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 Level 20 + adventures for Rogue, Trickster PC's?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 16 Feb 2013 : 11:51:10
Rogue, wizard, Cleric, etc, etc...

Why are there no adventures for FR that gives a good challenge for 20+ Pc's??? Epic level Pc's have nothing but homebrew adventures. I'm frowning now.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Masked Mage Posted - 20 Feb 2013 : 04:53:18
The realms had one of the ORIGINAL high level adventures. Throne of Bloodstone had unique high level rules.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 20 Feb 2013 : 04:22:11
Thanks guys. :)
Diffan Posted - 19 Feb 2013 : 05:58:27
Originally posted by The Arcanamach

As much as I would like to download 83 adventures that site requires a download manager with some trimmings I don't want.

I know the ones from the Wizard site require no specific download manager and most of them, when clicked on, pull up the PDF or the page with the links associtated with them.

The Arcanamach Posted - 19 Feb 2013 : 02:18:30
As much as I would like to download 83 adventures that site requires a download manager with some trimmings I don't want.
Diffan Posted - 17 Feb 2013 : 16:13:00
Here's a few I found online and free....

War of Dragons Starts at 18th level

An Icy Heart starts at 20th level

83 D&D Adventures These range all over the place in level and editions but they're all free and some of them are just plots with no levels attached, allowing a creative DM the liberty to put in monsters of approprate level (or higher) into the campaign with little effort.

As for the question at hand, I think there is a lot of truth to lower-leveled adventures being favored by fans. There's something more "realisitc" and thus, for me, easier to maintain my suspension of disbelief when PCs are still vulnerable to fireballs and falling off heights exceeding 20-ft. When a PC can simply walk through lava, survive the HP damage, and keep on fighting on the other side it's time for a new low-level campaign. I've only played in a few high-level games (17th level +) and suffice to say, I didn't enjoy them very much. The combats took forever, everyone had reality-bending spells, playing non-magical classes was predictable and (for me) boring, and it just lost me as a player.

Hopefully something in the above sites will help you find something fun to run with your group and Happy Gaming!!

Kilvan Posted - 17 Feb 2013 : 15:37:44
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

There just isn't that much of a market. You don't open a repair shop for European sportscars in Detroit, if you expect to make money.

Or maybe people in Detroit aren't buying European sportcars just because there isn't a good repair shop around .

I agree though, I'm not sure selling high level adventures would be a profit deal.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Feb 2013 : 15:34:22
Originally posted by Copper Elven Vampire

Rogue, wizard, Cleric, etc, etc...

Why are there no adventures for FR that gives a good challenge for 20+ Pc's??? Epic level Pc's have nothing but homebrew adventures. I'm frowning now.

Because it's assumed that few people will be playing PCs at that point. Most PCs will get killed or retired long before level 20.

There just isn't that much of a market. You don't open a repair shop for European sportscars in Detroit, if you expect to make money.
Kilvan Posted - 17 Feb 2013 : 15:29:49
My guess would be that most people prefer lower level campaigns, but I agree there should be at least a few of them available. I do nothing but homebrew, so I wouldn't know, but I'd guess it would be difficult to design at trap/sistuation in an adventure at such high level that the 20th level wizard couldn't just zap away. My high level campaigns tend to be more story-driven, so it doesn't matter so much to me.

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