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 Patron Deity for an NPC

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
webmanus Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 14:23:08
Hi folks,

Any thoughts regarding this NPCs patron deity?
Flarar from Urgarham (NE male Chondathan human Commoner 1, 1318 DR) is an old farmer who lives alone in a cottage in Urgarham Thorp. He likes to travell to other communities in southern Daggerdale and he spends more time listening to gossip than to working his farmland. He distrusts foreigners, and specially non-Dalesmen. Zhents and folks from the Moonsea are not wellcomed to his "village". He thinks that the lord of Daggerdale, Randal Morn, is not fit to rule the dale, nor any member from house Morn. He supports instead the land lord (markherren) of Southland, Vaegn "Champion" (Vaegn kämpe) from Durnmarch (Durnmark).
Flarar's patron god is Chauntea.

I have selected Chauntea, as he is a farmer.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
webmanus Posted - 03 Aug 2005 : 13:13:13
Well met Asgetrion!

Well, the farmer Flarar from Urgarham is evil, in the sense of alignment, but, he does not consider himself to be evil. He is just a simple farmer, that is too much selfish. And of course, he does not consider himself to be selfish. He thinks that all other folks are more or less fools that bother so much with other folks (or loosers), folks that have themself to blame for any missfortune. He is the kind of persons that sees only negatives things. So, as a summary, in one way, he is a kind of "light NE".

Now, he does hates (and fears) beasts that threatens his home, animals, and himself; thus, he makes offerings to Malar in hope that Malar will protect him. And he is afraid to get "eaten up" by a treant; thus, he makes offerings to Silvanus in hoe that Silvanus will protect him. And, he makes offerings to whatever nature diety who could get him killed ... and so on. You might think that it is strange, but I consider that Flarar is afraid of the wild nature, and relies more on Chauntea than any other god. And, based on real worlds books of history that I have read, nature and woods has been something dangerous to mediaval people.
So, that is why this dude is NE, and might have no patron deity ... he thinks that he has one, in Chauntea, but, he did missunderstood some details ... and is doomed.

About my homepage, thanks. I am working on an adventure, but, I am the kind of guy that needs to settle down the whole setting first, to then be able to work on an adventure ... thus, not much of DMing adventures lately ... but more of documenting the realms.

Best regards,
Asgetrion Posted - 03 Aug 2005 : 12:55:34
Well met!

I just wonder about the farmer considering Malar as "evil", considering that his own alignment is NE? I would certainly have considered Talos, Auril, or Malar as suitable patrons for him on the basis of his alignment.

Congratulations on your webpage - it contains some nice and well thought-out Realmslore
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 17:23:38
Originally posted by webmanus

Sorry for that ... it is just as I wrote above ... did not spend much time polishing the sentences ...

webmanus Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 16:13:51
I have updated this NPC. I have not spent too much time with the sentences (the language) ... if you have suggestions on how to improve the language (text/description), please go ahed.
Flarar from Urgarham (NE male Chondathan human Commoner 1, 1318 DR) is an old farmer who lives alone in a cottage in Urgarham Thorp. He knows some few persons, that he calls "friends", in other communities in southern Daggerdale, but to meet them, requires that he travells. Nowadays, he spends more time listening to gossip than to working his farmland.
Flarar believes that the woods are dangerous and he considerers gods such as Malar, Mielikke, and Silvanus are evil. He distrusts foreigners, and specially non-Dalesmen. Zhents and folks from the Moonsea are not wellcomed to his "village". He thinks that the lord of Daggerdale, Randal Morn, is not fit to rule the dale, nor any member from house Morn. He supports instead the land lord (markherren) of Southland, Vaegn "Champion" (Vaegn kämpe) from Durnmarch (Durnmark).
Flarar's patron god is ???.
Flarar from Urgarham: Male Chondathan Human Commoner 1; CR 1/2; Medium-Size Humanoid; HD 1d4+1; hp 3; Init -1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 9; Atk -3 melee (1d6-3, halfspear), -3 melee (1d4-3, dagger), or -1 ranged (1d4-3, 10 ft., dagger); SQ strong sould; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +0; Str 4, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 5, Cha 11. Height 5'9" ft., weight 186 lb.
Skills and Feats: Craft (carpentry) +1, Handle Animal +2, Profession (farmer) +3; Iron Will, Strong Soul (FRCS).
Class Features: Simple Weapon Proficiency (halfspear).
Languages: Chondathan (Daletounge).
Possessions: Peasant's outfit, halfspear, dagger.
webmanus Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 15:57:23
Thanks The Sage,

I prefer to assign patron deities based on regions. For example, for persons from Daggerdale, I attemp to find a suitable patron deity from the following list: Lathander, Mielikki, Silvanus, and Tempus (FRCS, Daggerdale, the Religions entry in page 126). Then, I try to find one from the Dalelands entry (FRCS, page 116): Chauntea, Lathander, Mielikki, silvanus, Tempus, and the Triad.

I do this to promote certains deities in the Dales and further my view, regarding deities, regions, and folks of Faerūn; I like to play with the idea that common folk think as "our deities" and "the deities of foreigners". For example, a farmer from Daggerdale might think of Chauntea as a deity of the Dalesmen, while he thinks of Bane, as a deity of "those 'dark hearted' folks from the Moonsea".
I get the impression of official (canon) FR lore that every peasent of Daggerdale can list the name of all Faerūnian deities and their portfolios. And, I do not like that. I like if folks of Faerūn are ignorant, to some degree.

Maybe, this farmer of mine, Flarar from Urgarham, should not have a patron deity at all. Maybe, Flarar from Urgarham, (falsely) hope that he somehow will not end up in the Wall of the Faithless. He hopes that, although he makes offerings to gods such as Chauntea, he will end in a proper place ... This Flarar would then be one of those few folks that did not read page 232 in the FRCS (Everyone in Faerūn knows that those who die without having a patron deity to send a servant to collect them from the Fugue Plane at their death spend eternity writhing in the Wall of the Faithless ...)

Back to Flarar and possible patron deities, I decided to not assign Silvanus or Mielliki as patrons because this Flarar of mine is afraid of the woods and wild creatures (I will add this to his description). He does make offerings to them, sometimes, but he is not confortable enough with them to have one of them as patron deity.
Shaundakul ... blast me! According to page 23 in the FRCS, he is a god favored by the Dalelands, the North, and Thesk ... Hmmm ... Shaundakul could be ... but ... I have imagined this Flarar as to like to travel, because he has "friends" (well, not really friends ... theyr are more kind of folks with whom he can talk "garbage" (I need to improve my English ...) with and drink some bear) in the other communities ... I should maybe rewrite Flarar ... "he likes to meet his 'friends', but has then to travell (a painfully act for an old farmer) to the other communities".

Hmmm, this Shaundakul ... seems not appropiate to Flarar. And, now looking at the Worshipers Alignment entry for Chauntea (FR AD&D accessory Faiths & Avatars, page 47), I see that Chauntea is not an appropoiate patron either. This Flarar is doomed, if I cannot find a patron for him ... I will update my homepage with more pieces of this Flarar of mine ...

... thanks The Sage.
The Sage Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 14:51:58
Well, he likes to travel -- Shaundakul is a possibility.

I will note however that I don't really see an NE farmer worshipping Chauntea. Then again, religious alignments should never be "static", so I suppose it's possible...

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