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 Imaskari Portal Lord

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gelcur Posted - 23 Mar 2008 : 21:21:13
This PrC seems like a very interesting idea. I know Ed Bonny posted it a few years back as a draft PrC that got cut from Lost Empires of Faerun.

What do people think of it, its balance? I'm hoping to use it for a PC but am concerned that with it still being in draft form.

Here is how I see each ability:

Warp Shield's 1/day use seems very stunted considering it is the PrC's main ability. It seems either the number of uses should go up as the the shield improves maybe reaching 3/day, still not going over the total number of rounds. Or just allow the user to use it when they please for a number of rounds.

Prolonged Artifice and Spatial Fluency seem to have such a small list of spells they can apply to. From what I can tell they make very little sense on most of them.

Reject Anchoring seems very very cool.

Dimensional Touch is just Arcane Reach.

Permanent Insight also feels limited to its list of spells one can use it with.

Command Portal seems very cool.

It seems it could be a very fun to play. If Warp Shield was tweaked a bit and the list of spells the special abilities is expanded to include Calling and/or Summoning. Maybe also adding abilities from Portal Drake (Underdark), Portal Jump lets the drake 4/day travel through a portal and exit out of another portal it has traveled.

What do others think?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gelcur Posted - 24 Mar 2008 : 16:01:29
*nods* Yeah I thought that as well.

I also thought creature summoning was very much in line with their practices also. Maybe not letting them return as a possibility too.
Daviot Posted - 24 Mar 2008 : 07:01:17
Originally posted by Gelcur
Maybe also adding abilities from Portal Drake (Underdark), Portal Jump lets the drake 4/day travel through a portal and exit out of another portal it has traveled.

What do others think?

In my group's terminology, using a portal to exit at a non-connected portal is something we've termed "portal hijacking". And it seems very in-line with the Imaskari abilities.

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