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 Judge Dread

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Arcanamach Posted - 10 Aug 2014 : 13:22:44
Okay so I have a question. I prefer gritty characters most of the time but was wondering what alignment most would consider Judge Dread. He's all about Justice and has honor to spare in some ways...but it's hard for me to consider him LG and sometimes hard to even consider him LN.

On top of that, what god would most likely 'take him' when he dies. Would Tyr? Hoar/Assuran? (I think yes here)
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Arcanamach Posted - 12 Aug 2014 : 14:10:41
I'm actually thinking of dividing Hoar and Assuran into two separate deities. Assuran would be LN[G] deity of poetic justice while Hoar would be LN[E] god of vengeance/revenge/ retribution. This gives Tyr another assistant (and it looks like 5e is going the way of a lighter poetic justice deity...not that it matters as I still play in the 1e/2e timeframe) while giving us a darker, yet still non-evil, option.
Thauranil Posted - 12 Aug 2014 : 13:52:05
Definitely a Hoarite. I could see him wandering the realms dispensing his harsh band of justice, too harsh for the likes of Tyr too stomach I would think.
George Krashos Posted - 10 Aug 2014 : 13:47:27
He could be a schismatic Tyrran also, but I agree Hoar suits him best.

-- George Krashos
sleyvas Posted - 10 Aug 2014 : 13:38:28
Oh, I'm definitely thinking Hoar/Assuran.... he's the epitome of an Assurite.

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