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 Urdrath of the Horsemen (Lore Request)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Herr Doktor Posted - 01 Jul 2003 : 18:30:03
I seek any and all lore about this ancient city. A group of adventurers I know are quite keen on exploring the catacombs beneath, and I'd like to give them a bit of information on whos grave their about to defile.

If you don't have the information on hand listing the sourcebooks where I can find it would be equally as helpful!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 14:20:59
The ruins of the city of Undrath are the only visible relics of the ancient city that once stood where Asbravn stands now. The Horsemen, were nomads who built the city when they moved to the Savage North many, many years ago. Undrath was the center of worship for these Horsemen and a place where they buried their dead, in catacombs deep beneath the streets. There are vast underground passages and galleries spread over a vast distance beneath the current city, most unexplored. Tomb chambers and a number of coffin niches line many passages and vast underground halls. It is said that some of the Horsemens fallen warriors are buried in these tombs, with incredible treasures.

This information was collected from several sources, but Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast contributed the most information.

Good learning...

- The Sage of Perth: For all your Realmslore needs

Herr Doktor Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 08:00:26
The city no longer exists. Now in its place lies the small town and fields of Asbravn, center of trade between the farmers of Sunset Vale.

A large network of catacombs beneath Asbravn is pretty much all that is left of the once great city.
Bookwyrm Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 03:59:02
I've never heard of this place. Not surprising, I suppose, since I'm only just getting into things. However, I don't see it in the index of my FRCS.

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