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 Balancing Issue Druid

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TheLemming Posted - 25 Mar 2008 : 13:44:02
Dear fellow Dungeon Masters,

we're an average group of six players (two-three of which are taking the dungeon master's place and switch regularly) -
we've a combination of long-term players (two of us that do know the rules pretty well are within this dungeon master group of three).
The rest of our players are not all too deep into rules, one of them more or less an obligatory rules monger who is (luckily) lazy, the others more or less not-very interested and into the d20 game.

Well, while I could not participate in the last gaming evening, being at the moment on some holidays away from home, I received an e-mail with a late update on what did happen.

Now we do seem to have a problem with balancing of the player characters - the whole group is average level 10 - so they (seem to be) quite experienced. We have a multiclass monk/sorcerer and rogue/sorcerer and a druid (+ others) but the mere effect of a druid in wild shape with her bear companion was seemingly overwhelming last night.

What is your experience with multi-class characters and their effectiveness - what do you think is a fighter 10 a match for a druid 10 with a brown-bear companion. Where do the chances of these characters lie in a rule-perspective?

I'm very thankful for all hints and advice I can get, trying to prepare for a few topics to be discussed soon.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TheLemming Posted - 31 Mar 2008 : 10:06:07
Thanks for the answer.
I guess it was a simple straight-forward answer that started my own thinking. Ye, you're just right it was always a bit of a balancing issue with a wizard 20 and a wizard 10 / fighter 10 or a wizard 6 / rogue 7 / cleric 7...

I've made some suggestions regarding small character edits, to ensure the players will have increasingly fun (in my eyes they will always compare themselves to others, espcially in combats...).

So many thanks for starting my brain. Issue looks like it's solved already. (And I hope there will be no flashback ;)).
Alisttair Posted - 25 Mar 2008 : 15:07:17
I find multiclass characters can be tricky, especially at higher levels (with even levels of all classes) so the challenges should be suited for such a character, since a rogue 10/sorcerer 10 doesn't have the skills of a Rogue 20 or the spellcasting of a sorcerer 20 that could help more in a EL20 encounter.

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