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 Map of Nesme?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razz Posted - 25 Jan 2008 : 17:24:32
I know an official map of Nesme has never been done (surprisingly, after all these years) so is there any unofficial mapping of Nesme out there I can use?
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cards77 Posted - 03 May 2022 : 01:55:07
Originally posted by aji23

I just want to say how much I love this forum. I'm running Storm King's Thunder, and my players are about to go into Nesme (well, it's ruins). I just downloaded the maps above, and am using the Nesme one as a basis for this encounter.

14 years ago. The links for the are dead. Anyone still around reading this? :)


I used to go to that site. I will look around on my HDD and see if I can find it.
Azar Posted - 08 Apr 2022 : 07:22:20
Is there no internet archive of that website?
PattPlays Posted - 07 Apr 2022 : 03:22:12
I never did get around to clicking download.
and now I won't c:
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Apr 2022 : 22:37:32
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Seeing some really sketchy browser behavior when clicking on those links.

I suspect some bottom feeder company has scooped up the URL.

Quite likely. It's been more than a decade since those URLs were posted.
ericlboyd Posted - 06 Apr 2022 : 19:25:50
Seeing some really sketchy browser behavior when clicking on those links.

I suspect some bottom feeder company has scooped up the URL.
PattPlays Posted - 22 Mar 2022 : 02:28:06
What an old scroll! I don't have an answer for you, aji, but nice find! I might just explore this document if the candlekeep download works.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Mar 2022 : 01:05:48
Wow, Northern Journey... I'd not seen mention of that in years!
aji23 Posted - 20 Mar 2022 : 00:29:53
I just want to say how much I love this forum. I'm running Storm King's Thunder, and my players are about to go into Nesme (well, it's ruins). I just downloaded the maps above, and am using the Nesme one as a basis for this encounter.

14 years ago. The links for the are dead. Anyone still around reading this? :)

matthewfenn Posted - 07 Feb 2008 : 09:34:43
Here is a map of Nesme... as created by the members of the Northern Journey campaign...

The next level up which shows where Nesme is located is:

More maps of the realms can be found at
Wenin Posted - 26 Jan 2008 : 12:08:32
Here is an article about Nesme that provides a map of its location.
Ergdusch Posted - 25 Jan 2008 : 22:00:58
I recommand to you the Northern Journey West, available as download at Candlekeep. It has a map of Nesme, a very detailed one.

As for a map that's placing Nesme check out Volo's Guide to the North, if possible.

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