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 Reclaming Myth Drannor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Weyr Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 01:22:50
After running Curse of Azure Bonds, my party has an invested interest in reclaiming the town, pre-ToT--And I need some inspiration.

The party consists of:

A drow Fighter/Cleric of Eilistraee (CN)
A gnome illusionist (LN)

Both are level ten. They took up residence in Labelas Enoreth's temple in 1356, and have maintained a small stronghold there. We will likely have two additional characters joining as well, though this has yet to be confirmed.

As far as the end results of Azure Bonds go:
- Mogion/Moander were destroyed.
- Party helped Fzoul: Orox escaped, central eye and multiple stalks destroyed.
- Dracandoros was slain, and only one blue dragon escaped alive.
- Radatha and a small portion of the Knives were killed.

I had a few ideas so far--one of which involved sending the party back a mere tenday before the Weeping War via time gates or rifts. I also plan to have Shar cast a temporary darkness over the majority of Faerun (if not Toril..perhaps in some gambit for power over Selune and the sun gods--say, the Infinite Staircase?)

I can come up with some plot hooks, but I think my main problem is focusing into one cohesive, coherent plot line.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Thauramarth Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 22:54:01
Well, if your player characters are intent on reclaiming Myth Drannor, that's a pretty plot line already.

The advantage of trying to reclaim Myth Drannor, from a DM's point of view, is that it's basically a warzone with dozens of outfits trying to grab it. A lot of the time, your PCs will probably be raiding (an opportunity to plonk in just about any dungeon from just about any adventures) or defending their holdings against competing raiders & monsters. They'll make progress (or not).

What I would do, is put a list together of "critical hits" (sites or plot points that will make their plan progress; e.g., kill the chieftain of the Crimson Fangs hobgoblin tribe will make the Fangs less of a force). You see what I mean. For instance, their trip back to the Weeping War might yield them precious intelligence (perhaps a full map of the city, including some lesser known secret passages)?

Not sure about the Shar thing, though - how would you expect the PCs to resolve the issue?
Ionik Knight Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 18:35:14
When Shar does her thing they get sent Myth Drannor to recover the Dawnstone in order to thwart her.

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