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 Where to place catfolk lands?

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HelldoG Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 14:57:33
I need a good suggestion on where in Faerun to place lands of the catfolk from the Races of The Wild handbook. It don't have to be a realm or kingdom, just a place where catfolk can live in big numbers and it wouldn't be very un-canon.
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Cards77 Posted - 05 Oct 2015 : 01:33:28
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I may have been mistaken on that one; I cannot find that info, now. I could have sworn she was mentioned in Volo's Guide to Waterdeep, but I failed to find the reference, just now.

I'm using Volo's Guide extensively in my current campaign. I haven't run across any references to tabaxi just yet, not to say it isn't in there but I've covered a ton of ground in Volo's guide, Waterdeep boxed set and City System.

There IS a tabaxi in the old grey box module "Halls of the Beast-Tamers".
combatmedic Posted - 03 Oct 2015 : 22:51:42

In the OGB certain regions are marked off as DM preserves. Sembia was supposed to be one, but for various reasons, TSR reversed the policy and did provide more detail on it.
But what about the other undeveloped/reserved zones?
Wood of Sharp Teeth? Wasn't that one of the regions set aside?
Maybe you could place your catfolk in one of these undeveloped/less developed areas.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Oct 2015 : 16:10:34
I may have been mistaken on that one; I cannot find that info, now. I could have sworn she was mentioned in Volo's Guide to Waterdeep, but I failed to find the reference, just now.
Duneth Despana Posted - 03 Oct 2015 : 15:25:50
Originally posted by The Sage

There's a short story in Realms of Valor -- "A Virtue by Reflection" -- set in Arabel that involves a band of catfolk temporarily seizing control of the city.

were these Tabaxi or were-cats? Or some other catfolk?

EDIT: answer is in the scroll *feels kinda stupid*

But to not waste a post completely: I found the two tabaxi in the Dales (one in Halls of the Beast-Tamers and one in the Velvet Veil. Where's the info about the one in Waterdeep?
Quale Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 17:09:17
I never liked the placement of Nathlekh. Imo the Beastlands of Veldorn are another option, I really like MT's theory about the conflict of Vedic and Egyptian powers, involving rakshasas and rakastas.
Ralderick Hallowshaw Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 14:00:58
I agree with Ionik Knight: catfolks could be connected to Sharess's cults and their areas of influence (Ancient Empires, etc...).
The Sage Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 05:50:36
Originally posted by HelldoG

Perhaps you're thinking about that one tabaxi dancer in Volo's Guide to The Dales?

No, I'm pretty certain it was a novel reference. The character wasn't specifically referred to as a member of the catfolk Tabaxi of Maztica, but it was largely implied in her [I think] physical description.

HelldoG Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 03:44:16
Perhaps you're thinking about that one tabaxi dancer in Volo's Guide to The Dales?
The Sage Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 03:33:56
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Ionik Knight

I though it was Tabaxi or jaguar people in Maztica and Chult?
As I recall, the only cat "tabaxi" are in Maztica.

There's a single one, at least, in Waterdeep.

Yes... and there's also another outside Maztica as well, thouugh I'm failing to recall where I read that. [I want to say a novel, but...]
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 03:21:09
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Ionik Knight

I though it was Tabaxi or jaguar people in Maztica and Chult?
As I recall, the only cat "tabaxi" are in Maztica.

There's a single one, at least, in Waterdeep.
Ionik Knight Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 01:48:17
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Ionik Knight

I though it was Tabaxi or jaguar people in Maztica and Chult?
As I recall, the only cat "tabaxi" are in Maztica.

You are correct o Sagacious One, turns out I was confused with the Tabaxi tribe of humans in Chult.
The Sage Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 01:41:21
Originally posted by Markustay

Right, but there is a human tribe - the major one - in Chult called 'Tabaxi', hence my HB lore with a 'connection'.
Indeed, the human-tabaxi [which were a human ethnic group renamed as Chultans in 3e].
Markustay Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 01:31:43
Right, but there is a human tribe - the major one - in Chult called 'Tabaxi', hence my HB lore with a 'connection'.

And yes, it was CatLords from that Arabel story, but I have them as the catfolk nobility. Homebrew, but it works for me. I hate redundancy, so I'd rather just connect them all together in some sort of hierarchy.
The Sage Posted - 07 Oct 2010 : 00:50:10
Originally posted by Ionik Knight

I though it was Tabaxi or jaguar people in Maztica and Chult?
As I recall, the only cat "tabaxi" are in Maztica.
Brimstone Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 23:33:04
Didn't Eytan Berstien(sp) do an article on them in the Realms?? Catfolk that is...
Dracons Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 22:54:36
I put mine in the Vast.
Ionik Knight Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 21:02:53
I though it was Tabaxi or jaguar people in Maztica and Chult? Seeing as how Catfolk are described as primarily lion-like and living in grassy plains; I would place them in the grasslands of Shaar, or the Golden Plains of Vilhon Reach, or possibly the Cliffs of Leaping Horses in Mulhorand (providing a nice tie-in to Bastet/Sharess).
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 18:01:41
Yeah, i seem to remember there might have been a suggestion in the "tail" to that effect. I believe they were meant to be the ones from the Planescape book. (I've even used one in a story of my own!)
The Sage Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 17:50:40
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Sage, if I remember that story right, those were cat-LORDS, not cat-folk as in the RotW book. They were the shape-shifting ones, as opposed to the feline-attribute race. Just FYI.

Ah, you're right. 'Tis been many, many years since I've read that tale.

Though, I do recall past speculation of mine from here at Candlekeep that posited that those Cat-Lords were of the "Animal Lords" type from the old Planescape Monstrous Compendium Volume 1. The *gist* of those thoughts suggested catfolk from across the Realms might gravitate toward these so-called Cat-Lords -- attracted by these fellow felines from the Beastlands.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 17:32:37
Sage, if I remember that story right, those were cat-LORDS, not cat-folk as in the RotW book. They were the shape-shifting ones, as opposed to the feline-attribute race. Just FYI.
Markustay Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 17:30:46
Just an aside: I managed to connect all of the various Catfolk of the Realms (and elsewhere) to each-other, as races created by Rakshasa breeding with mortal creatures. I figure if the Demons, Devils, Celestials, and Dgen did it, so would nearly all powerful, extra-planer races.

For instance, the Flinds are a variant gnoll created by Rakshasa breeding, in much the same way as lizard kings amount from Demons breeding with Lizardmen.

I also created a bit of HB lore concerning the anomaly of the human Tabaxi in Chult having the same name as the catfolk Tabaxi, which was well-received by Brian James who considered it 'canon' (although it has never actually been made canon). Basically, the Rakshasa captured a human tribe of Tabaxi for their breeding programs, and the name stuck - simple.

I created an entire piece of homebrew history for ancient Zakhara featuring a war between the dgen (genies) and their Rakshasa masters, in order to explain-away all of those 'beastman' variants and also the proliferation of Elemental beings in the Land of Fate.

And the whole thing stems from an even older conflict involving Baast and Set - Cat-creatures being created in the first place to destroy serpentkind.

The reason why I chose Petan for my catfolk - aside from the fact it is literally lore-free - is that it is geographically central to quite a few myths concerning cats turning into men, and vice-versa.

Don't know if you can use any of that, but I figured I'd just throw it out there.
The Sage Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 17:18:58
I would allow catfolk to hail from Nathlakh, City of Cats. [Look west of the Gulthmere Forest, south of the Dragon Coast.] Further details in Powers & Pantheons [2e] in the write-up of Nobanion.

There's a short story in Realms of Valor -- "A Virtue by Reflection" -- set in Arabel that involves a band of catfolk temporarily seizing control of the city.

The catfolk kind are also big in Maztica... where they also bear some relation to the evil, intelligent, and magical jaguar lords [which are basically dire jaguars with brains and magic].
Markustay Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 16:26:23
I put them in Petan, only because of the complete lack of ANY info on that Kingdom, but that is probably WAY too far east for your needs.

Jungles of Chult work, but then you have to deal with the Serpent Folk lore already in-place (amongst other things). Samarach might work, instead of Chult-proper. The Shar is a great place as well - just use them to replace the Wemics (and swap-out their culture).

If you want them somewhat separate and disturb very little canon, make Tharsult a Catfolk Kingdom. The climate is right, and they are still close enough to the Heartlands to be useful.

If you want them in the Heartlands, but not disturb too much, the Border Forest works. Any of the Heartland forests could work, but that's centralized with little canon lore (at least any that could create glitches).
Hoondatha Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 15:33:56
Shining Plains west of Turmish, maybe. They're currently home to wemics, you could either replace them with catfolk or add the catfolk without too much trouble.
Brimstone Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 15:30:55
Chult maybe.

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