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 High Dale area question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Eilserus Posted - 06 Jan 2012 : 19:14:30
Hello scribes,

In some forgotten realms product (2nd edition I think) I remember once reading about The Black Mountain or Black Peak somewhere around The High Dale I believe and it makes mention of a dwarf from this mountain and about dwarves fighting drow in the depths. This has been driving me crazy for a few days and I can't seem to locate any reference to it. Would anyone by chance know what product this is in?

Thanks! :)
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Faraer Posted - 07 Jan 2012 : 03:31:59
There's a city of drow-fighting dwarves in the Realms Below the Dales called Zanhoriloch (though apparently it's an aboleth city in War of the Spider Queen).
Eilserus Posted - 06 Jan 2012 : 21:01:46
Thank you both. I wouldn't be surprised if I read it in a novel which was referenced from the Dwarves Deep. I could just be crazy too and have something jumbled wrong in the brain. hahah.
crazedventurers Posted - 06 Jan 2012 : 20:37:56

The only reference I can think of is from Dwarves Deep by Ed

Somewhere in the mountains east of Glister, the dwarf Helarn Hammerblood the Younger, of the Black Peak (which rises near The High Dale, in The Thunder Peaks that separate Sembia and Cormyr), slew a white dragon of monstrous size.


Faraer Posted - 06 Jan 2012 : 20:07:37
FR11 Dwarves Deep p.63; but your dwarves-fighting-drow memory is from somewhere else.

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