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T O P I C    R E V I E W
manachild Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 04:34:49
The last 4 years i've spent gaming in the lands of the flanaess but about 6months ago i picked up the FRCS book and purchased it, although i didnt really get into it then , now i'm very very into the whole setting and it has replaced greyhawk as my favourite setting.

I'd like to know basically soem places that people who are experienced in here enjoy gaming in and running in, as far as places on faerun are concerned.

23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Sep 2004 : 06:01:49
Originally posted by Lysander

That's a shame; the last post I saw from 'em was over on Worlds, where Real Life had intervened.

How did a webcomic intervene?
Capn Charlie Posted - 29 Sep 2004 : 23:11:55
Well, 'twas more an issue of oh so many FR and DND books, and so comparitively few Shadowrun and, I believe, Vampire ones. As well as more comfort with those settings. Either way, though, always sad to lose a FR fan.
Lysander Posted - 29 Sep 2004 : 22:24:59
Originally posted by Capn Charlie

Just as a side note, any suggestions here are no longer really helping Manachild, as he has abandoned the Realms(and DnD in general, for the most part) in favor of other worlds, genres, and settings.

That's a shame; the last post I saw from 'em was over on Worlds, where Real Life had intervened. I hope the hiatus is only a temporary condition but if not... sad to lose 'em.
Capn Charlie Posted - 29 Sep 2004 : 13:45:34
Just as a side note, any suggestions here are no longer really helping Manachild, as he has abandoned the Realms(and DnD in general, for the most part) in favor of other worlds, genres, and settings.
Sergeant of the Guard Posted - 29 Sep 2004 : 13:02:41
Hi and hail to all!

My campaign is set in the Dragonmere coast area and Westgate inperticular. I like the area because I can tailor it to my own tasts and not have to refer to alot of supplements other then the Lords of Darkness book.
Basically the God of Cosmic maddness, Azathoth, is fast approaching the Realms and it up to the players to gather the pieces of an artifact to save the realms from this dark gods maddness.
Thats the over all story arc, beneath that, the players need to retreive the long dead body of a guild lord of thiefs, Go to the Misty Mountains (was the Dragon Spine Mountains) to destroy a statue of Mask and over throw the shadow masks guild. Plus other sub sub plots. Choices are a hallmark of a good DM.

Reefy Posted - 22 Sep 2004 : 01:16:02
The campaign I'm running is set in the Silver Marches and North, which is one of my favourite areas. I'm also partial to Waterdeep and the Western Heartlands, which was the first area to pique my interest in the Realms. You can't go wrong with the Dalelands or Cormyr either, they're not called the Heartlancs for nothing.
Zzdtri Posted - 13 Sep 2004 : 22:35:21
There's no place home...err, Underdark
You should also check out Rashemen, Sword Coast north and Icewind Dale
Hymn Posted - 02 Sep 2004 : 23:11:22
I actually prefer Amn, Tethyr and also Calimshan is an interesting place. But as is written before, it all really comes down to what campaign you are looking to run. Each area have it different sights and sounds. My current campaign is being run on the Moonshaes and the archepielago surrounding it. After that they will probably head back to The Sword Coast.
Seluus Posted - 02 Sep 2004 : 21:33:44
Aye, and I also agree with the many here who say the Dalelands or Cormyr. The Dalelands are varied, and depending on which ones you choose to visit, they can be quite treacherous and full of intrigue. Cormyr is the best place for a traditional Middleages type campaign, for the Monarchy is almost an exact replica of 13th-15th century europe, and it is a great place for young noblemen and women to make a name for themselves...

Jerard Doonsay Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 16:37:28
I've always been partial to the Sword Coast and the Western Heartlands, but the Dalelands are making a big move to favoritism. Really most anywhere is well covered and has it's wonders. It's all a matter of what you're looking for.
Lashan Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 16:02:43
Personally, I think it would be great to go back to 1354 or so and start the campaign. I would then run the whole party through all the changes that happen. This includes Lashan's War, the Retreat of the elves, a couple of invasions by Zhentil Keep, the Time of Troubles (or you can skip this), the Iron Legion trying to retake Tethyammar, the problems in Scardale (including the Burning Plauge), the Daggerdale liberation (ie. Sword of the Dalelands), and a host of others. This way, your players have played through some of the most memorable parts of FR history instead of having been told of them.
zolansilverspear Posted - 19 Aug 2004 : 18:48:34
Originally posted by Lashan

Personally, I think the best place to start is the Dalelands. There are a range of products, such as Volo's Guide to the Dalelands (which is free for download) that detail the Dalelands in a very acceptable way. You are just a jaunt away from Cormyr, Sembia, the Elven Woods, the Moonsea, the Inner Sea, and the Vast. The area is decently populated, but with enough wilderness in between that it makes any adventure possible. It's hard to miss all the ruins everywhere. Plus, I think it has a unique feel that makes it one of the best places.

I completely agree. The existance of Drow and the Ruins of Myth Drannor also gives a few good starting points for the long-breathed campaigns
kahonen Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 12:31:37
Originally posted by Lashan

Personally, I think the best place to start is the Dalelands. There are a range of products, such as Volo's Guide to the Dalelands (which is free for download) that detail the Dalelands in a very acceptable way. You are just a jaunt away from Cormyr, Sembia, the Elven Woods, the Moonsea, the Inner Sea, and the Vast. The area is decently populated, but with enough wilderness in between that it makes any adventure possible. It's hard to miss all the ruins everywhere. Plus, I think it has a unique feel that makes it one of the best places.

I'll second that, Lashan.

No place like the Dalelands.
Lashan Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 11:48:19
Personally, I think the best place to start is the Dalelands. There are a range of products, such as Volo's Guide to the Dalelands (which is free for download) that detail the Dalelands in a very acceptable way. You are just a jaunt away from Cormyr, Sembia, the Elven Woods, the Moonsea, the Inner Sea, and the Vast. The area is decently populated, but with enough wilderness in between that it makes any adventure possible. It's hard to miss all the ruins everywhere. Plus, I think it has a unique feel that makes it one of the best places.
manachild Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 10:54:07
i thank ye most wholeheartedly for letting me know the location of the scroll, it will be most useful to me in my journy into the lands of cormyr.
Alaundo Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 09:19:36
Well met

Thank ye, Purple Dragon Knight. The actual scroll in question is located here.
manachild Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 09:12:09
Yes, i am indeed the dm, and thankyou for your help :)
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 08:46:22
Oh! and make sure you read Jerry Davis' article, "The Military of Cormyr", available in the "What's New" section of

It is a blast, and really useful if you plan to have some of your PCs join the military (if you're the DM: if you're a player, it's useful if you want to make a soldier or knight, or even a War Wizard)
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 08:44:05
Cormyr, lad!!

Cormyr is the ultimate best!!

You can get most of the info for that country in "Volo's Guide to Cormyr", available for free in the WotC FR download section. You can also read "Cormyr: a Novel" for a really good step by step history of the kingdom's development. Moreover, this novel has been written by Mr. Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms!!
manachild Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 06:18:36
thankyou to everyone so far, more oppinions and ideas are welcome i appreciate it :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 06:12:00
There's no place like Waterdeep!

And it's a well-covered place, too -- it's had its own sourcebook and boxed set, as well as a host of other materials...

I'd also recommend Silverymoon. If I had to be anywhere in the Realms, Silverymoon would be my second choice.

No matter where you choose, look into acquiring the Volo's Guide series of books. Those books are some of the richest sources of lore around, and they make places come alive like nothing else can.
manachild Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 06:08:09
i've heard of that place, and silvery moon, anymore people out there want to share the places they love and why? as a new dm i'd like to know what places seem to be of greater interest or popularity if thats not a problem, thanks alot :)
Wood Elf Ranger Posted - 11 Aug 2004 : 05:10:33
The Silver Marches is my favorite at the moment there seems to be quite a lot going on around there especially Silverymoon and the High Forest

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