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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dungeondude Posted - 09 Oct 2014 : 03:26:03
Howdy there!

My Waterdeep campaign launched for my wife and a few close friends, having a ball!

Starting something up for a group who asked me to run something for them, so I'm using Daggerford.

So, would you consider Scourge of the Sword Coast, the most recent information regarding Daggerford?

I ask, simply because I find conflicting things on the web. I BELIEVE, this may be caused by a computer game?

For example, SOTSC has Duke Maldwyn Daggerford, being the man in charge. BUT, I've found things which state there are silver ore mines running, the Daggerford Duke was killed, and that waters are now polluted around the city because of smelting.

IF anyone could "part the fog" for me about these resources, greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dungeondude Posted - 11 Oct 2014 : 03:11:16
I've read Erics thread, he is freaking awesome!

Thank you all for throwing me some insight! Much appreciated!!!!
xaeyruudh Posted - 11 Oct 2014 : 02:53:40
Originally posted by George Krashos

Eric Boyd has re-jigged the "Under Illefarn" old 2E adventure into a grand campaign/sourcebook. It's not publicly available at this time as he wants to see if there is any prospect of an "official" WotC release down the track.

10/10 would buy.
George Krashos Posted - 11 Oct 2014 : 02:41:36
If you're running your campaign in the 4E timeline (i.e. post-Spellplague) then the core FR books and Scourge of the Sword Coast is as much information as you are going to get.

As Markustay alludes, if you want to play Daggerford in the 1350s DR, then Eric Boyd has re-jigged the "Under Illefarn" old 2E adventure into a grand campaign/sourcebook. It's not publicly available at this time as he wants to see if there is any prospect of an "official" WotC release down the track.

-- George Krashos
Markustay Posted - 10 Oct 2014 : 13:06:03
Eric Boyd would be your 'go-to guy' for all things Daggerford - I happen to know he knows more about the place then most of us know about our hometowns. Try asking him in his thread.

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