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 Dunspeirrin? Help!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Questionmark Posted - 01 Mar 2008 : 20:10:38
I am looking for detailed information on the city of Dunspeirrin, population, slaves, assets and all that. The description in the underdark book is very vague for such a big city, which leads me to believe that a more detailed description is out there.
please help! My players will want to go there soon! As a side note my campaign revolves around some freed slave pcs who have taken it upon themselves to form a "Underground Railroad" of sorts with the ultimate goal of freeing the slaves of the underdark and abolishing slavery across faerun. So if anyone has played any simmilar adventures along these lines I would love to hear how they went. This is my first post on candlekeep and I am increadibly impressed with the community that has been built here.


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 04:59:12
Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

Is there any reason why name "Dunspeirrin" wasn't used in the older sources?

Actually, it was.

"The city of Underspires, known as Dunspeirrin in the tongue of the Stout Folk (dwarves),..." ['The City of Sunken Spires' -- DRAGON #267]
BlackAce Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 04:15:43
Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

Is there any reason why name "Dunspeirrin" wasn't used in the older sources?

They probably hadn't come up with the pun yet.
Lady Kazandra Posted - 03 Mar 2008 : 10:16:58
Is there any reason why name "Dunspeirrin" wasn't used in the older sources?
Ergdusch Posted - 02 Mar 2008 : 12:20:20
The city has also been mentioned in Eytan Bernsteins Class Chronicles article Blues, Dueargars and Elans.

The Sage Posted - 02 Mar 2008 : 00:10:54
See for references to 'Underspires' in previous material -- especially Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark and Eric Boyd's "City of Sunken Spires" article in DRAGON #267.

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