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 Map of Citadel Felbarr? WHAT'S INSIDE?

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Ozreth Posted - 18 Feb 2013 : 09:56:19
It's looking like my players will be heading to Citadel Felbarr tomorrow, but no sources I can find describe anything past the gates on the outside. I would be terrible at improvising the inside workings of a giant dwarven stronghold. Thoughts?
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BEAST Posted - 19 Feb 2013 : 03:32:45
Here are some notes:

"Felbarr", proper, was originally said to stand on a rocky mount in the center of a mountain valley (TN:GTTSF, I:p61); Later, this was changed to a fortress built into the southern face of a slope of the Rauvin Mountains (SM, p69)

Now known as "Citadel Felbarr" (SM, p68)

Considered a small city (FRCS {3E}, p172; SM, p68): 1200 dwarves + 250 humans in 1370 DR (TN:GTTSF, I:p61, II:p59); nearly 7000 dwarves in early 1371 DR (TTO, P1:C1); 6,987 in mid-1372 DR (FRCS {3E}, p172); Argent Legion not counted in those numbers (SM, p68), Argent Legion numbers 200 (SM, p69)

Felbarr Fields: a vast wilderness area outside [to the south] of the citadel, scattered with mines bearing mithral and gold--as well as hook horrors, orcs, grimlocks, and other beasts (TN:GTTSF, II:p60); ore mostly brought in through the citadel gates (SM, p70)

Narrow roadway winds upward [northward] through the southern reaches of the Rauvin Mountains (SM, p69)

The Hammer: a pair of 40-ft-high stone towers straddling the road to the south, with a connecting gate, serving as the citadel's first line of defense (SM, p69)

South Vigil: defensive platform on eastern slope with low stone wall, barracks, catapults, and ballistae; connected to the North Vigil by undergroung tunnel (SM, p70)

The Anvil: a pair of 30-ft-high gate towers, beyond the Hammer (SM, p69); also span the Felbarr Stream (SM, CF map)

North Vigil: defensive platform on eastern slope with low stone wall, barracks, and a single ballista in 1372 DR; connected to citadel by a bridge spanning the Felbarr Stream (SM, p70)

Rune-Gates: Citadel's exterior is visible from a long way off, appearing to be little more than a simple, large doorway cut into the mountainside (SM, p69); Massive stone gates, rebuilt between 1368 and 1370 DR (TN:GTTSF, II:p59); rune-carved stone gates (SM, p69); pair of massive stone doors and frames, 20-ft-square x 3ft thick, resting on nested hinges, covered in 32 specific runes carved by Emerus ensorcelled by Unnal Hornwinder (SM, p70)

Citadel's mark [most likely also found on those gates]: King Emerus Warcrown's personal seal of a gold crown decorated with three sapphires, resting atop the crossed waraxes of Clangeddin Silverbeard (SM, p68)

Re-fortified walls [from the inside, to make repairs after liberation from the orcs] (TN:GTTSF, II:p59)

Key Sites:
- Warcrown Hall: audience hall and ruler's hall (TN:GTTSF, II:p60)
- Harmglade Arms: a fine smithy run by dwarf Anthos Harmglade, and a citadel armory in contingencies (TN:GTTSF, II:p60)
- The Stonemarch: the largest stonemason shop, owned by Banthor "The Razor" Stonemarch; hires parties to explore and haul rocks to and fro (TN:GTTSF, II:p60)
- Tred McKnuckles, most prominent farrier in 1371 DR (TTO, Pre.)

Because of certain identified NPCs, presumably there are temples (at least) for Clangeddin, Beronnar Truesilver, and Moradin (SM, p68)

ca. 1372 DR, presumably a barracks for the Argent Legion company hosted in the citadel (SM, p68)

North run along western face of Rauvin Mountains to Beorunna's Well (TTO, Pre.)

Underdark route to Mithral Hall (TTO, Pre.); Beneath the River Surbrin, and not an easy route, with a steep ascent and ironbound door on the Mithral Hall end, to be re-worked and re-secured as a trade route (TTS, P1:C4)

King Emerus had blazed an apparently new surface path from CF to Winter Edge, just across the Surbrin from Mithral Hall, with plans for a walled bridge (TTS, P2:C14); construction on the Felbarran side of the bridge had begun, with a rope-ferry system soon to follow (TTS, P3:C19); Alustriel promised Silverymoon's and Sundabar's assistance with the bridge (TTS, P3:C20); Winter Edge to become a military encampment, and Silverymoon to relieve Felbarr aboveground at the bridge (TTS, P4:C27)

No established path to lands north of Mithral Hall in 1371 DR (TTO, Pre.)

CF had a good flow of runners to Silverymoon and Sundabar [implying surface roads] (TTS, P2:C14)

Dead Orc Pass: the most direct, above-ground route from CF to CA (SM, p129)

The Lowroad: a vast bedrock tunnel leading eastward from CF to Sundabar, Citadel Adbar, Ascore, and Anauroch (SM, p70)

Overhead view of the entry path to <Citadel Felbarr>
Eilserus Posted - 19 Feb 2013 : 00:01:38
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hi, Ozreth. On our lone visit to the Citadel in the "home" Realms campaign, I recall that the main gates open into an "airlock" set of stone doors separated by a short but three-wagons-wide stone corridor punctuated with firing-ports and pit traps, that then opens into a huge, high-roofed open space/courtyard, with a cathedral-like-in-looks wall of balconied and windowed grand residences dead ahead, streets running off diagonally on either side of it, and several levels of stone "flying bridges" crossing over those streets to connect that central block of residences (which is essentially one huge block of stone tunneled into various rooms and passages) with similar blocks that cling to the citadel walls on either side.
We Knights neither stayed long nor penetrated very far into the Citadel, sorry - - and although I know Ed has mapped it, I believe those maps are NDA (handed into TSR and so release-able only at the discretion of Wizards).

Wizards really should compile all of Ed's hand drawn maps and publish them in digital format as some sort of Home Realms Campaign Map Pack. I'd love to see Citadel Felbarr, the Dales, and Ed's underdark maps. I doubt it matters if Ed's version of shadow dale is 16 pages compared to what we have for "canon". People would buy it.

Perfect example would be that map of Ed's in the first few pages of Elminsters Forgotten Realms. If that was blown up and then released digitally, to be printed in sections, DM's would have awesome Player's Maps they could doodle all over and add to. Ah dreams. ;)
The Hooded One Posted - 18 Feb 2013 : 16:43:15
Hi, Ozreth. On our lone visit to the Citadel in the "home" Realms campaign, I recall that the main gates open into an "airlock" set of stone doors separated by a short but three-wagons-wide stone corridor punctuated with firing-ports and pit traps, that then opens into a huge, high-roofed open space/courtyard, with a cathedral-like-in-looks wall of balconied and windowed grand residences dead ahead, streets running off diagonally on either side of it, and several levels of stone "flying bridges" crossing over those streets to connect that central block of residences (which is essentially one huge block of stone tunneled into various rooms and passages) with similar blocks that cling to the citadel walls on either side.
We Knights neither stayed long nor penetrated very far into the Citadel, sorry - - and although I know Ed has mapped it, I believe those maps are NDA (handed into TSR and so release-able only at the discretion of Wizards).
Markustay Posted - 18 Feb 2013 : 16:06:39
I'm thinking 'Dwarfy Stuff'.

But seriously, just grab any old module detailing a dwarven Citadel/City - there are plenty. You could even use the map of Ironforge from WoW (you can find the key to that map HERE.)

I recently went looking for dwarf maps myself for a mapping project - here's a good list of dwarf-related RPG products.

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