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 Creating a Tyrinishad

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kusghuul Posted - 31 Oct 2013 : 16:18:03
In my campaign (3.5rd edition, starting in 1369) I'm thinking about having Gargauth create a Siamorph/Tyrinishad, where either god is shown to be an aspect of Gargauth and converts any follower of Tyr or Siamorph to Gargauth. So while it's not as powerful as the Cyrinishad, it's still going to be a minor artifact. I got the inspiration from Cyric looking up Gargauth's old books.

While I'm happy with the idea, I'm not entirely sure how I should make it into an adventure. Does anyone have any ideas?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kusghuul Posted - 01 Nov 2013 : 15:58:16
More to the point, is anyone offering any help on how to create an adventure around the concept? I was thinking maybe some travelling to Sigil or the like, as I may run a 3.5rd edition conversion of For Duty and Deity.
sleyvas Posted - 01 Nov 2013 : 11:41:44
They should have all just killed Deneir..... then with the loss of the god of writing, everyone would have gone stupid and no one would have been able to read the book.

BTW, I am kidding. Bring back Deneir.
Demzer Posted - 01 Nov 2013 : 08:44:24
Wasn't it Oghma and Mask that messed with the thing until Cyric went mad? I always thought that was a spectacular demonstration of how smart deities should behave even if they have grudges or are considered "enemies" or are on unfriendly terms.

That's exactly the kind of manipulation an intrigue deities should be concerned with (other than making their servants butt heads on Toril), instead of going wild killing each other like a bunch of addicts on a paranoid trip.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Nov 2013 : 02:30:51
Originally posted by Ayrik

Other deities were alerted ... but (excepting Tyr's predictable yet impotent outrage) none of them cared to do anything about the situation, aside from Mask (who was constantly repositioning himself within deep layers of intrigue and manipulation at the heart of events for his own shadowy amusement) and Mystra (who opposed Cyric at every step, even though it was not at all her station and mandate to do so and it was none of her thrice-damned Goddy-Two-Shoes business, O Meddling Goddess of Punitive Vengeful Retributions).

The fact that Ao did nothing to demonstrate his concerns over the entire debacle is a very telling and sad commentary in itself. Such a forced-conversion approach might've failed once (or twice) before, and that's not very promising, but it doesn't necessarily indicate that it is an entirely doomed prospect.

The deities of Faerûn copycat each other all the time, often with great success. Supernatural selection.

It wasn't the business of Mystra to oppose something that would, left unchecked, cost her followers? It wasn't the business of Mystra to oppose someone who set himself as her sworn enemy?

I guess, then, that the Cyrinishad wasn't any of Cyric's business, either, since he doesn't have the portfolios of writing, books, or gaining more followers at the expense of other deities.
Ayrik Posted - 01 Nov 2013 : 01:50:01
Other deities were alerted ... but (excepting Tyr's predictable yet impotent outrage) none of them cared to do anything about the situation, aside from Mask (who was constantly repositioning himself within deep layers of intrigue and manipulation at the heart of events for his own shadowy amusement) and Mystra (who opposed Cyric at every step, even though it was not at all her station and mandate to do so and it was none of her thrice-damned Goddy-Two-Shoes business, O Meddling Goddess of Punitive Vengeful Retributions).

The fact that Ao did nothing to demonstrate his concerns over the entire debacle is a very telling and sad commentary in itself. Such a forced-conversion approach might've failed once (or twice) before, and that's not very promising, but it doesn't necessarily indicate that it is an entirely doomed prospect.

The deities of Faerûn copycat each other all the time, often with great success. Supernatural selection.
TBeholder Posted - 01 Nov 2013 : 00:43:06
Sorry, but that's a hopeless copycat is hopeless... And in-universe too.
On his own, Gargauth could have tried this, but following someone else's failed attempt that drove the claimant mad and alerted others?
Ayrik Posted - 31 Oct 2013 : 23:10:07
Cyric apparently defied Ao‘s laws by creating the Cyrinishad, even if one considers that he had assumed Leira‘s portfolios/powers of lies, illusions, and deception.

It‘s a matter of conjecture whether Cyric was punished for these lies. After all, he did drive himself into unstable megalomaniacal insanity by reading his book. What I found curious is that Mask read the book and part of him was so absolutely converted to belief of Cyric that he had to divest himself of the compromised segment of his divine power (and more curiously, that this divinity was immediately absorbed by Cyric rather than becoming a Mask-godling-who-serves-Cyric).

It‘s all moot anyhow - Tyr is a feeble old god, blinded and maimed and crippled by his presumptuous arrogance! You might do better to consider an Asmodaemonicon or Iron Book of Bane or Sharinishadovarad ... these are worthy divine liars!

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