been a threat to the city. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be the first DM to have it go off 'early' vis-a-vis the official timeline. Regardless, your players don't have to know why it went off, just that it did.

2. I worked on a few Neverwinter-related homewbrew projects for the 4E Realms (inspired by the Neverwinter Campaign Setting book) and posted them to these forums:

The first is a Current Clack writeup filled with adventure hooks.

The second is a list of Neverwinter NPCs.

I tried to incorporate the older lore (from the two Volo's Guides, as later sources seemed to copy what was in the Volo's Guides word for word) and mix it with new lore where I could.

Flavor-wise I'd suggest you ignore the bits about Aboleths and tieflings (unless these appeal to you) found in the Neverwinter book. Much of the rest of it is good for use in an AD&D campaign. Lots of adventure hooks, campaign ideas and (most importantly) character ideas to get DMs and players going.

I haven't played AD&D in years, but I can't imagine you'd have much difficulty with any rules conversions between 4E and 2E and there's not all that many rules in the Neverwinter Campaign Guide anyway.

Best of luck.
vorpalanvil Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 04:12:25
I currently run a 2ed game based in Neverwinter circa 1360. Someone here gave me a fan made map of that era constructed with the FR Atlas. However I have no idea how to send it to you, maybe someone here can help.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 03:23:31
Originally posted by Pagangamer

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

If you're doing it in 2E, find a copy of Volo's Guide to the North. It's got some good info about Neverwinter. The North boxed set also has some information on Neverwinter.

I read the Neverwinter Campaign Setting, but I was not a fan.

I agree the 4E Neverwinter just leaves me cold. Just checked The North Boxed set. Not ALOT about Neverwinter, but i guess something is better than nothing

Volo's Guide to the North will give you a good on-the-ground feel for the city.
The Sage Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 02:38:22
I'd recommend a through perusing of the "So Saith Ed" archive [see the link in my signature space], since the Ol' Bearded One himself has also provided plenty of nifty little tidbits about Neverwinter here at Candlekeep in the past.
Pagangamer Posted - 25 Mar 2013 : 23:04:53
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

If you're doing it in 2E, find a copy of Volo's Guide to the North. It's got some good info about Neverwinter. The North boxed set also has some information on Neverwinter.

I read the Neverwinter Campaign Setting, but I was not a fan.

I agree the 4E Neverwinter just leaves me cold. Just checked The North Boxed set. Not ALOT about Neverwinter, but i guess something is better than nothing
Kris the Grey Posted - 25 Mar 2013 : 22:11:15
Another good source of 2E/3E Neverwinter related materials is (if you have the constitution to pick through it for the gems) of course the Neverwinter Nights series of video games.

The area was a hotbed for early Realms computer based gaming going WAAAAAY back to the old AOL days. I bet there is literally a ton of adventure content (NPCs/locations/mini encounters) from all of that stuff.
Eilserus Posted - 25 Mar 2013 : 21:38:03
If you don't like primordials, I'd say the elemental prince of fire, Kossuth, Effreeti or some other entity caused the volcano to explode and wipe out the city. Heck if it's in 2E, it could have been caused due to the crazyness of the Time of Troubles. The 4E Neverwinter Book was nice because of all the lore in it that a DM can riff off for adventures, but I'd do whatever is going to be the most fun for your party. The city is half in ruins, maybe the PCs can help rebuild it and eventually become rulers, or merchant lords, mercs, etc etc.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 25 Mar 2013 : 20:40:27
If you're doing it in 2E, find a copy of Volo's Guide to the North. It's got some good info about Neverwinter. The North boxed set also has some information on Neverwinter.

I read the Neverwinter Campaign Setting, but I was not a fan.
Markustay Posted - 25 Mar 2013 : 19:40:12
I have included the 4e Neverwinter material in my game, but my players are nowhere near there yet so I haven't bothered to come up with any sort of reason for it yet.

Since my campaign is based in my 'Misbegotten Realms', it really doesn't matter so much. I'll probably just assume some sort of epic spell-battle between rival wizard schools (The Red Wizards and the Host Tower, for instance) has left the place somewhat of a mess. Instead of 'Spellplague', I'll just say it has pockets of Wild magic left over from the magewar (after all, whatever you call it, its all the same crap under the hood... the Spellplague is just a new term for an old concept).

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