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 I need help to create a crinti sorcerer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fillow Posted - 28 Dec 2007 : 21:16:42
Well met,

my second PC is a crinti rogue (lvl 1, it exists !) who escaped from Dambrath to flee priestresses. The latter want to kill him because he seemed not to be a good warrior, nor a mage, nor a priest but a sorcerer.
He showed intuitive capability to sorcery without any teaching.
I presumed that such a feat would be condamned by crinti matrones.

1/ Is it quite realistic ?

If it is, I'd like to multi class Tharak (my PC) as rogue 1 / Sorcerer 1.
I know nothing about magic. I never played a spellcaster.
2/ What style of magic could adopt such a character ? Do he have to choose a branch ?

3/ I'd also like to get an draconic heritage (from a black Dragon).
But I don't know the way to explain this heritage. Could you ?

I hope I am understandable.
Thanks to all of you Sages of the Realms.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fillow Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 20:25:15
I just want to thank those who helped me in this quest of a new class.
As I wrote in the first post, I never played a spellcaster. So I will play one, but not through my crinti escapee.

I'm now creating, or trying to create a Namer of Oghma.
So... read you soon in another "need help to make a Namer" topic !

And thanks again.
Darkmeer Posted - 14 Jan 2008 : 20:24:46
Rogue into Sorcerer (any race) is pretty viable. The question I have for you is what kind of sorcerer are you going to be? A rogue/Sorcerer could be a bright & flashy distraction-type sorcerer, or a stealthy, aim for the kill right NOW type of a character. Given your heritage, black dragon and Drow and Dambrathan, the Stealty character seems more likely. Also, for the few Ray spells you'll know (such as scorching ray), talk to your DM about substituting Fire for Acid, as it would work with your concept better AND it's not that far of a stretch (and helps with those pesky locks quite well ).

As to skills, Concentration, Knowledge (arcana), and Spellcraft are important, but keep up your rogue skills (if the crinti isn't the brightest in the world, you'll have to sacrifice something to stay sharp as a rogue as well). Other than that, you're pretty well set on your way here.

Fillow Posted - 05 Jan 2008 : 18:48:00
I come back.

After few searches, I realize that the draconic heritage is current and common.
Would somebody do how to make a sorcerer, besides a crinti rogue one, be out of ordinary styles ?

thanks a lot to you for helping me.
Fillow Posted - 30 Dec 2007 : 23:18:38
I'd like you were right Rinonalyrna !
I chose Black Dragon because of the description I found of it in Races of the Dragon.
Races of the Dragon, p.58
Black: You are sly and incisive, which might suit you well for the paths of the rogue and assassin. Your darkly tinged fl esh also aids in such endeavors. You tend to be unpredictable and violent. Your tendencies might favor rapid advancement in societies that value them but make you the object of suspicion in most others.
My crinti is a rogue/assassin and the description of Black Dragon could be te description of my PC !

Others opinions about Black Dragons in Dambrath ?
And about my choice of character and his backstory ?

Thanks a lot.

Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 30 Dec 2007 : 21:53:02
I actually don't see why a black dragon would be out of place--surely there must be swamps in Dambrath?
Fillow Posted - 29 Dec 2007 : 21:26:21
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Are you referring to both Shining South books, or just the 3E one?

Thanks Wooly, I forgot the "old" one.
A friend of mine owns it, I will read it this week-end.

I think I will come back with new questions...

Have a good night (it's half to 23 in FRance !)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Dec 2007 : 16:49:10
Originally posted by Fillow

Thanks a lot Darkmeer.

OK for the Draconic heritage, I'm thinking about it.

About the backstory, I'll look for canon data about crinties. Does it exist other sources than Shining South, the short History of crinti, the Councelors and mages novels to learn about crinti society ?

Not really... That's about all of the lore we have on the Crinti.

Are you referring to both Shining South books, or just the 3E one? There was a 2E sourcebook by the same name, covering the same area ('twas FR16).
Fillow Posted - 29 Dec 2007 : 11:05:31
Thanks a lot Darkmeer.

OK for the Draconic heritage, I'm thinking about it.

About the backstory, I'll look for canon data about crinties. Does it exist other sources than Shining South, the short History of crinti, the Councelors and mages novels to learn about crinti society ?
Darkmeer Posted - 29 Dec 2007 : 01:58:51
Black Dragon in Dambrath seems a bit out of place. I might recommend a Green Dragon or Blue Dragon for the heritage, but that's just me. The logic is about the Forest of Amtar being relatively near for the green dragon, as well as the "wastelands" that are populated by "renegades" for the blue dragon. Black Dragon works if your character is from the underdark in the region, although shadow dragon or deep dragons would also be appropriate. It all matters whether you were a surface crinti or came from below crinti.

Now, as to the reasoning/logic. Depending on which priestesses (sp?) you are using, Loviatar or Lolth, will depend on the history. Running away from Dambrath, even as a crinti/high station person, will be difficult. Perhaps your spellcaster comes from a brighter or happier type of union, fey perhaps? That combination could be why you are a target for assassination and other unpleasantries.

As to spellcasting, unless your GM/DM has a house rule or two, spellcasting is fairly straight forward. Just remember, as a sorcerer you have a harder time with metamagic feats & applying them, but that's about it. Otherwise, it's plug & play.

Yes, it's as realistic as anything gets on Toril. Good luck, and I hope your GM/DM likes the concept as much as you.


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