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 Chult Jungles adventures

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zimeros Posted - 16 Oct 2003 : 22:09:46
I want to create a campaign in the chult Jungles, but I think in the third and second edition of FR exist few material. Are there more books that speak more about chult? If not I'll create my canpaign with third edition book's material. Do some of you try this? What you know about this to tell to me? Please, who can, help me...
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 18 Oct 2003 : 08:07:13
Great . Expect it within the next day or two.

Zimeros Posted - 17 Oct 2003 : 16:12:18
Thank you, yes I'd like to receive a sumary. Please send to me.
The Sage Posted - 17 Oct 2003 : 10:33:54
Except for maybe the 2e accessory/adventure Jungles of Chult, and the write-ups in 2e boxed set, very little exists in the way of actual published information on this region. There are tibits in other sourcebooks, but no enough to really 'chew' on.

I really cannot help you with much canon information on this, as I took the Chultan region (in my own campaign) in the direction of being a Lizardman (not lizardfolk) dominated realm using the Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen tome, and a number of other sources (too long to list here). What I can tell you about my region, that may be of some interest to you, is that long before the great human tribe known as the Tabaxi inhabited the region that is today known as Chult, there existed an ancient and mysterious race of lizardmen simply known as the Children of Tlaxtacul. Their land was called Alustria, and they thrived in the steaming jungles of the region in vast and complex ziggurat temple-cities. The largest of these was Itxa Tlaxtacul, or in the common tongue City of Tlaxtacul.

So, you can pretty much see the direction I was taking with Chult. I also have some supplemental information that I developed on the Tabaxi, but it is only a few pages long. I can send you a summary if you like?.

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